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Metal constructions of the work site

  • Added: 10.01.2022
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Initial data for design

Calculation of the secondary beam

Selection of the cross-section of the main beam

Checking the bearing capacity of the main beam

Change the cross-section of the main beam

Placement of transverse stiffeners

Checking the local stability of the beam elements

Checking the local stability of a compressed shelf

Checking the local stability of the wall

Calculation of belt welds

Strengthening the wall above the support

Mounting joint of the main beam

Define overlay parameters

Shelf joint

Wall joint

Column calculation

General. Design scheme

Selection of the cross-section of a solid centrally compressed column

Cross-section check of a solid centrally compressed column

Layout of the elements, section 1-1, section 2-2

Column head calculation

Calculation of the column base

Project's Content

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Additional information


Design Input

Calculation of secondary beam

Main Beam Calculation

To Match a Main Beam Section

Check of main beam bearing capacity

Changing the Section of the Main Beam

Arrangement of transverse stiffening ribs

Check of local stability of beam elements

Check local stability of compressed shelf

Check of local wall stability

Calculation of waist welds

Reinforcement of the wall above the support

Main beam mounting joint

Define overlay settings

Junction of shelves

Wall joint

Column Calculation

General provisions. Calculation diagram

Fitting a Section of a Solid Centrally Compressed Column

Check cross section of a solid centrally compressed column Error! Bookmark Not


Column tip calculation Error! Bookmark is not defined

Calculation of column base

Design Input Job

Site dimensions in plan 31 × 31

Pitch of columns in longitudinal direction b = 14.4 m

Column spacing in transverse direction l = 5.6 m

Pitch of secondary beams a = 1.2 m

Constant load (standard) gn = 13.3 kPa.

Time load (normative) pn = 19.3 kPa.

Top elevation of structures Hup = 8.8 m.

Bottom elevation of structures Hlow = 7.16 m.

Type of columns - through

Installation joint of the main beam - on high-strength bolts M24, 40X "select"

Foundation material - concrete of strength class B25

Structural material - steel C375

Mating a secondary beam with the main beam

Methods and Types of Mating Secondary Beams with Main

Two methods of coupling secondary beams with the main one are possible: hinge and rigid. There are three types of beam fillet: storey, in the same level and lowered.

Floor mating of secondary beams with the main

Floor mating is usually limited to designing without calculating bolted or welded joints.

Drawings content

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