PS, PT and EPSS in the depot of electric locomotives and in the warehouse of explosive materials of the mine

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Design documentation in the field of fire alarm, warning and evacuation control system and fire extinguishing for the mining industry (underground method of mining) The project provides for modular powder in an electric locomotive-car depot and modular combined (powder and finely dispersed water) in the warehouse of explosive materials fire extinguishing systems of explosion-proof mine design. IR and EPSS are also in explosion-proof mine design. The project complies with all standards in force at the time of delivery of TR, SP, FNiP, GOST, NPB and other standards, as well as with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.02.2008 No. 87 "On the composition of sections of design documentation and requirements for their content." The project format is due to multi-page customer requirements for design. Text part without frames and stamps. The designer is me.
Project's Content
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Additional information
Information about the executor
List of performers
Composition of design documentation
List of drawings
1 Basis of Design
2 General provisions
3 Description of fire protection
3.1 Description of automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing units
3.2 Description of fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment
3.2.1 Fire control and acceptance devices and controls of automatic fire extinguishing unit
3.2.2 Modular automatic fire extinguishing units
3.2.3 Principle and operating modes of modular automatic fire extinguishing plants
3.3 Fire Evacuation Warning and Control Systems
4 Interconnection of automatic fire extinguishing systems with other systems and engineering equipment of facilities
5 Installation of equipment
5.1 Installation of wiring
5.1.1 Laying of wiring wiring in metal gun
6 Power supply and grounding of equipment
7 Marking and sealing
8 Corrosion protection
9 Safety during installation and operation of plants
10 Operation of plants
11 Specification of equipment, products and materials
12 List of accepted abbreviations
Change Log Sheet
Appendix 1 Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference
Appendix 2 Certificate of Admission to Certain Type or Types of Works That Affect Safety of Capital Construction Facilities
Description of automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing units
Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing system is designed for:
detection of sunbathing at an early stage of fire;
providing an alarm notification about the fire to the mountain dispatcher;
management of warning and evacuation management systems;
start of fire extinguishing systems.
For the organization of automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing units, this project provides for the use of equipment of LLC "UNTC" Electronic Equipment, "Yekaterinburg, LLC" IVC "Tekhnomash," Perm, LLC "ERVIST Company," Moscow. To implement the system, the following equipment is provided:
Fire control and acceptance devices (PPKUP):
Fire control and acceptance device PPU4IETUP sp. 6.11R.S.OP;
Connection panel of fire detectors ETPPI 2.10;
ETPK monitoring panel 2.20.
Fire detectors:
Thermal fire detector IP 1019A3/60 (P);
Remote start-up panel ETPDP1.10.
Fire extinguishing modules:
Powder Fire Extinguishing Module (PWP) Opan-100
WFP Opan-50
Yauza-TRV-1EH fine-sprayed water fire extinguishing module
Location of information output on fire protection units status:
Signals about the state of the installations are output to the control room (a place with a round-the-clock stay of duty personnel).
Description of fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment
Fire Control and Acceptance Instruments and Automatic Fire Extinguishing Unit Controls
"PPU4I" PPPKUP performs the following functions:
monitoring of fire alarm loop condition;
fixation in loops of the following states: "Break," "K.Z.," "Attention," "Fire";
transmission of the following signals "AC" (Accident monitoring), "CP" (heating control), "CP" (Fire monitoring) to the panel;
generation of commands for automatic fire extinguishing equipment control;
serviceability check of electrical circuits of automatic fire extinguishing devices starting;
generation of time delay before actuation of automatic control system;
power supply and fire alarm control;
start of AUPT from remote start button;
sound and light warning;
serviceability check of the device, sound and light signalling;
monitoring of sensors condition in four loops (contacts, sensors-annunciators) of the following states: "Break," "K.Z.," "Fire";
programming of the necessary fire extinguishing system configuration;
process equipment control (ventilation shutdown) and fire alerts;
monitoring of unauthorized opening of the device;
monitoring and charging of the built-in battery pack;
automatic switching to the standby power supply in case of main power loss and back;
ensuring explosion safety of loops and communication lines;
continuous 24-hour operation of the system.
The PPU4I device provides the sound and light indication displaying a state and an operating mode of systems of installation:
availability of operating voltages, serviceability of power supply lines and state of power supply of system units and units;
current mode of plant operation;
condition and serviceability of control and receiving devices;
control of fire extinguishing agent output;
unauthorized opening of devices included in the system.
The device and operation modes of the PDU4I device are described in detail in the Operating Manual of ETUP 6.11R.S.O. (NBIE.437132.006.1 RE (V9.12.2).
Modular automatic fire extinguishing units
Automatic water fire extinguishing modules YaTRV1Ex manufactured by ERVIST Company LLC and powder fire extinguishing modules Opan100 and Opan50 manufactured by Technomash LLC were used as automatic fire extinguishing units.
MPTRV of YauzaTRV1Eh consists of the tight steel casing filled with water with surfactant additive and two gas-generating elements established in special boxes in the case. In the lower part of the module body there is a flange on which a bursting membrane and a nozzle sprayer are installed, which includes five sprinklers and is equipped with a filtering element.
WFP Opan100 (50) consists of a cylindrical housing filled with fire extinguishing powder and a gas generating device located inside the housing in the powder thickness.
The units are designed in accordance with the requirements of sections 9, 12.4, 14 of SP 5.131302009.
MPTRV of YauzaTRV1Eh applies to fire fighting of classes A and B in accordance with GOST 27331, MPP Opan100 (50) - to fire fighting of the classes A, B, C, D, E, and are applied in automatic modular installations of fire extinguishing to protection of all area or local protection of production, warehouse, administration, archival premises, storages of museum values and exhibitions, mines, including dangerous on firedamp.
The project at the protected facilities provides a 100% supply of MPRV YaTVEx and fire extinguishing agent for WFP Opan100 (50).
Fire extinguishing modules with finely sprayed water are suspended on the roof in the center of the VM chamber.
Powder fire extinguishing modules are installed on the soil with mandatory rigid attachment in designated places.
Are established by PPKUP of "PPU4I" on the side surfaces of developments in the allocated places.
Remote start-up panels are installed at evacuation exits outside the protected area and serve for remote start-up of the unit.
To disable automatic control of fire extinguishing during the presence of people at the entrances to the protected areas, button posts "Disable automatic fire extinguishing start" are installed.
Fire detectors are installed on the working roof. In electric locomotive depots, the main factors of the fire are smoke release and flames. At the same time, in view of the content of dust particles in the air of underground structures, the use of optical (reacting to smoke or flame) detectors is not advisable. Thermal explosion-proof threshold detectors "IP1019A3/60 (P)" are used as detectors, performing the following functions:
detection of temperature threshold value;
low probability of false alarm;
continuous 24/7 operation.
As a means of warning about fire and fire extinguishing systems in the underground part of the protection object at the exit from the protected area, a light and sound annunciator and a light annunciator "Leave powder" are used; "Powder do not enter" and "Automation is off" light annunciators at the entrance to the protected area; in the direction of movement to the exits from the protected area - "Direction of movement to the exit" light-and-sound annunciators
Principle and operating modes of modular automatic fire extinguishing plants
In accordance with SP 5.131302009 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing units are automatic. Design Codes and Regulations "automatic fire extinguishing plant control equipment provides the following functions:
sending a signal about the plant actuation to the control room of the mining dispatcher;
automatic monitoring of starter control trunks and starter circuits for short circuit and break;
remote start-up of fire extinguishing systems from the control room of the mining dispatcher;
Normal mode
"Normal" mode is the standby mode corresponding to the system state:
PPPCS power supply from the main power supply;
serviceability of loops;
alert condition of detectors.
In standby mode, the plant continuously monitors its operability, recharges built-in batteries and interrogates fire detectors.
Heating mode
The unit sets to "Heating" mode when one automatic fire detector is activated. The "Heating" signal is transmitted to the receiving control device installed on the protected object. The panel in the control room receives the signal "Heating" with the display of the protected object in which the fire detector was activated.
"Fire" mode
In the "Fire" mode, the plant switches over when two automatic fire detectors are activated, as well as when the remote launch panel installed at the entrance to the protected room (outside) is activated. Contacts of "Fire" relay are switched over. A signal "Fire. The panel in the control room receives a signal "Fire" with the display of the protected object in which the fire detectors worked. Light-and-sound annunciators of the warning and evacuation control system are turned on.
When "Fire" signal is received, PPKPC generates control pulse to start MPRV without delay, to MPP with delay of 30 s. At the same time, a sound signal is turned on in the protected camera.
In case of visual detection of fire, the duty personnel can remotely activate the fire extinguishing system from the PPU4I device or remote launch panel installed at the outlet outside the protected chamber.
"Emergency" mode
In "Emergency" mode, the unit sets to:
in case of a break or short circuit in the fire alarm loop;
receiving a signal about failure of controlled external devices;
if PPPKUP fails, at that further operation of the unit is blocked.
Contacts of relay "Emergency" are switched over.
"Manual start" mode
The unit sets to "Manual start" mode at pressing of "Stop automatic fire extinguishing start" button post. At the same time, the system continues to monitor the protected area for fire, as well as lines for a break and short circuit. When "Heating," "Fire" signals are received, signals are generated to the dispatcher console, and the warning system is activated. Fire extinguishing modules are not started.
Interconnection of automatic fire extinguishing systems with other systems and engineering equipment of facilities
The interconnection of automatic fire alarm systems and automatic fire extinguishing systems with other systems and engineering equipment of the facilities is provided in accordance with the requirements of s.14 SP 5.13130.2009.
Generation of signals for automatic control of fire extinguishing units is carried out when two fire detectors are activated, which are switched on according to logic "I." To implement this requirement, at least 3 automatic fire detectors are installed in each protected chamber, the distance between which is not more than half of the normative one. The distance is determined in accordance with the note to item 14.1 of SP 5.13130.2009.
When automatic fire alarm and/or automatic fire extinguishing units are activated, the following command pulses are output:
to start the warning and evacuation control system in case of fire;
for shutdown of process equipment.
For realization of command impulses contacts of the relay of the PPU4I device and ETPPSO remote controller 3.10 are used
Installation of equipment
Installation works are performed in accordance with:
RD 78.14593 "Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. Rules for production and acceptance of works ";
VSN 2509.67-85 "Automatic fire extinguishing units. Rules for production and acceptance of works ";
SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing units are automatic. Design Codes and Regulations ";
PUE "Electrical Installation Rules";
technical documentation of manufacturers for used equipment.
The location of the process and electrical equipment is shown on the equipment layout plans (see P1050815.02.2MPB sheets 2 to 4 and 6 to 8).
Installation of equipment should be carried out in the places defined by the project, taking into account the mutual arrangement of elements of building structures, the configuration of protected chambers and objects.
Technical means of fire safety systems are allowed for installation only after incoming inspection. Equipment and cable products deformed or damaged protective coatings shall not be installed until damages and defects are eliminated in accordance with the established procedure.
The equipment shall be connected in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and connection diagrams provided by this project.
Locations of equipment and pipelines on the drawings are indicated conditionally and specified during installation.
Products and materials used in the performance of works shall have appropriate certificates, technical passports and other documents certifying their quality. In the event of termination of the certificate (expiration, withdrawal) or discontinuation of the equipment provided by the project, it is necessary to replace it with certified equipment with similar characteristics.
Installation of electrical wiring
In accordance with the requirement of item 4.1 of SP 6.13130.2009, the following cables are provided for laying cable lines of fire protection systems:
to execute loops of the fire alarm KPSngFRLS cable 1х2х0.75;
to execute lines of the notification to annunciators KPSngFRLS cable 1х2х0.75;
mains power supply lines are performed by 3x1.5 FRLS IWGng (A) cable;
to execute communication lines of devices KPSngFRLS cables 1х2х0.75, KPSngFRLS 2х2х0.75 and KVVGNG (A) FRLS 7x1.5.
Routes for laying fire alarm loops and warning lines are shown on equipment layout plans (see P1050815.02.2MB sheets 2 to 4 and 6 to 8).
When laying cables at the points of rotation at an angle close to 90 degrees, the bend radius must be at least seven cable diameters. The distance from the beginning of the bend to the nearest attachment point shall be 10-15 mm.
When laying several cables (wires) along one route, place them close to each other. Position the attachment points in staggered or sequential order (mutually shifted along the length of the wire by 25 mm).
At parallel laying the distance from open wiring to pipelines shall be not less than 100 mm, and to pipelines with combustible gases - not less than 400 mm.
Shielding elements of electrical wiring and metal arms must be grounded.
In case of parallel routing of alarm cables, the horizontal distance in the light between them and other cables must be at least: 1000 mm - to power cables with voltage up to 10 kV, 500 mm - to communication cables.
Distance from wiring cables to places where combustible materials are open shall be not less than 1 m.
Laying of wiring wiring in metal box.
When laying cable lines, protect them against mechanical damage by means of a metal gun, in accordance with the requirements of this project.
Used metal jackets must have an internal surface that prevents damage to the insulation of electrical wiring elements when they are tightened into the sleeve and anticorrosive coating of the external surface. Elements of electrical wiring in metal arms shall be laid freely without tension, their total section shall not exceed 20% of the cross section of metal arms. Attach the metal sleeve with clamps so that moisture accumulation is excluded. Distance between attachment points is not more than 0.25 meters. Attach the metal sleeve on the support structures at a distance from the input: in the instruments - no further than 0.8 meters, in the connecting and extension boxes - no further than 0.3 meters. It is not allowed to attach metal jackets directly to process pipelines, as well as to weld them directly to various structures.
Power supply and grounding of equipment
Power supply with 127 V voltage, 50 Hz AC frequency is performed according to additional technical assignment 1 (Annex 1).
According to the degree of ensuring the reliability of power supply, AUPT, AUPS and EPSS electric receivers belong to category I in accordance with the Rules for the device of electrical installations.
Power supply of control and control devices and peripheral devices of AUPT, AUPS and EMSS is carried out through redundant power supplies connected to the AC network.
Switching to battery power when the network is lost and back, as well as charging the batteries is automatic. Battery power ensures normal operation of the system (in case of loss of mains voltage (127 V, 50 Hz) in standby mode of 24 hour plus 3 hour in "Alarm" mode.
Power supply of active fire alerts is performed directly from PPKUP via communication lines.
Power consumed by the plant shall be taken into account by the design counters of the object.
To protect maintenance personnel from electric shock in case of insulation damage, the use of electrical equipment housings is provided. The electrical equipment is occupied by metal connection of their housings to the neutral of the power supply circuit, for which the working zero cores of the supply cables are used. The equipment is grounded by mechanically connecting the corresponding equipment terminal with the "Earth" terminal of the electrical panel using a free cable core.
All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not normally energized, but which may be under it, due to insulation violation, are subject to grounding - fire automation devices and panels, terminal boxes, pipes for wiring, electrical equipment cabinets.
Grounding and connection of the plant instruments and equipment shall be performed in accordance with PUE and comply with the requirements of the technical documentation for the equipment.
Marking and sealing
Upon completion of installation, the following information is displayed at PPKUP:
name of protected workings;
loopback addresses;
information about the type and number of detectors connected to this device .
Upon completion of commissioning and commissioning of the plant, the receiving and control devices, devices for remote starting of the fire extinguishing system (with the exception of those installed in the places where the duty personnel are located) shall be sealed by a representative of the installation and installation organization.
Corrosion protection
Corrosion protection shall be provided for pipelines, auxiliary steel structures for the attachment of detectors and equipment, as well as metal structures for the attachment and laying of cables and pipelines.
Protection is carried out by application of EP-0010 ground-stud by air-free spraying.
Apply the soil-trellis at ambient temperature not lower than 5 ° С and humidity not more than 85% on the cleaned surface. The surface to be protected must be degreased with gasoline, acetone or white spirit. Before application of the coating, the soil-stuffing is diluted to working viscosity with R-4 solvent. The composition should be applied in at least 3 layers. Each subsequent layer must be applied after drying of the previous layer .
Safety during installation and operation of plants
Persons who have undergone special training and training in safe working methods, check knowledge of safety rules and instructions in accordance with their position and have a qualification group not lower than III in relation to the work performed according to GOST 12.0.004 shall be allowed to work with the installations.
Prior to installation and operation of the plant, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the technical description for the equipment of the manufacturers.
To ensure safe operation of the plant, the project provides for:
Protective grounding (grounding) of the unit elements, which may be energized as a result of insulation damage;
In terms of environmental protection, the plant provides the relevant technical documentation requirements for the equipment used during operation, maintenance, testing and repair. Due to the absence of harmful effects on the environment, there are no special measures for environmental protection.
МПБ.ПТ Том 15.2 Раздел 9 Часть 2 Книга 2.dwg

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