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Main wiring diagram of a 220/10 kV substation with GIS ABB PASSM0


Electrical substations are designed to receive, distribute and transform electrical energy in the power system. Complete switchgears (GIS) are the most advanced type of switchgears, the key feature of this type of electrical installations is small size and high reliability. The voltage class 220 kV is one of the most common in the power system of the Russian Federation.  ABB's PASS M0 GIS is the most popular solution among similar devices. The high-voltage switchgear is made according to the scheme of two bus systems with SHSV, the low side is made in the form of a 10 kV switchgear (K-104). All the necessary equipment has been selected and signed.

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Схема ПС 220кВ с КРУЭ ABB PASSMO.cdw

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