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Layout of engine section for aggregate repair method


For maintenance on the engine section I choose the unit repair method. The unit repair method shall include the replacement of individual faulty units, mechanisms and instruments if their repair requires more vehicle downtime than their replacement. The aggregate repair method is such a method in which faulty units are removed from a car that has been received for repair, and instead they are installed repaired or new units that are in the revolving fund. The aggregate repair method has great advantages over the individual method, since the aggregate method significantly reduces the downtime of the car in repair and is limited mainly by the time necessary to remove and install units on the car, while the individual method increases the downtime of the car in repair additionally for the period of repair of its units.

Project's Content

icon 04. Введение.docx
icon 1.docx
icon 2.docx
icon 3.docx
icon 4.docx
icon 5.docx
icon Доклад.docx
icon Оснастка.docx
icon Приложение.docx
icon Содержание.docx
icon Технологическая карта.docx
icon Титульный лист - копия.docx
icon Чертеж.cdw

Additional information



1. General part

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Characteristics of the enterprise and the design object

2. Design and processing part

2.1. Selection of initial norms of maintenance and repair mode. Adjusting Standards

2.2. Design value of rolling stock downtime duration in maintenance and repair

2.3. Determination of technical readiness factor

2.4. Determination of annual car mileage in ATP

2.5. Definition of the annual vehicle maintenance programme

2.6. Calculation of replaceable program by types of time and diagnostics

2.7. Labor intensity of technical impact on ATP

2.8. Determination of total annual labour intensity of technical impacts of rolling stock of the enterprise

2.9. Distribution of annual scope of OW, MT, TR works by their types

2.10. Calculation of the required annual TSM quantity

3. Organizational Part

3.1. Selection of the method of organization of the process in the engine section

3.2. Process of engine section operations

3.3. Selection of engine section operation mode

3.4. Calculation of the number of production workers

3.5. Calculation and selection of process equipment and organizational equipment

3.6. Calculation of production area

4. Routing

5. Production and environmental safety

5.1. Organizational and legal framework of labor protection

5.2. Industrial sanitation and occupational health

5.2.1. Calculation of natural and artificial lighting of the engine section

5.2.2. Calculation of electric power of the engine section

5.3. Ventilation in the designed department

5.3.1. Justification of ventilation method selection

5.3.2. Calculation of air exchange and selection of fan

5.4. Calculation of water on the engine section

5.5. Calculation of compressed air demand

5.6. Safety precautions

5.7 Fire Safety



Road transport (AT) in the general transport system occupies a special place. Being the most mass mode of transport, it is especially efficient and convenient when transporting passengers. The large role and importance of AT in the transport system of the national economy of the republic is due to the large labor and material costs, both in the field related to the transportation process, and in maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

In order to ensure the operability of ATP rolling stock, its reliability during transportation, there is a need to create specialized enterprises designed for storage, maintenance, repair of cars and supply of their operational materials. The totality of such enterprises forms the fixed assets of ATP, the effective use of which is the main task of each transport enterprise (road section).

However, the successful solution of the problems facing road transport depends not only on improving the organization of direct transportation, but also on improving the technical operation of cars, which allows to ensure high operational reliability of the rolling stock and reduce the cost of maintaining it, through timely and high-quality maintenance, proper storage and repair. Therefore, the analysis of the implementation of the maintenance plan and the repair of rolling stock is an important and integral part of the overall analysis of the activities of any ATP.

Well equipped with modern equipment, enterprises provided with qualified personnel of working specialties create favorable conditions for uninterrupted operation of machines in ATP. At the same time, the correct organization of labor, reasonable rationing and remuneration, ensuring technological discipline and technological quality control of repairs are important.

The purpose of this project is to design an aggregate section of freight vehicles for reliable operability of units, systems and assemblies by carrying out high-quality repairs.



Type of enterprise: cargo ATP

Category of operating conditions -II

Natural-climatic zone - temperate climate

Quantitative composition: KamAZ - 5325 - 47 pcs., KamAZ - 55111 - 52 pcs., MAZ- 5551 - 62 pcs.

Average daily mileage: KamAZ - 5325-333 km, KamAZ - 55111-354 km, MAZ- 5551-345 km.

Mileage from the beginning of operation: KamAZ - 5325 - 1.87, KamAZ - 55111 - 1.54, MAZ-5551- 1.31.

Rolling stock operation mode: duration of PS - 10.5 hours, working days in the year of PS - 305 days.

Design Object - Aggregate Section

Unit section is used for repair of automotive units, assemblies and systems. In this area, washing, disassembly, assessment of technical condition, assembly and running-in of units, units and systems of cars are carried out. It is recommended to be located with motor sections, maintenance posts, mechanical and mechanical section and warehouse of spare parts and materials of the motor transport enterprise.



For maintenance on the engine section I choose the unit repair method.

The unit repair method shall include the replacement of individual faulty units, mechanisms and instruments if their repair requires more vehicle downtime than their replacement.

The aggregate repair method is such a method in which faulty units are removed from a car that has been received for repair, and instead they are installed repaired or new units that are in the revolving fund.

The aggregate repair method has great advantages over the individual method, since the aggregate method significantly reduces the downtime of the car in repair and is limited mainly by the time necessary to remove and install units on the car, while the individual method increases the downtime of the car in repair additionally for the period of repair of its units.


Number of working days per year: 255 days

Number of work shifts per day: 1 shift

Shift duration: 8 hours.

Start and finish time: 8:00 - 17:00



Persons guilty of violation of HSE requirements, failure to comply with HSE obligations stipulated by contracts and agreements, labor contracts (contracts), or obstructing the activities of representatives of state supervision and control bodies for compliance with HSE requirements, as well as public control bodies, shall bear disciplinary, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with the law

The following types of disciplinary measures are distinguished:

- remark;

- reprimand;

- Dismissal on appropriate grounds.

Administrative penalties for violation of HSE requirements include an administrative fine and disqualification .

Criminal liability for violation of occupational safety requirements provides for the following types of penalties:

- penalty;

- deprivation of the right to hold certain positions and engage in certain activities;

- corrective works;

- deprivation of liberty for a certain period.

All instructions on TB, HSE, fire safety, as well as peculiarities of production technology are divided into: introductory, primary, periodic, unscheduled and targeted.

The type of instruction depends on its purpose, time and place.

Such training is required for all employees of enterprises or organizations (especially energy facilities), including their managers.

Induction training is provided for employees when hiring them, regardless of whether it is permanent or temporary, as well as those who are sent to the enterprise or have arrived for training (for practice). Introductory training on labor protection is carried out by a specialist (engineer) on HSE or a person who is entrusted with such duties by order.

Primary training on labor protection, which is assigned to direct work managers, such training is carried out before the start of work directly at work places: by all employees who are re-admitted to the enterprise;

with employees transferred from another unit; with employees starting a new type of work; seconded to the enterprise and temporary employees; with builders temporarily working on the territory of the enterprise; with persons (students, students) who undergo industrial training or practical classes at work (on a separate schedule).

The primary training program shall include the issues contained in the HSE instructions for this specialty (position, workplace), as well as in other HSE regulations.

Repeated training on labor protection (periodic), such training, including lighting of technological features of work related to increased danger, is carried out with the corresponding category of employees quarterly, with the rest - once every six months.

The purpose is to improve knowledge of TB rules and relevant instructions, to prevent repeated violations of HSE that previously occurred, HSE, as well as industrial discipline.

Unscheduled training on labor protection is provided by the direct supervisor of unscheduled training directly at workplaces in cases of introduction of new or revised regulatory documentation; equipment replacement or process change; violation of HSE rules by the employee; requirements of officials of the state regulation and supervision body; interruption in work for more than 30 days (work with increased danger) and more than 60 days - for other types of work.

Unscheduled briefings are conducted by analogy with periodic briefings. But special attention should be paid to the reason for their holding. Unscheduled briefings do not cancel the holding of periodic (repeated) briefings.

Targeted briefings are carried out in cases of: performance of works according to a parallel or special order; performing one-time work that is not related to official duties; participation in emergency or disaster management; involvement of employees in various unscheduled events, excursions.

Such instruction is assigned to a person who is determined by the order of the enterprise responsible for the performance of this work or the conduct of the event. The induction training shall be recorded in the induction training log for the employee's signature. Conduct of initial, periodic and unscheduled briefings - in the corresponding instructional journals at the workplace also under the signature of employees. Target - in work permits and other documents according to the decision of the management of the enterprise (organization).

Drawings content

icon Чертеж.cdw
