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Manufacturing Site Design

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Drawings, PP

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1.Process analysis and mapping of input data

2. Design of the main production site

2.1Production type definition

2.2Define Quantity of Main Production Equipment

2.3Defining the Number of Mechanical Shop Workers

2.3.1 Calculation of the number of main production workers

2.3.2Defining the number of auxiliary workers

2.3.3Determination of engineering and technical personnel

2.3.4 Determination of the number of employees and MOS

2.3.5 Determining the number of supervisors

2.4Load turnover and workshop area

2.5Projection of support offices

2.5.1Projection of sharpening compartments

2.5.2Project tool and tooling repair compartment

2.5.3Project Toolbox

2.5.4Project Control Department

2.5.5Project Workshop Repair Base (CRS)

2.5.6Project Procurement Warehouse

2.5.7Product Warehouse Design

2.5.8.Project Oil Warehouse and Emulsion Station

2.5.9.Project the compartment for collection and processing of chips

3. Layout and layout of the workshop

4. Milling Machine Workstation

5. Transport system design

List of literature


The wide development of industry requires high-quality and systematic design and construction of production areas and competent location of equipment. This is necessary to improve productivity, economy and working conditions. One of the main tasks of designing workshops is to ensure that by the time of commissioning they are technically advanced, have high indicators in terms of labor productivity, cost and quality of products and meet modern requirements for labor conditions. Therefore, the design should be carried out on the basis of maximum accounting of the latest achievements of science and technology in this industry, taking into account the use in the designed workshop of the most advanced technological processes, high-performance equipment, means of mechanization and automation of production processes, as well as the latest forms of organization of production and control using automated systems.

Increasing labor productivity and profitability of mechanical assembly production is achieved, in particular, by reducing the volumes of mechanical treatment based on the use of high-quality and accurate blanks obtained by progressive methods.

Determination of the number of auxiliary workers

Auxiliary workers include production workers: adjustment workers, OTC controllers, transport and utility workers, tool and equipment repair workers, locksmiths on duty, electricians, riggers, workers and storekeepers of shop warehouses, cleaners of production rooms.

Calculation of number of auxiliary workers of the shop can be made on labor input of the planned amount of works, by quantity of jobs or on norms of service and also in percentage terms from number of production workers or from the number of the equipment.

The calculation will be carried out as a percentage of the number of production workers. According to a number of factories and institutes, the number of auxiliary workers in mechanical workshops is in the mass production of 18 25%, in the mass production of -35 50% [1, p.149].

Rasp = (0.35 eta 0.50)· P = 0, 40· 29 = 11.6 person; We take 12 people.

The first shift is 6 people. Composition: 3 installers, 1 OTC controller, 2 transport workers.

On the second shift, 6 people. Composition: 3 installers, 1 OTC controller, 2 transport workers.

Determination of the number of engineering and technical workers

The ITR category includes employees who perform duties related to the technical management of production and hold positions that require the qualification of an engineer or technician: heads and their deputies in workshops, technologists, designers, site chiefs, masters, laboratory chiefs and their deputies, mechanics, power engineers, laboratory assistants.

The number of ITR at two shift work is calculated as a percentage of the main and auxiliary workstations. In serial and mixed production with the predominance of flow lines, ITR make up 10-7% of the number of main workers [1, p. 150].

RITR = (0.07÷0.1) · (R + Rvsp) = 0.08 · (29 + 12) = 3.28 (persons), we accept 4 persons

In the first shift, 70% - 3 people. Composition: shop manager, senior foreman, foreman.

In the second shift, 30% - 1 person. Composition: master.

The specified percentages do not take into account the ITR of the repair base and the group of workshop mechanics, the tooling repair workshop, the sharpening department and the energy workshop, as well as the ITR of the TOC.

Determination of the number of employees and MOS

The category of employees includes the personnel performing the work of reporting, supply: accountants, cashiers, copiers, secretaries, warehouse managers.

The MOS category includes office and household cleaners, janitors, dressers.

Number of employees - 4÷15 of people. We accept Rsl = 4 people [1, p. 150].

In the first shift, 3 people. Composition: 1 accountant, 1 cashier, 1 warehouse manager.

On the second shift, 1 person. Composition: 1 warehouse manager.

MOP number - 3÷12 of people. We accept RMOP = 5 people [1, p. 150].

In the first shift, 3 people. Composition: 2 cleaners of office and household premises, 1 dressing room.

On the second shift, 2 people. Composition: 1 cleaner of office and household premises, 1 dressing room.

2.3.5. Determining the number of supervisors

The number of controllers is usually taken equal to 7% of the number of machine tools [1, p. 150]. Rkont = 0.07· 29 = 3 people. The first shift is 2 people. On the second shift, 1 person.

The number of CTC ITR is taken equal to 1% of the number of machine tools .

RITROTK = 0.01· 29 = 0.29 people; we take 1 person.

Design of support offices

The auxiliary departments include: the tool service of the workshop, which includes the sharpening department, the tool and tooling repair department, tool and dispenser storerooms (IRC), storage facilities and abrasives, control points and compartments, the workshop repair base, warehouses, a compartment for preparing and distributing LPG, a compartment for collecting and processing chips.

Technical calculations of support offices determine the quantity of equipment and the required area, with some offices and services being calculated in detail and others being enlarged. For some offices, the composition of employees is also determined.

Mechanical Shop Layout and Layout

The final formation of the production system with the completion of work on the organization of material, information and energy flows takes place at the last stage of design - the planning stage, where all elements of the production system are mutually located.

The production system is formed in space in three stages. At the first - layout - stage there is a placement of production units, at the second - the construction of a layout of equipment in production units and at the third - the final placement of all production equipment in a given space.

In order to place the elements of the production system in space and to make planning decisions, first of all, it is necessary to determine the structural elements of the building, during reconstruction and technical re-equipment, the geometric dimensions of the rooms are known in advance. Modern structures of industrial buildings are created from unified sections with column spacing for average spans of 12 m. In order to strengthen the structures of buildings, the pitch of the extreme columns is 6 m. The span width is chosen taking into account the possibility of placing in the span a multiple of the number of rows of equipment - usually from 2 to 4 rows of main equipment depending on their overall size and placement option. The following standard row of span width L equal to 18, 24, 30 m is used.

When designing production systems, unified sections are used, which in plan are 7272 and 72144 m in size, with the first size corresponding to the length of the span, the second - to the width of the building. Select a section with dimensions of 7272 m.

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