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Course project. Comprehensive process plan for the construction of the box of the stone building Residential 5-storey building


In this course project, a comprehensive process plan for the construction of a residential brick five-story building was developed. Process cycle: aboveground part of the building. Construction conditions: conditionally horizontal site. Data on building structures: arceless brick building. The composition of the processes: erection of brick walls, installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures (stair marches and platforms, floor slabs, coatings, load-bearing lintels), installation of gypsum concrete partitions. Building 5-storey, thickness of external walls 64 cm, thickness of internal walls 38 cm. Archive composition - pz, table, DWG drawing

Project's Content

icon ЧИСТОВИК.dwg
icon таблица.xls
icon пз кирпич.doc

Additional information



1. Source Data

2. Quantity takeoff

3. Complex Process Plan for Construction of Residential Brick Sixteen Storey Building

3.1 Scope of application

3.2 Organization and procedure of works execution

3.3 Quality and acceptance requirements

3.4 Calculation of labor, machine time and wages

3.5 Work Schedule

3.6 Logistical resources

3.7 Safety precautions

3.8 Calculation of technical and economic indicators

List of literature used

Drawings content

icon ЧИСТОВИК.dwg


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