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Organization of work of the superstructure of the second and fifth floors of the administrative building

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Additional information



Part I. Design, erection of construction site

1.1 Preparation of data for FEED

Technical specifications of the building under construction, construction conditions

1.2 Determination of the scope of installation works

1.3 Specification of mounting elements

1.4 Selection of method and set of machines for installation of structures

1.5 Calculation of labor costs

1.6 Determination of required parameters of the crane

1.7 Crane selection based on feasibility options

1.8 Procedure of works execution

1.8.1 Installation works

1.8.2 Loading and unloading operations

1.8.3 Electric welding works

1.8.4 Stone works

1.9 Design of Work Schedule

1.10 Technical and economic indicators of the schedule

1.10.1 Definition of Scope of Work

1.10.2 Determination of normal labour intensity of works

1.10.3 Determination of numerical qualification of performers

1.10.4 Technical and economic parameters of construction

1.11 Schedule of resource requirements

1.12 Calculation of vehicle requirements

Part II. Site Plot Plan

2.1 Design of custom warehouses

2.2 Temporary buildings of sanitary and administrative complex

2.3 Design of temporary roads

2.4 Design of temporary water supply and heat supply

2.4.1 Calculation of power supply

2.4.2 Calculation of water supply

2.5 Placement of installation mechanisms and organization of construction territory

new master plan

2.6 Technical and economic indicators of the construction plan

2.7 Safe operation conditions of the installation crane


List of literature

Graphic part:

Sheet 1. - Schedule, schedule of arrival of building structures and materials to the object, schedule of machinery movement on the construction object

Sheet 2. - Construction plan, section, specification of buildings and structures on the construction site, symbols

Sheet 3. - Routing for masonry installation


An important factor in the construction is the processability of the building as a whole, including the processability of the installation elements used, which imply:

- minimum number of types of mounted elements;

- maximum construction readiness of the supplied structures;

- convenience of slinging, lifting, installation and alignment of all elements;

- simplicity and convenience of sealing of all joints and filling of joints.

Complex process of installation of prefabricated building structures - a set of processes and operations, as a result of which a part or a completely erected building or structure is obtained. the whole set of processes allowing to obtain finished mounted products consists of transport, preparatory, main and auxiliary processes.

Transportation processes consist of transportation of structures to central and object warehouses, loading and unloading of structures, sorting and laying them in warehouses, supplying structures from pre-assembly or warehouses for installation, transportation of materials, semi-finished products, parts and devices to the installation area.

Preparatory processes include checking the state of structures, pre-assembly, temporary (installation) reinforcement of structures, preparation for installation and installation, supply of structures in the form of an installation unit directly to the installation site. In addition, structural tooling processes are included.

Auxiliary processes include preparation of foundation support surfaces, alignment of structures, arrangement of scaffolding, transition platforms, stairs and fences performed during installation of structures.

Main and installation processes - installation of structures in the design position.

Part I Design, erection of construction site

1.1 Preparation of data for FEED.

Technical specifications of the building under construction, construction conditions

The source material for the design is the administrative building project.

The existing OJSC Rospechat building is made in II04 series structures (linked version).

Foundations - piles. Piles on a series of 1.0116 issues 1, continuous square, section 300х300 and 5 and 6 m long. Grillages under framework columns monolithic of M300 concrete. Tape grillages under walls with a section of 400х300 (h) from M200 concrete.

The frame of the building according to the series II040 is 5 and 6.

Columns according to series II0402, Figures 7 and 9.

Girders according to the series II0403, ext. 4.

Stiffness diaphragms - according to the II046 series, 5 and individual according to the drawings of books No. 4 and No. 5 of the project carried out by the Kurskgrazhdanproekt Institute (arch. No. 7700 cipher 30/81).

Frame units according to the II0410 series are 4,5,6.

Ceilings and coverings - from multistage and ribbed slabs according to the series II044 effect.17,20.

Ribbed plates are installed in places of device of technological holes.

Walls - external above-ground part of the building from light concrete panels with thickness of 300 mm with volume weight of ceramic concrete 1150 kg/m2. Panel walls are designed according to the series II045 of effect.4.5 and from full brick M75 on solution M25. Walls of underground part made of ceramic brick of plastic pressing M100 on M50 mortar and of concrete blocks according to the 11161 series.

Brick reinforced partitions.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete jumpers according to series 11391, ex.1

Ladders from prefabricated railway elements according to series II047, ex.1

Elevator shafts are prefabricated according to the series II0415 and brick reinforced.

The project provides for the superstructure of the attic above the multi-storey and second floors above the one-storey parts of the building.

Frame of superstructures made of steel rolled stock.

Columns of pipes of square section 180x6mm, rigidly connected by welding with embedded parts of existing railway columns located under them.

Coating of steel profiled flooring rigidly connected by self-cutting screws with steel runs. Aforesaid sheets are jointed together by combined rivets.

The walls of superstructures made of brickwork with a thickness of 510mm and a volume weight of 1800kg/m2. Walls are rigidly connected to carcass columns by steel anchors.

1.8 Procedure of works execution

1.8.1 Installation works

Construction and installation works are carried out in-line by grips and tiers, which makes it possible to combine construction and installation and other works in time.

Installation works are performed by crane of SGK30/7.5 grade. We break the building into grabs. In the area of the crane operation it is not allowed to find unauthorized persons.

When erecting the building, it is forbidden to perform work related to the presence of people on the same grip or on the same level, above which the elements are moved and installed in the design position, as well as its temporary position.

When erecting single-section buildings, it is allowed to simultaneously perform installation and other construction work on different tiers, if there are reliable floors between them and the permission of the chief engineer.

It is prohibited to lift prefabricated reinforced concrete structures that do not have mounting loops that provide correct slinging and installation.

People are not allowed to stay on structural elements or on equipment during their lifting and movement.

During breaks it is not allowed to leave raised elements, structures and equipment to the canopy.

Installation of stairways and platforms, buildings and structures, as well as cargo and passenger construction objects, elevators, is carried out simultaneously with the installation of building structures. Fences shall be installed immediately on the mounted stairways.

The structures should be lifted in two steps, first to a height of 2030 cm, then the sling should be checked and then further lifting should follow.

During the installation of structures, the installers must be on previously installed and reliably fixed structures.

Workers engaged in installation works at a height of more than 1.3 m must have safety belts.

1.8.2 Loading and unloading operations

Loading and unloading works shall be carried out under the supervision of the employee responsible for safe operation of the crane. This employee shall check serviceability of lifting mechanisms of rigging, scaffolding, loading and unloading equipment. Also, his duties include explaining the values ​ ​ of the signals supplied and the sequence of work.

The mechanized method of loading and unloading is mandatory for loads weighing more than 50 kg, as well as when lifting the load to a height of more than 2 m.

In the presence of people and the movement of vehicles in the area of ​ ​ possible fall of the load, it is prohibited: lowering and lifting the load when people are in the body or the cab of the car.

When performing loading and unloading operations, it is not allowed to sling goods in the working position, as well as correct the position of already stroked elements and pull off the goods when the load ropes are oblique.

1.8.3 Electric welding works

Welding sites shall be exempt from burnt elements within a radius of at least 5 m from explosives within a radius of at least 10 m.

During operation, the welder must have personal protective equipment: a mask or shield with protective glass and light filters.

During thunderstorms, rain or wind, it is forbidden to perform welding work in the open air.

Adequate enclosures for electric welders and energized power supplies shall be installed. And also products and structures for the duration of their welding. The transformer must have a grounding bolt connected to the secondary winding clamp.

1.8.4 Stone works

Stone works are carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.03.0187 "Stone structures."

When laying walls to a height of more than 1.3 m, safety belts must be used. Walls are laid below or at the floor level from the scaffold of the underlying floor.

Do not perform operations during thunderstorms, fog, at wind speed > 15 m/s. When moving and feeding brick crane, blocks, mortar to the workplace with a lifting hook, it is necessary to use pallets, containers with devices that prevent the load from falling when lifting material to the construction mark. Openings and ceilings shall be covered with panels and ceilings 1.5 m high with installation of occupational safety signs.

Bricks for partitioning shall be supplied to the working elevation prior to installation of floor slabs.

The thickness of horizontal masonry seams made of brick and stones is 12 mm, vertical - 10 mm.

The height difference of the erected masonry on adjacent grips and when laying adjacent external and internal walls should not exceed one floor, and the height difference on adjacent sections of one gripper should not exceed one tier.

In winter time, it is not allowed to lose the height difference between adjacent sections and grips.

When laying walls with a height of more than 7 m, it is necessary to use protective visors with a width of ≥ 1.5 m, an angle to the wall ≥ 1100, the gap between the building wall and the visor floors should not exceed 50 mm. The protective visor shall withstand the snow load for this climatic area and the concentrated F = 1.6 kN applied to the middle of the span.

The first row of protective visors must be arranged at a height of 6 m from ground level and, accordingly, every 6-7 m from ground .

It is allowed to conduct masonry without a device, provided that a mesh fence is installed at the masonry level.

During the production of stone masonry of the walls, inventory hinged-panel scaffolding, goats, portable scaffolding and lever scaffolding are used.

Masonry production works are performed in the following process sequence:

- preparation of the mason's workplace (location of the badge with mortar for 4045 minutes of masonry, pallets with brick for 2 hours of masonry, arrangement of ordering with indication of window and door openings);

- masonry of walls (installation and movement of moorings, cutting and masking of bricks, supply of bricks, shoveling, supply and rubbing of mortar for brick laying).

Masonry of the building is carried out by grips within 1 floor and 1 section of the building.

Work is divided vertically into tiers. Masonry of the first tier with a height of 1.2 m without scaffolding, verticality of faces and masonry angles, horizontal masonry must be checked in the course of work every 0.5 m with elimination of deviations within the tier.


For the given multi-storey administrative building, for which it was necessary to draw up a general plan and a calendar plan, the following data were obtained.

1. The onsite temporary road is single-lane, 3.5 m wide, made of reinforced concrete slabs for sand preparation, the length of the road is 237.15 m. Rounding radii are 12 m.

2. The total area of open warehouses is 104 m2, closed warehouses - 39.2 m2, the area of ​ ​ canopies is 24.96 m2 .

3. The total area of temporary inventory buildings is 120.2 m2.

4. Temporary power supply and water supply are connected to the construction site. Design water consumption taking into account fire extinguishing consumption QRASH = 11.06 l/s. The construction site is illuminated by 4 spotlights located in its corners. A temporary aerial power grid was carried out along the perimeter of the entire construction site .

5. The estimated cost of building the facility is 9,265,415,,14 rubles.

Drawings content

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