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Power supply of mechanical assembly section

  • Added: 17.12.2019
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Power supply of mechanical assembly section

Project's Content

icon 13! Принципиальная схнма(А1).cdw
icon 13! Схема расположения силовых сетей.cdw
icon Ермаков И.Н.(Расчет КЗ ЭС).cdw
icon Ермаков И.Н.(Таблица №3).xlsx
icon Министерство среднего профессионального образования.docx
icon Принципиальная схнма(А1).cdw
icon Принципиальная схнма(А4).cdw
icon Схема расположения силовых сетей.cdw
icon Таблица №3.docx

Additional information




Terms of Reference


I. General part

1.1. Characteristics of ESN facility and electric power consumers

1.2 Classification of rooms by explosion, fire, electrical safety

1.3 ESN reliability category and ESN circuit selection. Selection of current and voltage

II. Design Part

2.1 Calculation of electrical loads of the workshop, site

2.2 Calculation and selection of compensating device, selection of transformers

2.3 Calculation and selection of ESN elements

2.4 Selection of protection devices and switchgears

2.5 Calculation and selection of electrical equipment

2.6 Selection of ESN feature line

2.7 Calculation of short circuit currents and checking of elements in ESN characteristic line

2.8 Check of ESN elements by short circuit currents

2.9 Determination of voltage loss

2.10 Preparation of lists of installed EE and electrical installation works


List of literature


At present, it is impossible to imagine the life and activities of modern man without the use of electricity. Electricity has long and firmly entered all sectors of the national economy and people's lives. The main advantage of electric energy is the relative simplicity of production, transmission, crushing and conversion.

The electric power industry belongs to the basic industries. Further economic and social progress of the country, improving the well-being of people can be ensured only with the outpacing growth of the energy potential of the national economy. Therefore, special attention is paid to the development of the electric power industry.

New powerful power plants are being built at an increasing pace, and ultra-long transmission lines are being built, providing energy connections between combined energy systems and individual power plants that are many hundreds or even thousands of kilometers apart. Work continues on the further development of the Unified Energy System of the Russian Federation and improving the reliability of electricity supply to the national economy.

At the same time, the pace of integrated mechanization and automation of production processes in all sectors of the national economy is accelerating, which is closely related to electricity consumption.

The main consumers of the generated electricity - industrial enterprises where electricity - must be distributed and consumed by various electric receivers with high economy and reliability in compliance with the safety of maintenance, as well as the Rules for the devices and operation of electrical installations.

As well as the main consumers of electric energy are various industries, transport, agriculture, communal services of cities and towns. At the same time, about 70% of electricity consumption falls on industrial facilities.

Electric energy is widely used in all sectors of the national economy, especially for electric drive of various mechanisms (compressors, pumps, etc.), for electrotechnological installations (electrothermal and electric welding), as well as for electrolysis, electrospark and electrosonic processing of materials, electric paint, etc.

Power supply systems of industrial enterprises consisting of 1kV and higher networks and transformer, converter and distribution substations are used to ensure the supply of electricity in the required quantity and appropriate quality from power systems to industrial facilities, devices and mechanisms.

Electrical installations of electric power consumers have their own specific features; they are subject to certain requirements; reliability of power supply, quality of electric power, redundancy and protection of individual elements, etc. When designing, constructing and operating power supply systems of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to correctly, in the technical and economic aspect, select voltages, determine electrical loads, select the type, number and power of transformer substations, types of their protection, electric power compensation systems and methods of its voltage control. This should be done taking into account the improvement of production processes, the increase in the capacity of individual electric receivers and the peculiarities of each enterprise, workshop, plant, and increase in the quality and efficiency of their operation.

The transmission, distribution and consumption of generated electricity in industrial enterprises should be carried out with high economy and reliability.

In the system of shop distribution of electric energy, standard, factory-made, KRU, substations, power and lighting bus lines are widely used. This creates a flexible and reliable distribution system, which saves a large number of wires and cables.

A power supply system in general is called a set of devices for the production, transmission and distribution of electric energy. Power supply system of industrial enterprises consists of supply, distribution, transformer and converter substations and cable and air networks connecting them and current of high and low voltage wires. Electrical diagrams of enterprises are built in such a way as to ensure the convenience and safety of their maintenance, the necessary quality of electricity and uninterrupted power supply to consumers in normal and emergency conditions.

Power supply systems of industrial enterprises are created to provide electricity to industrial electric power receivers, which include electric motors of various mechanisms, electric furnaces, electrolysis plants, electric welding devices and machines, lighting plants and other industrial electric power receivers. As electricity consumption develops, the power supply systems of industrial enterprises also become more complicated. They include high voltage networks, distribution networks. There is a need to introduce automation of power supply systems of industrial enterprises and production processes, to carry out large-scale dispatching of production processes using telesignation and telecontrol and to conduct active work to save electric energy. The purpose of this course work is to design the electrical power supply system of the mechanical assembly shop section.


In this course project, a complete calculation of electrical loads was made for each RMC electric receiver. Based on the results of this calculation, cables, circuit breakers were selected, transformers and reactive power compensation devices were selected. This course design complies with all norms and rules and ensures reliable operation of all electric receivers listed in the work.

Drawings content

icon 13! Принципиальная схнма(А1).cdw

13! Принципиальная схнма(А1).cdw

icon 13! Схема расположения силовых сетей.cdw

13! Схема расположения силовых сетей.cdw

icon Ермаков И.Н.(Расчет КЗ ЭС).cdw

Ермаков И.Н.(Расчет КЗ ЭС).cdw

icon Принципиальная схнма(А1).cdw

Принципиальная схнма(А1).cdw

icon Принципиальная схнма(А4).cdw

Принципиальная схнма(А4).cdw

icon Схема расположения силовых сетей.cdw

Схема расположения силовых сетей.cdw

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