• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 35

Nine-storey two-section residential building


Course project in the discipline "Organization of production at the construction industry enterprise," on the topic "Project for the production of work for the construction of the facility." Consisting of the characteristics of the facility and construction conditions, schedule plans for the performance of work on the facility, the organization of the construction site, the decision on labor and environmental protection, the calculation of technical and economic indicators for the project, as well as the drawing of the construction master plan.

Project's Content

icon Kalendarny_planP.mpp
icon Вариант 16.docx
icon Stroi_774_genplan_Sukhorebrii_774.dwg
icon Kalendarny_planN.mpp
icon Курсовой проект.doc

Additional information



1. Description of the facility and construction conditions

2. Work Solutions

2.1.Selection of the main mounting mechanism

2.2. Methods of production of main types of construction and installation works

2.3. Site Work Schedule

3. Organization of the construction site

3.1. Resources and construction facilities

3.1.1.Determination of estimated number of employees

3.1.2. Calculation of requirements for temporary buildings and structures

3.1.3. Storage Area Requirements Calculation

3.1.4. Calculation of water demand

3.1.5. Calculation of power demand

3.1.6. Calculation of compressed air requirements

3.1.7. Heat Demand Calculation

3.2.Building Plot Plan

4. Health and Environmental Solution

4.1 Basic Safety and Fire Safety Guidelines

4.2 Measures for nature protection and land reclamation

5. Project Feasibility


APPENDIX 1 Work execution schedule for object 9p

APPENDIX 2 Initial data

APPENDIX 3 Definition of scope and labour intensity of construction and construction works for panel residential building

APPENDIX 4 Construction Plot Plan

3.2. Construction Master Plan

The construction plan was developed for the period of maximum deployment of construction and installation works using the recommendations given in [1,5,6]. It is envisaged to use permanent roads, water and electric networks for construction needs. It indicates the main construction mechanisms using which the building is built. Regulation and safety of vehicles movement in the construction area is ensured by installation of traffic speed limitation signs, traffic indicators on the construction site. Temporary roads are made of crushed stone 3.5 m wide. The movement of cars is one-way.

Prefabricated products, parts and structures are stored in the crane area. Open storage sites provide storage of standard stock for uninterrupted operation. Material layout provides for passages 0.7 m wide for workers in order to ensure the convenience of slinging structures.

A temporary lighting system is provided for lighting the construction site in the evening and at night.

Power supply to installation mechanisms is provided via insulated cables. External networks are laid by special organizations. Domestic and temporary premises are outside the crane area. Temporary water supply is designed to meet household and production needs, as well as for fire fighting.

Health and Environmental Solution

4.1. Basic Safety and Fire Safety Guidelines

In accordance with SNiP 12032001 and SNiP 12042002 Safety in construction [2,3] training, study and verification of knowledge of workers and technical personnel in the field of safety with mandatory documentation shall be carried out in a timely manner.

Newly arrived for construction workers can be allowed to work after undergoing an introductory training on TB. In addition, within a period of not more than 3 months from the date of employment, they must be trained in safe working methods. Training on TB must be carried out when transferring to a new job, as well as when working conditions change. Workers are allowed to work in especially dangerous and harmful industries only after appropriate training and passing the exam.

Individual protective equipment shall be provided to persons working in hazardous conditions. It is necessary to ensure high quality of used materials, products, construction mechanisms, effective sound and light signalling. Fences, signs and lighting shall be provided.

Special attention should be paid to the implementation of the rules for the installation and operation of installation and lifting cranes and construction mechanisms, the installation of fences for dangerous places, the implementation of electrical protective measures during the operation of equipment and mechanisms on electric energy, as well as during electric welding operations.

It is forbidden to stay people under the lifting load and in the area of ​ ​ the boom of the lifting mechanism.

Passages, passages and loading and unloading areas must be cleaned of garbage, construction waste and not cluttered. Fire safety shall be ensured in accordance with PPB 0103 Fire Safety Regulations in the Russian Federation. Before starting construction, the construction site must be equipped with sets of primary fire extinguishing equipment - sand, shovels, crimps, fire extinguishers, as well as fire hydrants.,

Project Feasibility

Duration of construction of the facility, 17.2 months.

Labor intensity, people. - days:

normalized - 10 669.18;

planned -10 825.

Labor costs per 1m3 of the building volume - 0.72 people - days.

Labor costs per 1m2 of the total area of ​ ​ the building - 3.16 people - days.

The planned percentage of completion is 101.46%.

Drawings content

icon Stroi_774_genplan_Sukhorebrii_774.dwg