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Production and technical infrastructure, basics of operation and safety of oil and gas supply facilities

  • Added: 18.06.2015
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In this course work, we calculated the capacity of the tank farm of the oil depot, chose 2 tanks with a nominal volume of 5000 m3, a diameter of 22.8 m, a height of 12 m (attached is the schematic diagram of the transshipment and distribution oil depot). The walls of the tank were calculated for strength, as a result of which the desired thickness of the tank wall was determined, which was 0.0060 m.

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Terms of reference for course work in the discipline:

"Production and technical infrastructure, basics of operation and safety of oil and gas supply facilities"


Calculation of tank farm capacity

Tank Volume Definition

Define the geometric volume of the tank

Selection of tanks

Tank wall strength calculation

Determination of the stress acting on the tank walls

Determination of allowable stress taking into account brittle


Tank resource calculation

Determination of tensile stress in the tank wall

at maximum load

Determination of voltage concentration factor

Determination of stress amplitude at the design point

Determine the number of tank cycles prior to formation

cracks without taking into account corrosion effects

Determining the Environmental Impact Factor

Determine residual tank wall resource before formation

corrosion cracks

Determine the residual life of the tank


List of used literature


Oil storage (oil depot, oil terminal) is an industrial facility for the storage of oil and oil products. The oil storage can be distribution or transshipment, as well as transshipment. In general, such storage is a tank located on the ground and/or underground, as well as a platform for receiving/shipping stored products to transport (railway tanks, tank trucks, tankers, etc.) or to an oil pipeline.

As a rule, finished oil products are received in the oil storage.

The main current tasks of the oil depots are:

- ensuring uninterrupted supply of oil products to consumers in the required quantity and assortment;

- ensuring preservation of quality of petroleum products and minimizing their losses during reception, storage and release to consumers.

- determination of tank farm capacity;

- determination of tanks strength;

- determination of tanks resource;

- image of the designed oil depot plan.


In this course work, we calculated the capacity of the tank farm of the oil depot, chose 2 tanks with a nominal volume of 5000 m3, a diameter of 22.8 m, a height of 12 m (attached is the schematic diagram of the transshipment distribution oil depot). The tank walls were calculated for strength, as a result of which the desired thickness of the tank wall was determined, which was 0.0060 m. The tank life and service life were also determined: years.

List of used literature

Shalai V.V. Design and operation of oil depots and gas stations: textbook/V.V. Shalai, Yu. P. Makushev. - Omsk: Publishing House of Omsk State Technical University, 2010. – 296 pages.

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