Oil Depot Design (Course Project)

- Added: 24.03.2021
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Sibay Oil Depot Design Course Project
Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Oil products reception technology
2 Determination of the capacity of the oil depot according to the delivery-export schedules
3 Design of the general plan and process diagram of the oil depot
3.1 Placing objects on the master plan
3.2 Calculation of tank collapse
4 Calculation of parameters and equipment for gasoline dump AI-
5 Calculation of parameters and equipment for summer diesel fuel drain
6 Calculation of ASN number for filling of oil products
7 Environmental issues at the oil depot
Appendix A
Appendix B
The oil supply system is one of the most important sectors of the economy. Currently, it is impossible to progressively develop almost no type of industry, transport, agriculture without the use of petroleum products or petrochemicals.
In recent years, mass construction of oil depots has not been observed, since most industrial areas are already provided with large oil depots for various needs. However, the design of oil depots is an urgent task, as the demand for different types of oil products and their required quantity for transportation changes,
in this regard, oil depots built several decades ago need to be reconstructed. There is also a need for
in the construction of oil depots in newly developed areas.
During the design of the oil depot, the issue of reducing investments remains relevant, for the solution of which it is necessary to calculate the required volume of the tank farm, select the type of plants for the discharge of oil products, types of pumps, as well as check the normal operation conditions of the equipment.
In this exchange-rate project, the basic principles of placing objects at oil depots are considered, as well as calculations are presented
to select the necessary equipment and check its normal operation using the example of the designed oil depot in the city of Sibay.
Technology of oil products reception
The technology of receiving oil products at oil depots depends on the type of vehicles by which the oil product is delivered and shipped, climatic conditions, the intensity of flooding operations and the physicochemical properties of oil products.
Petroleum products are transported by pipeline, railway, road, sea and river transport in accordance with the regulations in force at each mode of transport, approved in accordance with the established procedure.
Oil depots shall receive oil products only through special drain devices:
a) to railway tanks - on special racks, through separate risers or drain units;
b) to sea and river vessels - through mooring facilities or in an unprecedented way;
c) in car tanks - at filling stations, car racks, through separate risers;
d) into barrels, bidons and other containers - through casting and packing;
e) by branches from the main oil product pipelines.
The list, packing and marking of petroleum products approved for carriage by bulk in tankers, sea and river vessels, by road transport, preparation of vehicles for filling and transportation shall comply with the requirements of GOST 1510.
If mixing of the drained oil product with other oil products is not allowed, drain operations should be performed on separate drain devices.
The discharge of flammable and combustible petroleum products belonging to hazardous substances of hazard class 1 and 2 shall be sealed. Classification of harmful substances is accepted according to GOST 12.1.007. Leaded petrol operations are carried out subject to the obligatory allocation of separate pipelines, headers and drains for these purposes.
The maximum safe discharge rate of the oil product depends on the properties of the oil product, the diameter and the properties of the materials of the pipeline walls and must be established in accordance with the "Recommendations for preventing dangerous electrification of oil products when poured into vertical and horizontal tanks."
Pumping of oil products at the oil depot (plum filling operations, intra-gas pumping) is allowed only at the direction of the responsible person, to whom these operations are assigned in accordance with the job description.
All process pumping of oil products, including when issuing tasks to persons subordinate to the shift (senior operator - to the operator), must be recorded in the register of instructions (instructions) for preparation for pumping of oil products.
During this course project, the basic principles of oil depot design were studied. Parameters and equipment for the discharge and discharge of two types of oil products were calculated for a specific designed oil depot.
So, for technical reasons, the one-sided rack with four installations for the lower discharge of oil products (USN) of ASN7B is optimal for the discharge of gasoline AI93, for the discharge of diesel fuel - a one-sided rack with three USN. Also, for each type of fuel, to ensure the normal operation of the pipeline system, it is necessary to use the 8NK-10 × 1 pump.
To ensure timely and uninterrupted delivery of petroleum products to tank trucks, the following equipment must be used: for gasoline AI93 - one-way rack
with eight risers, for diesel fuel - one-way rack with six risers ASN5N.
Генплан А1.cdw

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