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Process of pump housing part

  • Added: 21.06.2015
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Calculation explanatory note, detail drawings, technical process - course.

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Service assignment of the part. Work Drawing Analysis

Process Drawing Development

Part Processability Analysis

Selecting the Type and Method of Procurement

Select how to treat individual surfaces

Selection and justification of basing and installation schemes

Development of route technology and transition operations

Calculation of allowances and interoperative dimensions

Calculation of basing error by operations

Select equipment, tools and tooling

Purpose of Cutting Modes

Calculation of technical time standards (labour intensity) for process operations




Human society constantly feels the need for new types of products, or for reducing labor costs in the production of basic products. In general, these requirements can only be met through new processes and new machines required for their implementation. Therefore, the incentive to create a new machine is always a new technological process, the possibility of which depends on the level of scientific and technological development of human society.

The way to create a machine is complicated. The idea for the creation is expressed in the form of the wording of the service purpose of the machine, which is the original document in the design of the machine. To produce the designed machine, a technological process is developed and based on it a production process is created, as a result of which a machine is obtained, which is necessary to carry out the technological process of manufacturing products and meet the necessary need.

The machine is useful only if it has the proper quality, that is, the ability to meet the needs necessary for its creation.

Creating a machine, a person solves two problems:

1. Make the machine high-quality and ensure labor savings in the production of products produced with its help;

2. Spend less labor in the process of creating and ensuring the quality of the machine itself.

The manufacturing process of machines is a communication system for the properties of materials, dimensional, informational, temporary and economic. Engineering technology explores these connections in order to solve the problems of ensuring in the production process the required quality of the machine, the lowest cost and increase labor productivity.

At machine-building plants, the successful introduction of new equipment depends on the degree of its equipping with modern technological equipment. All types of technological equipment are characterized by the presence of a significant number of parts, a diverse and complex shape. Most parts in the manufacturing process are subjected to various types of processing, mechanical, thermal, electrochemical, etc.

The performance of the processing process depends on the cutting modes (speed, depth, feed) and therefore on the material of the cutting part of the tool, its design, geometric parameters, tool blades, etc. In the thesis project, the analytical method is used to calculate cutting modes.

Modern production presents increased requirements for technological tooling: accuracy of product basing, rigidity, ensuring full use of equipment power in draft operations and high accuracy of processing in finishing operations, high flexibility, reducing the time for adjustment and replacement of tooling, versatility, allowing to process products of a certain type of dimensions with a minimum time for changeover, reliability and interchangeability.

The course project is an independent work of the future technologist, aimed at solving specific problems in the field of improving technology, organizing production and improving the technical and economic indicators of the site. Along with this, course design consolidates the student's ability to use reference literature, GOST, tables, nomograms, norms and prices skillfully, combining reference data with theoretical knowledge obtained during the course study. The project consolidates, deepens and summarizes the knowledge gained by students during lecture and practical knowledge.

The course project is a calculation and graphic work, which summarizes all technological knowledge and skills acquired during the training. The draft contains points that determine the understanding of the importance for the national economy of the industry in which the exchange rate project is being developed. The maximum approximation of the project to the real production conditions increases the student's interest in the deeper development of the project.

Service assignment of the part. Work Drawing Analysis

In modern mechanical engineering, most machines consist of assembly units (units) and mechanisms. Housing serves to provide power connection of various parts to each other.

A body is a part that serves to interconnect various parts, and also protects the mechanism from external influences (dust, moisture and other adverse conditions due to which the mechanism can fail).

The pump housing considered in this course design is a part consisting of a base, on which there is a cylinder with a through, stepped hole of diameters: ∅ 50, ∅ 60H9, ∅ 70H9,∅ 73; and also located on the base.

The part considered in this course design is made of material St 35 l GOST 97788.

I analyzed the design drawing and the sufficiency of number of a projection of sections, cuts is defined, the prostanovka of the sizes and maximum deviations, the admissions of a form and location of surfaces and roughness is estimated.

Process Drawing Development

We will draw up a process drawing of the part according to the rules set forth in the works [1]. When developing a process drawing, we depict a part without dimensions and assign the number of each surface to be treated as follows: the placement of the numbers of the surfaces of the parts is carried out counterclockwise, starting from the extreme right end.

We number all the surfaces of the part, no matter how small their extent. If the surface of the part has different properties (accuracy, roughness, heat treatment, etc.), each section is considered as a separate element, each is assigned a separate number.


During the course design, the technology for manufacturing the Pump Housing part on universal machines was developed and analyzed.

The project considered all aspects necessary for the manufacture of this part. Including the unit time was calculated for the manufacture of the entire part, which amounted to

In general, the course project incorporated most of the knowledge and skills we received in the theoretical course of OTM, which helped to consolidate them on a concrete example.


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Handbook of the Technologamic Machine Builder: In 2 vols ./Ed. A. G. Kosilova and R.K. Meshcheryakov. - 4th ed., Conversion. and additional - M.: Engineering, 1985. T1. 656s; T2. 496 pages.

Cutting of metals: Handbook of the technologist/A. A. Panov, V. V. Anikin and others; Under the general ed. A. A. Panov. - M.: Engineering. 1988. – 736 pages.

GOST 2349576 Basing and bases in mechanical engineering. Terms and definitions. M.: Publishing House of Standards, 1976.

Design of castings in single sandy forms: Educational method. method ./V.A. Dmitriev; Samar. State Technician. nt. Samara, 2003. 59 pages.

Metal Cutting Modes: Reference Book. Ed. 3e, reslave. and supplement M.: Engineering, 1972.

Engineering Process Design: Method. method. N.V. Lysenko, N.V. Nosov; Samara State Technical University. Samara, 2006. 90 pages.

Calculation of allowances and interoperative dimensions in mechanical engineering: Ucheb method. For mechanical engineering. special. University/Y.M. Radkevich, V.A. Timiryazev, A.G. Schirtladze, M.S. Ostrovsky; ed. V.A. Timiryazev. - M.: Vysh. shk., 2004. – 272 pages.

Drawings content

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