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Performance of course work in the discipline "Metrological support"

Project's Content

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Additional information



1 Control questions and tasks

1.1 Peculiarities of metrological examination of the technical assignment for research, development and testing

1.2 Essence of metrological examination of technical proposal

1.3 Difference of metrological examination of draft design from technical examination

2 Metrological examination of the gear shaft drawing 10-

3 Conclusion of metrological examination of the gear shaft drawing 10-

List of literature used

Appendix "Drawing F44 1613 697 after metrological examination"


In modern conditions, issues of metrology and measuring technology are becoming increasingly important, since their solution largely determines progress in the development of mechanical engineering. Work on metrological support and its control are the basis for certification of quality systems and production of products. The technological stability of production depends to a decisive extent on their condition. The role and place of metrological support in the system of creation and operation is determined by the fact that the measuring link of the systems is the main source of information about the state of the environment and equipment during its development, production, testing and operation. Reliability of information, accuracy and uniformity of measurements directly affect the level of technical characteristics of products, their quality and competitiveness. Particularly relevant problems in the system of creating and operating high-quality and competitive products are the improvement of the regulatory, methodological and technical foundations of the system of ensuring the unity and required accuracy of measurements, the reconstruction of the metrological service on a modern basis, the development of the domestic instrument-making industry, etc.

The Federal Law "On Ensuring the Unity of Measurements" No. 102FZ of 26.06.2008 includes (as one of the positive "innovations") a number of provisions governing the metrological examination of various objects, including regulatory and technical documentation.

Control Questions and Tasks

1.1 Peculiarities of metrological examination of the technical assignment for research, development and testing

The tasks of the ME technical assignment for research work include the following issues:

- evaluation of the list of measured parameters with checking of measured values for uniqueness, informativity (measurement of one value under certain conditions should provide sufficient quantitative and qualitative information about the occurring effects in the studied products or processes) and dimension (should be expressed in the international system of units or non-system units allowed for temporary use);

- evaluation of required accuracy of parameters measurements at the selected confidence probability (required accuracy of parameter measurement should allow to select the required SI and experimental study methodology with economic feasibility);

- Analysis of the scope and conditions of research.

In the course of M&E technical assignment for development work completeness of data, which are initial for metrological support of the product, and validity of the volume of requirements presented to metrological support of development, manufacture, testing and operation of the product are evaluated.

The ME contains:

- determination of optimal range of measured parameters of the article ensuring efficiency and reliability of quality control and interchangeability of the articles;

- establishing the presence of technically and economically justified permissible deviations for the measured parameters of the article and the required accuracy of parameters control at the selected confidence probability or probability of undetected or false failures;

- evaluation of the possibility of measuring the article parameters with the required accuracy under the specified test and operation conditions;

- establishing the correctness of the names and designations of physical quantities and their units and the application of terms, definitions and metrological concepts.

The technical specification for the article tests includes:

- assessment of completeness of data according to the list of measured parameters of the article (measurement ranges and nominal or normalized values with permissible deviations);

- analysis of article parameter measurement errors values, at which the expected or specified accuracy of the main measured parameters at the given confidence probability is provided by the technical assignment for product development;

- check of availability in the technical assignment of data on change of measured parameters over time, requirements on the nature of measurements (constant, on call, display, registration), requirements on the necessity of signalling of the measured parameter values exceeding the specified limits;

- checking the requirements (if any) on the need to develop methods for performing measurements and the availability of requirements for processing the measurement results and the form of their presentation.

1.2 Essence of metrological examination of technical proposal

The technical proposal ME provides for the verification of analysis and development of the main technical and design solutions that ensure fulfillment of the requirements for metrological support of product development specified in the technical assignment, and includes:

- evaluation of optimality of the list of measured parameters and measurement accuracy standards ensuring reliability of articles control;

- assessment of the possibility of providing measurements with the required accuracy when monitoring parameters during the development, testing, manufacture and operation of the article at the given probability of undetected and false failures;

- evaluation of proposals for metrological studies during product development, their types and scope;

- evaluation of proposals for the acquisition of SI, including imported ones, which will be used in the manufacture and operation of products;

- evaluation of proposals for the development of special SI and measurement methods;

- assessment of completeness of requirements to special conditions for measurements during the production of the product (special rooms, equipment);

- checking the correctness of names and designations of physical quantities and their units and compliance with the standards of terminology in the field of metrology;

- evaluation of preliminary calculation of technical and economic efficiency of metrological support works.

1.3 Difference of metrological examination of draft design from technical examination

During MEs of draft design documentation:

- check implementation of ME recommendations of technical proposal documentation;

- the justifications of the selected version of the system construction for monitoring and maintenance of the article are checked, including data on compliance with the requirements for the article serviceability, harmonization and serviceability of the MI;

- assessment of the level of harmonization and automation of the applied SI;

- it is established completeness and correctness of requirements to SI and measurement methods;

- check of MI article parameters and availability of technical tasks for development of non-standardized MI are established;

- check the correctness of names and designations of physical quantities and their units and the application of terms, definitions and metrological concepts.

Within a document, the unit of measure of a single physical quantity must generally be constant.

Technical design documentation ME includes:

- check of metrological examination recommendations implementation of design design documentation;

- assessment of correctness of SI selection, preferential application of standardized, unified, automated SI, ensuring obtaining of specified measurement accuracy and required performance;

- assessment of the minimum labour intensity and cost of control operations provided by the used MI at the specified accuracy and compliance of the MI productivity with the process equipment productivity;

- check of SI availability by methods and means of verification and assessment of the possibility of ensuring timely verification of SI, including those built into the article, in accordance with GOST 8.513 under specified conditions of use;

- check of feasibility of processing measurement results on computer systems, availability of standard or special programs for processing measurement results and their compliance with the requirements presented for processing measurement results, as well as to the forms of measurement results presentation, monitoring and testing;

- Establishing the correctness of instructions for the organization and execution of measurements to ensure safety of work and control of environmental pollution;

- checking the correctness of names and designations of physical quantities and their units and compliance with terminology established in the field of metrology.

Drawings content

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