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Pump drawing TsNS_180-297

  • Added: 29.11.2018
  • Size: 423 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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CNS pumps are designed to pump cold water with a temperature of 1 to 45 ° C, with a content of mechanical impurities of not more than 0.2% by weight, with a size of solid particles of not more than 0.2 mm, a microhardness of not more than 1.46 GPa. CNS pumps are used in water supply and pressure increase systems in cold water circuits, in cold water supply systems of industrial, administrative and residential facilities, in drainage systems of coal mines, in water supply systems to oil-bearing formations. Design of section horizontal pump CNS 180-297 Main structural units of pump are housing and rotor. The housing includes suction and delivery line covers, guide vanes, front and rear brackets. Housing of guide vanes, suction and delivery covers are tightened by tightening bolts. Guide vane, ring (with sealing rings) and impeller form pump section. Joints of guide vanes bodies are sealed with rubber rings made of oil and gas-resistant rubber. Due to the fact that the pump body consists of separate sections, it is possible, without changing the supply, to change the head by installing the desired number of impellers and guide vanes with the bodies. At the same time, only the length of the shaft and tie pins changes. Pump rotor consists of shaft, on which impellers, ring, shaft jacket, remote bushing, adjusting rings and unloading disk are installed. All parts on the shaft are tightened by the rotor nut. The rotor supports are two radial spherical bearings installed in the front and rear brackets along a sliding fit, which allows the rotor to move in the axial direction by the value of "run-up" of the rotor. Bearing chambers are sealed with collars installed in bearing covers. Outer side of bracket is closed by cover accommodating rotor displacement control device. Places of shaft exit from housing of bearings and chambers are sealed with gland.

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