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Plan of 2-storey residential building


This work is suitable for the course project. It displays the building plan drawing. Drawings of plans of buildings (structures) are the most important drawings, since they reflect the main functional features of the object, the location of all rooms, their connection to each other, dimensions and shape. The plan (plan drawing) gives an idea of ​ ​ the general nature of an object in a horizontal plane. The plan also reflects the structural side of the structure: the facade, the foundation plan, floors and roofs, the heat engineering calculation of the wall thickness, the specification of railway structures, pillars, columns, sketches of windows and doors, the calculation of stairs. The horizontal section for plan execution is taken at a level relative to the floor so that it extends slightly above the base of the window openings. The composition of spaces and their location for each floor are repeated, so only one typical floor plan is given. In addition to floor plans, drawings of internal and external wall units are executed. The plans in this project are executed in a linear plot with a thicker line stroke and basic dimensions.

Project's Content

icon plan-2-h-etazhnogo-zhilogo-zdaniya.dwg

Additional information

Drawings content

icon plan-2-h-etazhnogo-zhilogo-zdaniya.dwg
