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Organization of urban traffic (with the system of organizing street traffic on the principle of "Green Wave")

  • Added: 06.05.2016
  • Size: 285 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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Design of a coordinated system for organizing street traffic on the principle of "Green Wave" Design of traffic organization at the intersection Design of traffic organization by type of area with ring self-regulating movement List of literature

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1. Design of a coordinated system for organizing street traffic on the principle of "Green Wave"

2. Designing Traffic Management at the Intersection

3. Design of traffic organization by type of area with ring self-regulating movement

List of literature

Determination of the preliminary duration of the control cycle

According to the specified version, we select an intersection with the maximum traffic intensity value - Nmax (the total number of transport units passing through the intersection within an hour). According to the given highest intensity, from Table 149 [1], we take the duration of the control cycle - the shopping center and then we take it the same for all other intersections - the shopping center = 60 s.

Drawings content

icon Организация движения.dwg

Организация движения.dwg

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