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Project for the production of railway wheels with a capacity of 140 thousand pieces per year


The purpose of this final work is to design the production of railway wheels based on the existing one. It was necessary to analyze the premises and equipment of the base workshop, and using the data obtained, give an example of your own project.


In the first chapter, the main calculations and substantiation of general solutions are carried out. On the basis of the results obtained, the necessary equipment was selected, then a detailed description of the layout of the designed workshop was given, the graphic design of which is presented on the first two sheets of the graduation project.


The second chapter includes the casting manufacturing technology, which is included in the general range of manufactured products, the gating system is calculated and the choice of molding materials is justified. In addition to the section in the explanatory note, four mandatory sheets on technology were also completed.


The fourth analyzes the dangerous and harmful production factors of the foundry that affect the health of the people working in it, as well as recommendations for eliminating these factors.


Industrial ecology is given the fifth chapter. An analysis of the environment of the base enterprise was made, possible emissions and wastes were listed, and measures for their disposal were proposed.


The feasibility study of the project is the final chapter. Calculations of all capital investments and costs are made, the end result of which is a conclusion about its payback.

Project's Content

icon 2 Разрез цеха.frw
icon спец горелка.frw
icon пояснилка.docx
icon 5 горелка печи.frw
icon 4 разрез печи.cdw.frw
icon 3 К.Печь.frw
icon 1 Цех.frw
icon спец печь.frw
icon спец цех.frw

Additional information

Drawings content

icon 2 Разрез цеха.frw

2 Разрез  цеха.frw

icon спец горелка.frw

спец горелка.frw

icon 5 горелка печи.frw

5 горелка печи.frw

icon 4 разрез печи.cdw.frw

4 разрез печи.cdw.frw

icon 3 К.Печь.frw

3 К.Печь.frw

icon 1 Цех.frw

1 Цех.frw

icon спец печь.frw

спец печь.frw

icon спец цех.frw

спец цех.frw

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