Project of an individual residential building with an erker in the village of Vohma

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Diploma project of a residential building for students of a construction college
Project's Content
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Additional information
Section 1. Architectural - constructive
1. Characteristics of the land plot
2. Description of substantiation of the accepted space-planning solutions of the building, TEP
3. Description of structural and technological solutions of the construction facility
4. Stair Calculation
5. Description of exterior decoration
6. Description of solutions for building decoration
Section 2. Technology and organization of construction
1. Process sequence of works during construction of capital construction facilities
2. Construction Master Plan:
Description and justification of decisions on safe working methods
Sizing warehouses
Sizing temporary buildings and structures
Description of the facility fire safety system for the construction period
3. Routing:
Characteristics of the accepted process flow chart;
Rationale for core resource requirements;
List of occupational safety measures
4. Schedule. Work Movement Schedule
1. Work Count List
2. Bill of Quantities
Section 3. Budget
1. Explanatory note to the estimates
2. Local estimate
1. Characteristics of the land plot
A plot measuring 39x53 m was allocated for the construction of the building.
Improvement of the site after completion of construction includes vertical layout, artificial covering of sites and driveways, and landscaping.
On the general plan there are: a designed building, adult recreation grounds, a gazebo, an outdoor pool, a parking lot for cars, an artificial reservoir, a pool and a fruit garden .
The recreation area has paving tiles. Benches are installed on the site.
Driveways and sidewalks have asphalt pavement.
Entry to the site is organized on the south side.
Throughout the territory of the site, landscaping was carried out, consisting of trees of deciduous and coniferous species, shrubs of ordinary and group planting, flower beds and lawns.
The main rooms of the designed building are oriented to the south and southeast. This orientation is adopted taking into account insolation and ventilation. For this area (Vohma village), the north and east wind is predominant.
The relief of the site is calm with a slope to the northeast. Water runoff is arranged towards storm sewage.
Geological studies have shown that 0.2 m soup and clay lie on the site.
Groundwater lies at a depth of 6 m from ground level.
Description and substantiation of the accepted space-planning solutions of the building, TEP
The building has dimensions in axes 1-4 = 11.34 m and axes A-B = 10.14 m.
The height of the building is 10.27 m, the height of the 1st floor is 3.0 m, the attic is 2.7 m, the garage is 2.3 m, the basement is 2.43m.
Key indicators:
• living area - 87.09 m2;
• total area - 261.51 m2;
• building area 160.25 m2
• construction volume - 1497.39 m3
Engineering equipment provided for by this project:
• water supply - independent water supply (pump equipment);
• sewage - autonomous drainage (two pit pits);
• heating and hot water supply - from a boiler with gaseous fuel;
• gas supply - central gas pipeline;
• electric power supply - from the 220/380 V street power grid.
The layout of the house is compact and convenient: a rather spacious entrance hall and kitchen, for outerwear at the entrance there is a dressing room. There is also an exit from the entrance hall directly to the summer veranda and to the courtyard. There are no passing rooms, the volume of the kitchen room meets modern requirements for the placement of thermal units in the kitchen, two exits are provided in the house. The attic floor is located in two levels, above the main part of the house and above the garage. Garage with technical room has a separate entrance. The living room has a second light and a semicircular erker. The house has a basement with a floor height of 2.43 m.
Description of exterior decoration
Lining a house with aerated concrete with brick is the most effective, reliable method of lining aerated concrete houses, but at the same time, and the most labor-intensive. However, it is better to do all these difficult works once, but subsequently for many years not to think about finishing the house.
Brick lining is usually made with a thickness of one brick and is made as ordinary brickwork, in which it is necessary to set beacons, monitor the correct level and clear vertical masonry.
In the lining of the walls of an aerated concrete or gas silicate house, it is best to produce high-quality facing hollow or silicate bricks. If the walls are lined with ordinary red brick, then later it will be necessary to also plastering the house, which is already an extra cost of money, strength and time.
Lining of aerated concrete walls with brick can be done both close to the walls, and leaving some space between brickwork and aerated concrete.
If it is decided not to leave the space between the wall and the masonry, then in no case can they be fastened with cement. The thing is that these materials are completely different in terms of the coefficient of linear expansion, and when there is a strong heat or, on the contrary, frost strikes, the lining, if it is rigidly connected to the wall, will simply collapse. Therefore, you should be very careful and careful.
There are two ways to properly connect a brick cladding to a capital wall.
In the first method, during the laying of aerated concrete blocks, thick bars are laid between them so that the ends look at least 10 centimeters. Then, during brickwork, these peaking ends of the wire are laid in the brickwork, as if mounting in it.
The second method of connecting a brick lining to an aerated concrete wall consists in the fact that a long metal pin with a washer of at least 10 centimeters is clogged into the aerated concrete block, and this should be done after laying a row of facing bricks. Then, at least half of the thickness of the metal pin itself is deepened in the brickwork, and then, in subsequent rows of facing masonry, the pins overlap, thus forming a very strong, reliable structure.
In the process of lining the aerated concrete walls of the house with brick, there is another very important point: when laying with an indentation from the capital wall, every 4 rows it is necessary to lay bricks across the main masonry so that they rest on the capital wall of the house. At the same time, the distance between the aerated concrete wall and the brick lining is maintained with a width of exactly one brick, in this case it is not necessary to rock whole bricks, laying them across. Insulation must be put into the resulting hollow spaces.
Description of solutions for building decoration
The interior decoration of the premises uses materials that meet sanitary, aesthetic and fire protection requirements.
In the residential part - hallway, hallways, living room, bedrooms:
- ceilings - tension;
- walls - lining with wallpaper.
- floors - linoleum, plastic plinth.
Bathroom, bathroom, toilet:
- ceilings - tension;
- walls - ceramic tiles;
- floors - ceramic tiles for floors.
- walls and ceilings - lining with wallpaper, apron made of ceramic tiles;
- floors - linoleum.
- balconies - cement sand. coupler
- ceramic tiles for floors.
- walls - plaster and painting with acrylic paint;
- floors - cement-sand bracing.
Process sequence of works during construction of capital construction facilities
1. Earthworks - are carried out mechanically with the help of an excavator and a driver of the 6th category, excavators of the 2nd category.
Manufactured in accordance with the requirements of SP 45. 13330.2012.
Cutting of the vegetable layer, layout is carried out by a bulldozer.
2. Installation work - installation of pillow blocks begins with laying of corner pillow blocks.
Installers of 4 and 3 discharges are performed. Slabs and coverings are mounted with KS55744 crane.
3. Stone works - the first row of gas concrete blocks lies on cement and sand mortar
Proportions of which must be 1:3. After the masonry is made in the corners, the layout cord is stretched between them, all other rows will be placed on it.
Masons of 5 and 3 categories are performed.
4. Carpentry works - Carpentry works include work on the construction of wooden roofs (rafters, grills), as well as work on the manufacture of auxiliary devices (scaffolding, scaffolding). First, wood is treated, then cut and installed wooden structures. Operations are performed by carpenters of 4, 3, 2 discharges.
5. Roofing works - installation of a screen, installation of roofing material, installation of a horse, suturing of cornice overhangs, installation of fences on the roof,
The drain system elements are installed. Works are performed by roofers of 4 and 3 discharges.
6. Installation of windows and doors - The installation of a window block in the wall opening is controlled by a universal level - an elbow. Correctness of window box installation (without flaps) is checked by tensioned cord by equality of diagonals. After reconciliation, window block is fixed with wedges in wall opening. They are clogged between the wall and the window box. Window, door boxes are attached to stone walls with anchors.
7. Plaster Works - Plastering begins after preparatory work. The plastering process consists of spray (up to 5 mm thick), application of soil layers (5... 7 mm each) with leveling and covering (up to 2 mm) with rubbing.
8. Painting works - begin painting from the window (applied in a thin layer), then the paint is feathered. Operation of 3-bit painters is performed.
9. Floor arrangement - Rough floor attachment, waterproofing layer laying, further
The flooring of heat-insulating materials, the laying of steam insulation, the arrangement of the flooring of the clean floor should be followed. Works are performed by liners of 3 and 4 discharges.
Construction Master Plan
• Description and substantiation of safe work methods solutions
Labor protection in construction is a system of interconnected legislative, socio-economic, technical, hygienic and organizational measures, the purpose of which is to protect the health of workers from industrial hazards and accidents and provide the most favorable conditions that contribute to increased productivity and quality of work.
Occupational safety includes issues of labor legislation, safety, sanitary and hygienic measures, fire safety, as well as supervision and monitoring of compliance with the requirements of labor safety standards and rules.
Labour legislation regulates the procedure for the relationship between workers and the administration, the regime of working hours and rest of workers, the working conditions of women and adolescents, the procedure for the admission, transfer and dismissal of workers, various benefits and advantages for various categories of workers, etc.
Safety precautions are a combination of organizational and technical measures and means to prevent exposure of workers to hazardous industrial factors, i.e., those whose exposure to the worker leads to injury or other sudden deterioration of health.
Safety standards and regulations applicable to construction, installation and special construction works, regardless of the departmental subordination of the organization performing these works, are contained in SNII480 "Safety in construction." Construction engineers, as well as foremen, must be well aware of and strictly observe the instructions given in the SNiP on the duties and responsibilities of the administrative and technical personnel of the safety and industrial sanitation construction, which determine the procedure for the implementation of labor protection measures.
At construction sites, where as construction and installation processes are completed, the situation and working conditions of workers often change and joint work can be carried out by several organizations, ensuring compliance with safety rules is not only responsible, but also a difficult task. To successfully solve this problem, high quality of design solutions, active development of PIR, including process charts, are required. It is necessary to ensure high quality of used materials of products, structures and construction machines and mechanisms, effective sound or light alarm. Inventory and installation equipment used in construction shall meet all safety requirements.
In accordance with the current norms and regulations, the construction administration must organize training, study and verification of the knowledge of workers and technical personnel in the field of safety, with mandatory documentation of it. New construction workers can be allowed to work only after they have received an introductory (general) safety instruction and safety instruction directly at the workplace. In addition, within no more than 3 months from the date of admission to work, they must undergo training in safe methods of work according to the approved program. Safety training shall be provided when changing to a new job, as well as when operating conditions change. Safety knowledge of both workers and engineers should be tested annually.
Workers are allowed to work in particularly hazardous and harmful industries (installation of structures at height, refractory, acid-resistant and insulating works, processes using radioactive substances, etc.) only after appropriate training and passing the exam.
Employees in hazardous and harmful conditions should be given individual protective equipment to prevent the occurrence of accidents, and workwear that protects the body from the influence of harmful environmental factors. Persons who do not have appropriate personal protective equipment, including overalls and overcoats, are not allowed to work.
In order to better understand safety rules, memos are issued for workers in various professions. A significant effect on injury prevention is provided by visual agitation in the form of catchy posters hung near workplaces in domestic premises.
Sanitary and hygienic measures based on the study of the effects of working conditions on the body and human health, and thus closely related to the scientific organization of labor, provide sanitary and hygienic services for workers both in workplaces and in domestic premises. Such measures include: creation of normal air environment at workplaces, illumination, elimination of harmful effects of vibration and noise, equipment of necessary domestic and sanitary premises, etc.
Fire safety includes a set of measures to prevent fires, improve the fire condition of buildings and structures, reduce fire danger during production processes. Builders are obliged to strictly comply with fire safety requirements at all stages of construction, starting from preparatory work. To this end, temporary buildings and structures erected in the preparatory period should be built strictly according to the construction and work organization projects, having previously agreed with the fire protection authorities.
On construction sites it is necessary: to ensure the correct storage of materials and products in order to prevent the ignition of flammable and combustible materials, to protect welding sites, to clean up construction debris in a timely manner, to allow smoking only in specially designated places, to strictly observe other fire safety rules, as well as to keep all fire extinguishing equipment (water supply lines with hydrants, fire extinguishers, alarm devices, and fire fighting equipment in constant readiness.
Labour protection is supervised and supervised by State supervision bodies and inspectorates, public supervision bodies, public inspectors and the builders themselves.
• Characteristics of the accepted process flow chart
Prior to installation of slabs, organizational and preparatory measures shall be performed in accordance with SNiP 3.01.0185 "Organization of Construction Production," as well as all works in accordance with the construction plan developed in the project of work execution for each specific object.
In addition, the final fixation of all the underlying structures must be performed with the execution of the certificate of acceptance of the work performed in accordance with SNiP 3.01.0185; delivery to the installation area of the necessary installation devices, equipment and equipment; workers and ITR should be familiarized with the work execution project, the technology and organization of work, trained in safe working methods.
Floor slabs are delivered to the area of the installation crane. The structure stock shall be in full gripping demand.
Slabs coming to the construction site shall comply with the design (working drawings), valid GOST, specifications for reinforced concrete products.
Installation of floor slabs is carried out by one car crane KS55744, in one parking lot. Sling and lifting of floor slabs shall be performed using four-branch sling.
Installation of floor slabs begins with masonry of the extreme panel, attaching it to the design position. Installation of extreme panels is carried out from additional metal stairs as per GOST 2688786, and the following slabs from the previously installed slab. When installing structures, use haircuts from hemp rope to prevent swinging and rotation of structures, as well as for aiming structures. After installation of floor slabs, perform instrumental check of mounted elements with compilation of as-built drawings of structures.
Seal the seams between the panels with concrete mixture. Lay the floor panels on the solution pastel. Connect laid panels to each other, as well as to external walls with connecting elements. Monolithic sections are made using inventory formwork.
Reinforcement to the floor is delivered by placer, connection of rods to each other is made by knitting wire. Before concrete laying it shall be accepted in accordance with GOST 3.01.0185 and executed by acts for all hidden works. Concreting of cast-in-situ floors is performed manually. Concrete mixture is supplied by crane in BVP1.0 tanks. Care for laid concrete should be carried out by coating concrete with moisture-intensive materials (sawdust, tarpaulin), which must be moistened periodically.
Unraveling of cast-in-situ areas is allowed after concrete is 80% of design strength.
Works on installation of floor slabs and electrical welding of joints are performed by the structure installers link:
- assembler of structures of 4 sizes -1 people. (M1);
- 3-2 people structural installer. (M2 and M3);
- erector of structures of 2 sizes -1 people. (M4).
The assembler of structures of the 4th category (M1), which is part of the link, has an adjacent profession - electric welder of manual electric arc welding of the 5th category.
Work on grouting joints with concrete is carried out by installers M4 and M3.
Methods and sequence of works.
The M4 installer prepares the slab for lifting: inspects, cleans from dirt, knocks down concrete strains from embedded parts.
According to the signal of the M4 installer, the crane driver supplies the sling and lowers it above the plate. The M4 installer turns the sling hooks into the mounting loops of the plate. After the sling is tensioned, the M4 installer checks the correctness and reliability of the sling and moves to a safe distance. The crane driver supplies the plate to the installation site. The installers M2 and M3, being on opposite scaffolds, accept the supplied plate at a height of not more than 30 cm from the installation site. Installers M2 and M3 hold the plate behind the ends and fix its position. With the help of mounting breakers, installers M2 and M3 install a plate for risks applied to embedded parts of girders.
After correctness of plate installation is checked, M1 installer welds it to embedded parts of girders. Only after that, on the command M2, the crane driver eases the tension of the sling and goes to the place of installation of the next floor slab.
When the seams between the floor slabs are frozen, the M4 installer provides the concrete mixture to the slab, accepts it into the container, and the M3 installer, carefully cleaning the seam from construction debris, pours the seams.
Operational quality control for board installation is performed in accordance with SNiP 31684.
Allowable deviations during installation of floor slabs:
- displacement in plan of plates relative to their design position on reference planes - 13 mm
- difference of elevations of face surfaces of adjacent slabs in joint with plate length exceeding 4 m - 10 mm.
The "System Scientific Organization of Labor, Safety, Sanitation and Occupational Health" shall be used in the performance of works.
Construction Administration shall:
- provide the rigger with strong tested load-gripping devices of the corresponding lifting capacity;
- issue the slinging diagram of the slabs to the crane driver and rigger or put it on the work site.
When lifting the plates, the alarm is mandatory:
- all signals to the crane driver are supplied by one person - rigger.
When moving, the plate must be raised at least 0.5 m higher than the obstacles encountered in the path. It is forbidden to carry the stove over people, as well as to be in the crane area.
Prior to the commencement of work, the master or manufacturer of work shall acquaint the installers with the present instructions and instruct on the safe performance of work.
• Justification of core resource requirements
The project requires the following resource types:
- Electricity. Connection to electrical networks is carried out through the existing transformer substation. The required voltage is 0.4 kV, the required capacity will be determined during the development of design documentation.
- Water. The connection is from existing networks. The required pressure and flow will be determined during the development of the design documentation.
• List of occupational safety measures
Erection works are the most dangerous of the entire complex of construction and installation works, as they are associated with the movement and installation of heavy structural elements and are usually at high altitude.
The installation process area, i.e. work area, storage areas, pre-assembly and transportation of elements from the ground to the installation site shall be marked on the construction site. Special attention should be paid to the high-risk area - the operation of several mounting mechanisms on adjacent mounting areas, at one or different levels of vertical work.
Workers are allowed to install and perform auxiliary work on unloading, storage and slinging of prefabricated elements only after induction training. Installers of at least the 4th category, over 18 years of age and with at least two years of experience are allowed for the performance of top-track work. To obtain a permit, you must complete a safety training course and pass the necessary tests. Knowledge is checked at least once a year, medical examination is carried out at least twice a year.
Load-gripping devices, slings and other equipment shall be provided with tags indicating carrying capacity. They are tested for double loading at least twice a year, according to the results of the examination, special passports are issued.
When operating at height, the installers necessarily put on the mounting belts and by means of a chain with a fastening device they engage themselves to the hinges of the mounted structures or to the tensioned and fixed cables. The working tool must be in boxes or bags to avoid falls. When lifting elements to prevent their swinging or twisting, they are necessarily taken for stretching. It is forbidden to leave raised elements on weight at interruptions in operation. Lifting of any loads is permitted only in the vertical position of the erection crane polyspast, that is, without lifting the lifting element. The load to be lifted must be less than or correspond to the lifting capacity of the installation crane on this boom departure; the corresponding table of dependence of departure and lifting capacity must be posted at the driver's workplace.
Passages and driveways are arranged on the construction site, signs of dangerous and forbidden zones are fixed in prominent places. At night, the construction site is necessarily illuminated. After each repair, the load-gripping devices shall be subjected to a load test 1.25 times their normal carrying capacity with a holding time of 10 minutes. The results of inspections of the load-gripping devices shall be recorded in the log. Inspections are performed: for traverses every 6 months; for slings and containers - every 10 days; for other captures - in a month.
It is not allowed to perform installation and post-installation works on the same grip, but on different horizons. In some cases, an exception is made, but the level gap should not be less than three floors.
Boundary of hazardous zone is determined by distance horizontally from possible place of cargo fall at its movement by crane. This distance at maximum lifting height up to 20 m shall be not less than 7 m, at height up to 100 m - not less than 10 m, at higher height its size shall be set in the work design.
The installed intermediate slabs and coverings shall be protected prior to the commencement of the following works. This requirement is not met during the installation of large-panel and large-block buildings, but installers working on the last installed floor must be attached by safety belts to reliable elements of building structures
Special precautions should be taken when weather conditions change. Installation works at altitude in open places at wind speed of 15 m/s and more, at ice, thunderstorms and fog are not allowed. Work on the movement and installation of large-sized wall panels and similar structures with high sailing speed should be stopped at a wind speed of 10 m/s or more.
Great attention during installation should be paid to safe welding techniques, which exclude electric shock and fire hazard. Do not perform welding operations in rain, during thunderstorms, heavy snowfall and wind speed more than 5 m/s.
Schedule. Work Movement Schedule
Schedule - a design and technological document that determines the sequence, intensity and duration of work, their relationship, as well as the need for material, technical, labor, financial and other resources used in construction.
The task of scheduling is to organize and process the work performed by different departments, taking into account the possibilities of rational provision of these work by all types of labor and material and technical resources, compliance with the established deadlines for entering objects. When drawing up the schedule, the duration of the construction of the facility is taken into account, it should not exceed the standard duration.
This project provides for the development of a calendar plan for the construction of a residential building, for the performance of types of work assigned to teams, their quantitative, professional and qualification composition is determined.
Schedule development procedure:
1. A list of works is drawn up, according to which their scope is determined for each type of work;
2. Selection of main works and leading machines is made;
3. Based on the SNiP data, the labor intensity of the work is calculated;
4. The composition of links and brigades is determined;
5. Process sequence of works execution is identified;
6. Work replacement is established;
7. The duration of works and their combination among themselves are determined, at the same time, according to these data, the number of performers and shift is adjusted;
8. The estimated duration is compared with the standard duration and the necessary adjustments are made.
The following rules must be followed when grouping:
- it is impossible to combine works performed by different performers;
- The work is planned in detail and displayed in conjunction with the next one.
The schedule consists of two parts. Input data is recorded in the left part, and the work schedule is presented in the right part. The due dates are linked to the calendar that is placed on the left side of the schedule.
The duration of the work is shown in a continuous line in the graph, if the work is carried out in the first shift and dotted, if the second.
The number above the line indicates the number of workers.
On the basis of the calendar schedule, which shows the numbers above each work, the number of workers employed in its execution is built directly under the schedule of the consolidated schedule of movement of specialized and complex teams, and workers' links.
The work flow schedule allows you to determine the required number of workers in time. Efforts should be made to ensure that the number of workers in this profession at the site remains as constant as possible .
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