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Pedestrian underpass

  • Added: 23.04.2015
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In this course work, the pedestrian underpass project was completed, the monolithic ribbed floor was calculated.

Project's Content

icon Titulnik_po_kursachu_SK.docx
icon готовый монолит.dwg
icon записка ск с одним каркасом во втором пролете.docx
icon СОДЕРЖАНИЕ.docx

Additional information



1. Layout of a monolithic ribbed slab. p.

2. Definition of internal forces in monolithic elements 

    ribbed slab. p.

2.1 Determination of internal forces in the beam plate, p.

2.2. Defining Internal Forces in Sections 

secondary beam... p.

3. Selection and layout of reinforcement grids and frames in the slab part and secondary beam of the monolithic ribbed floor.. p.

3.1 Plate design.. p.

3.2 Secondary beam design.. p. 12. 

4. Building an Epure of Materials p.

List of used literature.. p.

1. Monolithic ribbed slab layout

Build a monolithic ribbed slab.  

 We place the main beams in the direction of movement (along digital axes). The columns are arranged in 4.45 m, i.e. nominal span of the main beams

Selection and layout of rebar grids and frames in slab part and secondary beam of monolithic ribbed floor

3.1. Plate Design

Operating conditions XD3, then minimum concrete class C35/45, minimum size of protective layer of concrete 35mm.

Selection of required area of reinforcement is performed by simplified deformation method. 

To Create a Profile of Secondary Beam Materials

To create an epure of materials, we determine the bearing capacity of sections along the length of the beam. Bearing capacity is conditionally determined without taking into account the presence of compressed reinforcement.

First span in case of stretched lower zone. 2 Ø28 and 2 Ø32 S500. Actual Section Working Height:

d = 360 − 35 − 32 − 20/2 = 283mm,

where 360mm is the height of the beam;

35mm - minimum size of protective layer of concrete;

32mm - diameter of reinforcement of the lower row;

20 mm - minimum distance between rows of reinforcement.

Drawings content

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