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Project of a two-story 8-apartment townhouse


"AP" grade drawings, no structures, there is DBE

Project's Content

icon обложка.doc
icon П-записка.doc
icon титульник.doc
icon АР_1.dwg
icon АР_2.dwg
icon АР_3.dwg
icon АР_4.dwg
icon АР_5.dwg
icon АР_6.dwg
icon АР_7.dwg

Additional information


Volume Content

Composition of design documentation

Text Part

Special Notes

Architectural Solutions

Technical and economic indicators

Graphic part

AR grade drawings

General Data

Plan of finishing works of the technical subpole at elevation -2.

Finishing plan of the 1st floor at the elevation of 0,

Finishing plan 2 floors at el. + 3.300. Section 1-

Facade I -V. Facade G- A

Facade V- I. Facade A- G

1 Special Notes

1. The project was developed in accordance with state norms, rules and standards.

2. The adopted technical solutions comply with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, fire and other regulations in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, ensure safe operation of the facility for life and health of people, subject to the measures envisaged by the project.

3. Architectural Solutions

The designed townhouses are blocked two-level apartments with individual entrances from the street. Also from each apartment there is a second exit to the site from the side of the courtyard facade. The second - the attic floor of the townhouse is connected to the first with the help of an internal staircase. Each apartment has a built-in garage connected to the premises of the apartment through the door in the hallway. On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, kitchen room, toilet. On the second: bedrooms and bathroom.

The pitched roof is divided by firewalls 0.6 m high through every two sections (apartments).

A technical underground has been designed for the passage of communications and use as a cold storage room, access to the technical sub-floor is carried out from each apartment through the hatch.

Height 1 floor 3.3 m from floor to floor.

Height of 2 attic floors from 3.1m to 4.7m in purity.

Height of the technical floor is 1.9 m in purity.

Each apartment has individual heating using gas boilers located in the kitchen-dining room. Kitchens - dining rooms are also equipped with gas stoves.

The project laid down the decoration of floors: in residential rooms, kitchens, linoleum corridors, bathrooms, bathroom - ceramic tiles.

Windows with triple glazing individual plastic.

Internal doors as per GOST 662988.

External doors - individual metal reinforced, insulated.

The exterior decoration used: decorative plaster tinted in mass, planken finish from larch, basement - clinker tiles for brick.

Roof - profiled Rannila sheet, Rannila drainage system.

Drawings content

icon АР_1.dwg


icon АР_2.dwg


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