Multi-level parking
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Multi-level parking (Plans, 3D)
Project's Content
Additional information
Volumetric - planning solution of above-ground multi-storey parking lots
Master Plan
Constructive solution of autoparking
Other structural and technological elements of the building
Engineering systems
Parking roof
Parking floors
Parking gate
Stair Assembly
List of used literature
Today, there is a steady trend towards an increase in transport in the world.
In this regard, the urgent need for organized parking for the population is also increasing.
Parking is currently one of the important components of any structure necessary for its full functioning.
The material attractiveness of the building also depends on its capacity and functionality.
In the need to place the maximum number of car seats on the minimum installed area, ways to resolve this issue were provided.
The ways of resolving this issue are the construction of closed parking lots for cars:
The first way is to install closed garages in existing buildings of various types.
The second way is the construction of new garage-type premises.
The third way is multilevel parking with the placement on their territory of not only parking spaces, but also various car washes and maintenance stations.
Such a type of parking as multi-level parking, which is mainly located in large cities, which meets all the trends in the field of modern architecture, allows you to have a large number of cars on your territory without using large territories.
In this work, we are talking about multi-level parking, located in a separate territory with its viyezds.
It houses about 300 cars, as well as its own car wash and maintenance station
Volumetric - planning solution of above-ground multi-storey parking lots
The volumetric and planning solution was developed in accordance with SNiP RK 3.03052014 "Parking."
For the relative elevation of 0.000, the elevation of the clean floor of 1 floor is taken .
The designed building has a rectangular shape.
The length of the building in the axes is 39,600 * 93,900 m.
The height of the floor is 3.3 m.
The height of the building is 16 500 m.
The entrance is located on the main facade through the security post.
The building is designed as a single-section 5- storey building.
On the territory of multilevel parking, in addition to car spaces, there is its own car wash, maintenance station and repair boxes.
There are also client and office premises, bathrooms for customers and staff.
Administrative premises are located on the ground floor
For proper movement of transport between floors, it is necessary to design a system of ramps on floors.
Car parks with ramps (ramps) are parking lots, a number of constantly increasing (decreasing) floors are used, or a number of connecting ramps between floors that allow transport to move from and to the ground level on its traction.
The advantages of such car parks are the cost-effectiveness of the territory spent, the simplicity of building, as well as the possibility of increasing space due to superstructures.
Volumetric - the planning solution of car parks using ramps depends on the capacity, its purpose, type of ramps.
For multi-level parking with a large capacity (up to 9,000 cars), mainly spiral ramps are used.
The advantage of spiral ramps is the location of elevators and staircases below them.
Master Plan
To place multilevel parking in the territory, it is necessary to take into account the functionality of the accommodation, as well as urban planning capabilities.
In addition search the location and development of the general plan the general plan have to be considered with use of Construction Norms and Regulations of PK 3.03052014 "Parking of cars".
Today, the problem with parking in public places (spectacular, commercial, industrial) is most acute, as well as in places of residential areas and microdistricts .
To properly use the territory without increasing it in width, it is necessary to increase it in height, thereby preserving the territory and increasing the number of cars.
It is necessary to arrange separate entrances-exits from parking lots with their capacity more than 20 cars .
With a multi-row arrangement of cars every two rows of cars, you need to organize free passes 3.5 m wide.
Turning radii along the inner width of the driveways should be at least 8 m, and on adjacent driveways from parking lots to residential streets and highways they should be 12-15 m.
If the normalized service radius is met, garages and parking lots can be located outside residential buildings in public service quarters, in railway diversion lanes, in sanitary gap zones of industrial enterprises, in areas "inconvenient" for residential and public construction.
The area allocated for garage construction of plots should provide 100% demand of residents for car seats for the design period with preliminary reservation of the territory to ensure a promising level of motorization.
Preferably, sites for new construction are selected in communal and public areas or having a complex relief.
3 Design solution of autoparking
The structural diagram of the building is a system with an incomplete frame .
In buildings with an incomplete frame, the columns are not located near the external walls, but only inside the building.
1. The foundation for the walls is tape, precast reinforced concrete .
2. Reinforced concrete cast-in-situ slabs 300 mm thick. Cast-in-situ flooring is made on non-detachable formwork - steel galvanized profiled flooring. The use of non-removable formwork significantly accelerates the process of erecting floors and reduces the cost of the floor structure.
Profiled sheet is used both of traditional types (H75, H114) and modern types, having a special notch on the walls of corrugations, providing reliable adhesion and joint operation of the profiled sheet with concrete of the floor, which allows to reduce the consumption of floor reinforcement. High corrugated profiled sheet types are also used.
Such views of the profile make it possible not to provide secondary beams.
3. External walls made of brick with insulation 100 mm thick. Lining - Facade Aluminum Panels
4. Internal structural walls 380 mm
5. Roof - flat
6. The apartment doors are external - steel type.
7. The internal doors are wooden.
8. Windows - from PVC with double double-glazed windows.
9. Floors - according to the purpose of the premises: laminate, ceramic tiles and concrete.
10. Walls for staircases are made of concrete blocks to achieve the fire resistance limit of 45 minutes required for the parking garage building of IV degree of fire resistance.
The use of steel structures as a structural framework (columns, beams, floors, bonds) compared to the reinforced concrete version allows saving up to 30% on the structure of foundations due to a significantly lower load.
The significantly lower weight of steel structures involves their use in the superstructure of buildings for organizing storage places for cars.
Other structural and technological elements of the building
4.1 Engineering Systems
When designing multilevel parking, engineering systems are provided in a minimum volume.
For the closed type of car parks, storage of cars on different floors provides for electric lighting of the common storage area, not used in daylight, and power supply of office, administrative and technical premises.
And also electric heating is provided.
Air temperature in technical rooms shall not be lower than + 5 ° C.
Water supply and household sewerage is provided in a minimum amount: for a bathroom of guarded parking and a storage room for harvesting equipment.
Plenum-exhaust ventilation and smoke ventilation of the open parking lot are not required provided that it is purged: the width of the building should not exceed 40 m, and the external fence of the open parking lot should have at least 50% of the openings from the facade area.
Closed parking garages are equipped with fire water supply and fire alarms.
4.2 Parking roof
Roof of car parks is designed both operated and non-operated.
The operated roofs provide for the placement of cars, landscaping, recreation areas and other things.
To reduce the cost of a car seat of economical multilevel parking, it is rational to provide the operated roof as an additional parking space.
The design of the roof to be operated depends on its purpose.
Roofing pie is different for different roofing systems and is made in accordance with the standards of organizations or albums of technical solutions of roofing manufacturers.
The roof in this structure is assembled from reinforced concrete slabs 300 mm thick, which have layers.
The upper layer is made of frost-resistant concrete, effective insulators with a density of less than 300 kg/m3 are used for the insulation layer.
Joints between slabs are protected by crevices. The roof drainage is designed organized, internal through the gutter funnels located in the trays.
4.3 Parking floors
The floors of the closed parking lots shall have sufficient strength, resistance to moisture, impact and chemical effects, and shall be sufficiently frost resistant.
Otherwise, the floor will quickly lose its original appearance and will require repairs. Type of floor covering is selected depending on intensity of mechanical and liquid influences.
Concrete concrete braces, asphalt concrete, concrete tiles and slabs, etc. are used as coatings on the concrete base.
This type of coating is referred to as traditional, it can be factory made or arranged on a construction site.
Concrete slab with reinforced top layer is one of the most economical options.
Hardening is achieved by mechanized rubbing of a special dry mixture into freshly laid concrete of the floor.
The filling floor, as a rule, is a polymer coating, in addition to new construction, it can be used in repair and reconstruction to restore the consumer qualities of the floor.
The advantage of such a solution is the simplicity of work technology and low labor costs.
4.4 Parking Gate
In multilevel parking, the lift type of the gate is mainly used.
Lifting and turning are used mainly for garages-boxes or individual garages, and rolling gates - for flat parking lots.
Communication between the storage area and the washing room is carried out only through openings equipped with fire gates.
Fire gates shall be provided in fire walls if the parking building is divided into fire compartments.
4.5 Stair assembly
Stairs are assembled from reinforced concrete march platforms of ribbed construction. The height of the stage is 150 mm. The width of the stage is 300 mm. The stairwell has artificial and natural lighting through window openings.
The course project was carried out on the basis of literature accepted in construction, the purpose of which is to create the most modern and comfortable type of closed-type parking.
The project used new materials and technologies, as well as SNIPs and various literature on this topic.
During the development of the course project, we learned to design multi-level parking lots, correctly tie the walls of the building to the axes, install curved ramps and perform other design solutions.
We have developed the location of floor slabs on the floors.
They compiled an explication of the premises, determined the area of the premises and the area of the walls .
They were engaged in the development of a master plan, and also carried out a number of architectural and planning solutions.
The layout of multilevel parking, consisting of five floors, was carried out in accordance with the current norms and rules of SNiPA RK 3.03052014 "Parking."
During the work on the project, it was possible to carry out clear internal zoning, expand the premises for storing and repairing cars to different levels, as well as create modern facades with large glazing planes.
During the course project, skills in drawing and explanatory note were fixed, which were carried out in accordance with Normocontrol.
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