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PCH production base in Vasileostrovsky district - Administrative and household building


Water supply and sewerage project of the administrative-domestic complex with extension-garage-Plans, Diagrams, Cost calculations and explanatory note

Project's Content

icon ПЗ 14,09,10.doc
icon Расчет расходов 13.09.10.doc
icon ВК планы АБК.dwg
icon ВК схемы АБК.dwg
icon Водный баланс 13,09,10.doc

Additional information

. General Data:

1.1 PKTO building of the production base of the Moscow Agricultural Complex in the Vasileostrovsky district, at the address Cash Street, d. 61, lit. A, one-story, volume 1614.70 m3.

1.2 Estimated system costs are determined in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0185 *. All calculations are summarized in the System Key Figures table.

1.3 Water flow rate for internal fire extinguishing - 5.2 l/s (2 jets with flow rate of 2.6 l/s SNiP 2.04.0185).

1.4 Water flow rate for external fire extinguishing - 10 l/s (SNiP 2.04.0284 *).

1.5 Cold water supply for potable and fire-fighting needs is carried out from the designed intra-quarter water supply network.

1.6 Domestic wastewater discharge is provided to the designed intra-quarter network of domestic sewerage with further diversions to the general alloy network of the city sewerage system.

1.7 Discharge of rain wastewater is provided by internal drains to the general alloy network of the city sewerage system.

2. Cold water supply inlets.

The design envisages one entry (PK < 12) of cold water supply of PE100 DU 75 pipes in reinforced thermal insulation and taking into account the occurrence of pipes below the freezing level .

Water metering unit for commercial water metering is installed in ABK building. (Selection of water-measuring knot see P155/08RPABKIObVK.PZ)

Use water metering unit with counter Dn = 25.50 as per CIRV 02A.00.00.00, sheets 46.47.

3. Domestic drinking water supply.

The farm-drinking water supply scheme is dead end .

Determination of the required head for domestic needs:

-computed flow rate: q = 2.185 l/s

Hp = Hgeom. + Htot, l + Hf, m.

where: Htot, l - sum of head losses in pipelines of water supply system, m

Hgeom.- geometric height of water supply to the required sanitary and technical device;

Hgeom. = hgl + Hpr.,

where: h ch. - depth of entry into the building

H approx. - maximum height of the device


Hf = 3 m - free head of sanitary and technical device accepted in accordance with mandatory Appendix 2, SNiP 2.04.0185 *;

Htot, l = H + hch, m.

H = i • l • (1+k1), м.

i = specific frictional head loss at design flow rate.

l = 0.3 as per para 7.7 SNiP 2.04.01-85 *

l = length of design section, m;

H = 1.30 m

Pressure loss in the meter:

h = S q2, m.

q = 2.185 l/s - design second flow rate;

S = 2.64 (as per Table 4 SNiP 2.04.0185 *) - hydraulic resistance of counter Dn 25.

h = 2.64 2.1852 = 12.6 m

Htot, l = 1.30 + 12.6 = 13.9 m.

Np = 26.8 + 13.9 + 3 = 43.7 m.

The required water pressure for household and drinking needs is 44 m.

Potable water pipelines are designed from steel galvanized water and gas pipes GOST 326275. Pipelines of domestic potable water supply are laid with a slope of 0.002.

4. Fire water supply

A combined system of household drinking and fire-fighting water supply was adopted.

Fire cranes with a diameter of 65 mm with a spray diameter of 16 mm and a sleeve length of 20 m are provided for extinguishing the fire.

Fire cranes are installed at a height of 1.35 m above the floor floor in fire cabinets. Configuration and design of fire cabinets is performed as per NPB 15196. Fire cranes are installed at the entrances, in the lobby, corridors and other accessible places.

Determination of fire-fighting water supply required head:

- design flow rate qperm = 5.2 l/s

Hp = Hgeom. + Htot, l + hp, m.

Hgeom. = 5 m - geometric height of water supply to the highest point;

hp = 10 m - water head at the fire crane

The N of tot, l is the sum of losses of a pressure in pipelines of a fire-prevention water supply system, m

Htot, l = i • l • (1 + l), m.

i = specific frictional head loss at design flow rate.

l = 0.1 as per para 7.7 SNiP 2.04.01-85 *

l = length of design section, m;

H = 1.11 m

Htot, l = 1.11.

Np = 5 + 1.11 + 10 = 16.11 m.

The required water pressure for fire protection needs is 17 m.

The fire-fighting water supply system is designed from steel electric welded pipes GOST 1070491. Fire-fighting water pipelines shall be laid with a slope of 0.002.

5. Domestic sewage system

Removal of domestic wastewater from sanitary and technical devices is provided through gravity sewage pipelines.

Risers, prefabricated lines, instrument branches are laid out of polypropylene sewage pipes 50, 110 "Egoplast."

For cleaning on the network, the installation of revisions and purges is provided.

6. Internal drains

Removal of rain and meltwater from the roof is provided by a system of internal drains that divert water from water intake funnels installed on the roof.

Design rainwater flow from roof:

Q = F • q5/10000, l/s.

F - catchment area, m2

q5 - rain intensity, l/s with 1 ha (for a given area), lasting 5 min with a period of single excess of the calculated intensity equal to 1 year, determined by the formula:

q5 = 4n • q20

n - parameter accepted according to SNiP

q5 = 40,6 • 60 = 138

Q = 223 • 138/10,000 = 3.08 l/s

Pipelines of internal drains are laid from polypropylene sewage pipes 50, 110 "Egoplast."

For cleaning on the network, the installation of revisions and purges is provided.

10. Installation instructions.

1. The systems shall be installed, tested and put into operation in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.0185 *. Pay special attention to the requirements for welding galvanized pipes.

2. Water supply pipes at the point of passage through building structures shall be enclosed in steel sleeves with sealing of joints with ground hemp tap.

3. Welded joints of steel pipes with a diameter of up to 25 mm inclusive should be made using cups (threaded couplings).

4. When installing plastic pipelines, follow the requirements of SP 4010196, SP 401072003 and manufacturer's instructions.

5. Pipeline passes through construction structures and pipe fasteners shall be made taking into account typical solutions..

6. Sewage outlets in places of passage through external structures shall be laid in steel cases with sealing of conjugations with ground hemp rope.

7. Do not use 90 ° (87.5 °) discharge during transition of sewage riser to horizontal pipeline. The lower riser outlet should be mounted from two 45 ° branches.

9. Gravity piping turning units in horizontal plane shall be made of at least two shaped parts (two or more taps, tee and tapping, etc.).

10. Oblique crosses and tees shall be provided to connect the branch pipes to the sewer riser.

11. Straight crosses are not allowed when they are placed in the horizontal plane.

12. To ensure removal of sewage pipelines and reduction of noise level during their operation, pipe sections at the points of passage through the interstage floor before sealing with cement mortar should be wrapped with pergamine (tolem, ruberoid, etc.) in two layers and bound with twine or soft wire.

13. Internal cold and hot water supply systems shall be tested by hydrostatic or manometric method in compliance with the requirements of GOST 2405480, GOST 2513682.

Drawings content

icon ВК планы АБК.dwg

ВК планы АБК.dwg

icon ВК схемы АБК.dwg

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