• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 33

Modernization of the railway trailer UP-2


The purpose of this course project is to install a rotary mower on the up-2 railway trailer.

In order to ensure the proper operation of the railway network, measures should be taken for their operation and maintenance, in particular the removal and cleaning of the territory adjacent to the track grate from grass vegetation and small shrubs, and for the production of these measures appropriate equipment is needed that can solve the tasks and ensure high labor efficiency.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that this topic of the project is very relevant and it is necessary to work on the improvement and development of railway equipment equipped with mowers.

Project's Content

icon ВО Ярмошук.cdw
icon Деталировка 1.cdw
icon Деталировка 2.cdw
icon Деталировка 3.cdw
icon Деталировка 1.cdw
icon Деталировка 2.cdw
icon Деталировка 3.cdw
icon Установка косилки.cdw

Additional information

Drawings content

icon ВО Ярмошук.cdw

ВО Ярмошук.cdw

icon Деталировка 1.cdw

Деталировка 1.cdw

icon Деталировка 2.cdw

Деталировка 2.cdw

icon Деталировка 3.cdw

Деталировка 3.cdw

icon Деталировка 1.cdw

Деталировка 1.cdw

icon Деталировка 2.cdw

Деталировка 2.cdw

icon Деталировка 3.cdw

Деталировка 3.cdw

icon Установка косилки.cdw

Установка косилки.cdw