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Project for the reconstruction of the medium-pressure network of Novaya Adygea of the Republic of Adygea


The final qualification work contains 68 pages of typewritten text, including 4 tables and 12 figures, as well as a list of used literary sources, consisting of 21 titles.

This paper presents the technology of construction of an underground medium-pressure gas pipeline, technological and constructive solutions of a linear object, substantiates the route of laying and conducts a hydraulic calculation of a medium-pressure gas pipeline. 

An economic analysis has been carried out and economic indicators of the efficiency of the construction of a medium-pressure gas pipeline have been calculated. The work includes sections on life safety, and environmental protection.

Project's Content

icon Камила Экономика.pdf
icon Графическая часть.dwg
icon Камила ГРПШ.pdf
icon Камила ГНБ.pdf
icon Графическая часть.bak
icon Камила Схема.pdf
icon Камила План-профиль.pdf
icon Камила Схема работ.pdf
icon Диплом.docx
icon 4027-Г-2017-Г-д с ШГРП к ЖК Другие Берега_Изм_2021_02 (1).pdf
icon 4027-Г-2017-Г-д с ШГРП к ЖК Другие Берега_Изм_2021_02.dwg

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Drawings content

icon Графическая часть.dwg

Графическая часть.dwg

icon Диплом.docx

icon 4027-Г-2017-Г-д с ШГРП к ЖК Другие Берега_Изм_2021_02.dwg

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