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Operational coursework

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1.1. Characteristics of the road

1.2. Location and characteristics of production facilities,

bases, concentrated soil reserves and provision of construction materials

1.3. Organization and methods of construction and installation works

2. Routing for erection of roadbed

2.1. Scope of Application

2.2. Manufacturing Process Technology Guidelines

3. Roadmap for Road Construction

3.1. Scope of Application

3.2. Manufacturing Process Technology Guidelines

3.3. Labour Organization Guidelines

4. Scope of Work

5. Calculation of machine performance

6. Health and safety measures

7. Operational Quality Control Diagrams

Work Execution Technocart

List of literature used


The following issues were considered in this course work on the topic: "Road construction project":

1. Preparation of initial data for making a decision on the organization of work on the construction of the roadbed.

2. Distribution of excavation volumes.

3. Development of the process map for erection of the roadbed and arrangement of the roadway.

4. Design of roadway construction works "Selection of method of works execution; justification of the composition and process sequence of works; binding of standard job instructions for construction of road clothing to the specified conditions; calculation and construction of a linear work schedule. "

When performing course work, reference books and SNiPs specified in the list of literature were used. The initial data for the construction of the road are specified in the task.

Characteristics of the highway.

The KazanLaishevo highway with a total length of 16 km runs in a flat, populated area.

The road is designed according to category III standards. The width of the roadbed is 12 m, the coating is 8.0 m, the shoulders are 10.0 m each.

Construction of road clothing: double-layer asphalt concrete coating 10 cm (upper layer of fine-grained mixture 4 cm thick, lower layer of coarse-grained mixture 6 cm thick). Double-layer crushed stone base 73 cm (upper layer with 28 cm splinting, lower layer 45 cm).

The earthen web is poured from loamy soils.

The transverse slope of the coating is 15 °/oo.

Location and characteristics of production

enterprises, bases, concentrated soil reserves and

providing construction with materials.

Loamy soils for filling an earthen bed in the volume of 145452 m3 are developed by excavators in a concentrated quarry No. 1. The average range is 6.2 km.

Crushed stone for the base is delivered to the highway by road, including in the autumn-winter period at object stacks. The average range is 18 km.

ABS is delivered from ABZ with mixing unit. The average range is 15 km.

The average range of the ASG for the shoulders and bitumen, respectively, is 7 and 15 km.

Organization and methods of construction and installation works.

The necessary geodetic survey works shall be performed prior to construction. Geodetic support of construction is performed by employees of the geodetic service in accordance with the project of geodetic works, developed in connection with this PPR.

In addition, the following works are carried out in winter: logging; construction of small artificial structures. Clearing of sections of the route (felling of trees and stumps), must be completed before frost occurs; erecting an earthen bed with loading of soil into dump trucks by excavators in case of concentrated track reserves.

All types of excavations, as well as ground pits, should be protected from surface water access. Surface water drainage should be carried out before the start of the main excavation work using permanent or temporary devices.

During the erection of the roadbed, it is necessary to monitor the provision of drainage and prevent stagnation of surface water both on the roadbed and in drainage structures.

When performing earthworks in winter, a yard of measures should be provided: the bases of the embankments should be prepared in advance and cleared of snow and ice; areas intended for development are protected from freezing by preliminary loosening to the depth of freezing, and are also insulated by heat insulation material.

Soil development in winter should be carried out as far as possible without interruptions in order to avoid further freezing of it and the associated additional costs.

During the construction of the embankment in winter, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of air and soil, the amount of precipitation, direction and wind speed. All areas of work of earth-moving machines in the dark shall be illuminated.

Process sheet for erection of roadbed and its application area

The process map was drawn up for the construction of an embankment of an earthen bed 1.4 m high during the development of soil of group II by excavators of the EO5122 type in quarries and the transportation of soil by automobile demisters, as well as during the development in excavations and movement of soil by self-propelled fasteners DZ32.

MAZ dump trucks of 20 t (12 m3) were adopted for soil transportation in this process.

Roadmap for Road Construction and Scope of Application

The process map was compiled for the construction of a two-layer crushed stone base and a two-layer asphalt concrete surface during the construction of the Kazan-Laishevo km 824 highway. The width of the base is 8.6 m, the thickness is 73 cm in a dense body, and the width of the coating is 8.0 m, the thickness of the lower layer is 6 cm, the upper layer is 4 cm. Before distributing crushed stone, work on the erection of an earthen web must be completely completed, which must meet the requirements of SNiP 3.06.0385. Drainage facilities shall be in good condition.

Manufacturing Process Technology Guidelines

During the installation of the crushed stone base, the following works are performed: removal and distribution of crushed stone for the lower layer; compacting the lower layer with self-propelled rollers; removal and distribution of crushed stone for the upper layer; compacting the upper layer with self-propelled rollers; removal and distribution of crushed stone (stone fines) and compaction with self-propelled rollers.

For the installation of the base, crushed stone is used that meets the requirements of GOST 826775 "Crushed stone of natural stone."

The bottom layer of the base is 45 cm thick.

Crushed stone is leveled by DZ99 autograder for 4 linear passes, after which crushed stone base is profiled for 11 passes.

To avoid contamination, the crushed stone base shall be compacted within 24 hours.

Crushed stone is compacted by self-propelled rollers with smooth rollers of the DN62 type with a mass of 10 tons. The seal begins from the side of the road and gradually moves to the road axis with overlapping of the previous rolled strip by 30 cm. The rink makes the first passes at a speed of 1.52 km/h, at the end of the seal the speed can be increased to maximum, but without engine overload. The number of passes four one trace on each lane, as it approaches the middle of the road decreases to one. Upon reaching the middle, the skating rink is returned to the shoulder and compaction is repeated in the same order.

To compress crushed stone, 30 passes of the rink in one trace are required. Final number of passes is established by test seal.

The seal is considered complete if no waves form in front of the roller and no trace remains, and crushed stone is not pressed into the packed layer.

The device of the upper layer of the base is 28 cm thick. When the upper layer of the crushed stone base is arranged, crushed stone is distributed over the laid lower layer, compacted, and then spliced.

Crushed stone is distributed and compacted in the same order as in the lower layer. However, at the first four passes, the rear roller roller must cover the shoulder half its width.

Crushed stone-wedge is distributed manually with 2 working shovels from a/dump truck. Operating speed 1.52 km.

Klinets condense, beginning from edges of a covering with a skating rink of DU62 type for 30 passes on one trace at a speed of movement of 1.52 km/h.

Double-layer asphalt concrete pavement.

The crushed stone base should be cleaned of dust and dirt and 1-3 hours before the start of laying of the asphalt concrete mixture treated with bitumen using I autogudronator at the rate of 0.7 l/m2.

When making asphalt concrete pavement, cleaning the base of dust and dirt is performed; treating the base with bitumen; laying and compaction of coarse asphalt concrete mixture; laying and compaction of fine asphalt concrete mixture; finish the surface of the coating.

Asphalt concrete mixture shall meet the requirements of GOST 912897. The thickness of the lower coating layer shall be 6 cm.

Asphalt concrete mixture is laid by asphalt laying DS126A with strips 3.75 m wide. The length of the strips is set so that by the time the next strip is laid, the mixture does not have time to cool down on the laid and compacted adjacent strip. The temperature of the asphalt concrete mixture during laying should not be lower than 120 ° С.

Mix is condensed self-propelled with a vibroskating rink with smooth DU47B rollers for 2125 passes on one trace. The number of passes is specified according to the results of laboratory tests of cutting from the coating.

Compaction begins from the edge of the strip, gradually shifting to the middle of the coating, then from the middle to the edges with overlapping traces by 2030 cm. The first passes of heavy rollers are made along the conjugations of the strips. The motion of the rollers should be uniform, with a smooth change in speeds. The roller cannot be stopped on the strip to be sealed. The seal is finished when there is no noticeable trace on the coating after passing the heavy roller.

Not later than 4 h before the beginning of asphalt concrete mixture laying at the upper layer arrangement, the finished section of the lower layer is treated with bitumen using I autogudronator at the rate of 0.5 l/m2. The mixture laying at the upper layer arrangement is carried out in the same order as for the lower layer arrangement. DU-47B smooth-walled roller (4-5 passes in one trace) is started to seal the mixture with the vibrator turned off, then the same roller is continued with the vibrating roller (20 passes) turned on. The final number of passes is specified according to the results of laboratory tests of logging.

The seal is finished when there is no noticeable trace on the coating after passage of the roller.

After two or three passes, the roller is checked for transverse slope and evenness of the coating using a template and a three-meter metal rack.

After sealing, the coating should have an even surface, aligned with the edge cord, well-sealed strip mates.

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