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Purpose of oil cooler

  • Added: 12.06.2015
  • Size: 28 KB
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The oil indicator is mounted on the oil line from the pump to the hydraulic cylinder of the tool or part feed mechanism of the metal cutting machine. The purpose of the oil indicator is to change the rate of oil supply from the pump to the cylinder and therefore adjust the time of filling the cylinder with oil. The rate of oil supply is controlled by changing the value of the through hole inside the head pos. 2 using needle valve pos. 4. For this, the valve pos. 4 is lifted or lowered by turning the flywheel pos. 5. Through glass discs pos. 6, oil flow can be observed. To prevent oil leakage, ring-shaped gaskets pos. 8.9 and 10. Lower hole of housing pos. 1 is connected by means of a coupling to a main line; with head hole, pos. 2 connects the second end of the pipeline.

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