Layout and engineering improvement of the cottage village pine forest in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region with the development of the architectural and planning structure of the cottage

- Added: 01.07.2014
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The Moscow region is an integral part of Russia and the European continent, a territory that develops in accordance with pan-European laws.
Currently, an analysis of the natural-ecological, historical-cultural, transport and communication, settlement frameworks has been carried out in the Moscow region, functional priorities for the development of the territories of the Moscow region have been formulated.
The identification of priorities in the preservation of natural-ecological and historical-cultural frameworks determines the humanitarian basis for subsequent transformations, guarantees the protection of the interests of the population in ensuring a favorable living environment.
The main direction of sustainable urban development in the Moscow region is the formation in the architectural and spatial environment of settlements of complexes of socially oriented objects that guarantee the realization of citizens' rights in the field of health care, public education, freedom of movement, employment and, accordingly, the creation of recreational conditions.
The architecture of urban and rural settlements is developed under the influence and influence of many heterogeneous factors. The most important among them are the social system and the productive forces of society.
The growth of productive forces requires the rational deployment of industrial enterprises throughout the country, which is an important condition for the systematic development of all sectors of the national economy. The social progress of our society and the subsequent development of industry will undoubtedly strengthen the process of emergence of new and further development of old cities.
The ability of architecture to constantly search and find new ways of expression leads to its continuous development in many previously unexplored directions and forms.
Urban planning of the XXI century. represents a new concept, wider and more diverse. The territorial scale of human activity is rapidly growing.
The task of urban planning is to purposefully manage the processes of protecting and improving nature, creating a balance between the urbanized and natural environment, ensuring the free movement and aesthetic needs of the population in natural, urban and rural landscapes, various forms of recreation, by creating modern architectural and urban planning ensembles, forming an environmental framework at the level of the Moscow region at all levels of design. At the same time, at each stage, certain tasks are solved to achieve the main goal - the creation of the most favorable conditions for human life and the preservation of nature with the simultaneous rational use of its resources in the corresponding territory.
During the planning, the tasks of placing production forces, resettlement, organizing mass recreation are solved. Together with them, economic, planning and engineering measures are being developed to protect the nature of the region.
Urban planning is based on three important social categories: work, life and rest of the population. Labor is the main sphere of life of society, and therefore the main task of urban planners in this area is to create the most favorable material environment for the labor activity of the population. Life is one of the most important areas of human life. The creation of the best living conditions for people is primarily connected with the final solution of the housing problem - one of the most difficult and acute social and urban planning tasks. In the formation of everyday life, an important role belongs to the system of mass service of the population. Rest is a necessary factor in the life of each person, an important means of preserving his health and improving his performance. The increase in free time requires the expansion of measures for its rational use. The solution of this problem is associated with the construction of hospitals, sanatoriums of recreation homes, sports and physical education institutions. Unlike the design of individual buildings and structures, various types of settlements cannot be designed in a completely complete form: they are constantly developing, expanding geographically and undergoing qualitative changes that take place in its planning, development and improvement.
The planning structure of the settlement zone provides for rational organization and temporary solution of elements. The general principle of the establishment of a settlement territory is to provide maximum amenities to the population in the realization of their socio-cultural and household needs with the rational use of resources and urban land.
The main link in the structure of the settlement is residential complexes formed on the basis of the functional and spatial unification of groups of houses for the maintenance and joint use of the territory. Residential complexes and cottage villages are currently being designed as such units. The microdistrict is a structural unit of settlement associated with the daily service of the population. Residential complexes are designed from groups of residential buildings united by a public center, in which periodic facilities are concentrated to a greater extent.
Section I
"Layout of the microdistrict"
I.1 General part
The considered territory of the cottage village "Sosnovy Bor," located near the village of Serkovo, Shchelkovsky district, Moscow region, is a single planning structure. The nearest settlement is the village of Serkovo, located from the east and directly adjacent to the territory of the cottage village.
The main transport links providing access to the territory of the cottage village is the Yaroslavl highway, which runs in a not mediocre proximity to the territory of the cottage village, the Moscow Yaroslavl-Fryazino railway, Shchelkovo.
The main objective of the project is to identify the ecological and socio-economic potential of the territory under consideration, taking into account the adjacent territories and planning restrictions, in accordance with the current regulatory requirements, as well as:
- development of proposals for functional zoning of the territory and identification of the main urban planning use regimes;
- development of proposals for the organization of transport and engineering infrastructures;
- carrying out landscape-visual analysis of the territory;
- Development of proposals for the organization of social and cultural services for the population;
- Development of environmental protection measures;
- determination of the main technical and economic indicators of the project.
The following materials were taken into account in the development of the project:
- "Master Plan for the Development of Moscow and the Moscow Region for the Period up to 2010," the "Basic Provisions" of which are approved by Decree of the Head of the Administration of the Moscow Region No. 69/24 of November 12, 1992;
- The main directions of sustainable urban development of the Moscow region, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region dated 30.12.2003 No. 743/48;
- A scheme of functional and urban planning zoning of the territory of the Shchelkovsky district, developed by the State Unitary Enterprise of the Research Institute of Urban Planning and agreed by the City Planning Council under the Chief Architect of the Moscow Region on April 23, 1997;
-Project of district layout of Shchelkovsky district.
I.2 Urban planning characteristics of the territory under consideration
The considered territory of the cottage village "Sosnovy Bor" is located near the central part of the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region, 5 km north-east of the city of Shchelkovo in its suburban green zone in the 2nd zone of sanitary protection of drinking water sources in Moscow.
The territory of the cottage village borders:
- from the north - the settlement of Voronok;
- from the west - the land of Serkovo;
- from the south of the land der. Ice and Suponevo
- from the west - old road to Suponevo
The main priorities of the urban development of this territory are:
- environmentally safe development of the territory of the Moscow region by ensuring the sustainable development of all territorial units of the ecological framework (nuclei, key territories, transit zones, ecological corridors and buffer territories), ensuring long-term unrestricted rational renewable environmental management and maintaining ecological balance at the regional level;
- optimal use of territorial, natural and historical-cultural resources, creation of conditions of equilibrium between urbanized and natural environment, provision of free movement and aesthetic needs of the population in natural, urban and rural landscapes, various forms of recreation, by creating modern architectural and urban planning ensembles, formation of ecological, historical, cultural and transport and communication frameworks at the level of the Moscow region, municipalities, individual settlements, subject to the balance of state, public and private interests;
- re-organization of the existing low-rise development into a highly comfortable modern system of recreational park development with the formation of public policy, business, trade, entertainment, hotel, health and sports centers, historical and cultural, religious and natural landscape complexes with the reorganization of the city-forming base, as well as phased capitalization of the existing rural development and areas of collective gardening.
The territory intended for the placement of a residential complex belongs to the nodes of accelerated urban development with natural landscape and natural recreational functions in the west of the Moscow region, these territories have high natural-ecological and historical-cultural potential for organizing in the near future a recreational and tourism industry using the territories of large forest areas and buffer zones of the natural-ecological framework, territories of natural and historical-cultural reserves and reserves, special protected areas, taking into account the use regimes established by the projects of protection zones. In the territories of these development hubs, service facilities can be located for the organization of environmental tourism, walking, water, cycling routes, air and viaparks, horse riding routes, objects for the organization of hunting and fishing, revival of Russian traditional games and entertainment surrounded by the natural landscape, the construction of eco-settlements, the development of scientific research, environmental protection and environmental restoration activities can be provided.
As a result of environmental planning analysis of the territory under consideration, a tense urban planning situation was revealed in the territories adjacent to the Shchelkovsky district. Recently, there has been a significant demand for land adjacent to the Shchelkovsky district, which can lead to an active growth in cottage construction, and spontaneous mass development of this territory, which will aggravate the already difficult environmental and planning situation.
I.3 Natural conditions
General characteristics of the projected area
The considered territory is in North - east sector the sector of the central regions of the Moscow region, in the second belt of a zone of protection of sources of drinking water supply of Moscow and on extent of transformation of the environment belongs to semi-natural with the low level of technogenic development.
I.3.1 Natural features of the territory
In natural terms, the projected territory is located within the Moscow physical and geographical province. Basically, these are the areas of the moraine-glacial plains - the highest tier in the landscape (200230 m). The range of heights here reaches only 3-5 m. Prone surfaces are gentle, less often - sloping (25 °). There are 26 soil varieties on the territory. The most common of them are turf-medium-zolic, occupying 42.6% of the total area, turf-strong - 20.1%, turf-low-zolic - 15.5%. In terms of the mechanical composition of the upper horizons, the most common are medium-zolic - 53.2% of the total area. The depth of groundwater ranges from 1.5 to 3-5 m. Broad-leaved and small-leaved wet and raw forests are developed on them. In their undergrowth there are ripples, hazelnuts, breakneck. Blueberries, Schreber moss are characteristic, and in the cover - kislica, Linnaeus ferns and men's ferns, hairy ozzle, creeping belly, etc. Of the subdominant tracts, swampy westerns and moors, as well as individual moraine hills and cams, are often found.
Geobotanically, the Shchelkovsky district belongs to the subzone of boreal mixed forests.
Two indigenous types of forest are represented on the site under consideration: aspen-breasted with alder grey ferns with oak, taiga and meadow-forest moisture-loving species (Ajuga reptans, Stellaria nemorum, Urtica dioica, Geum rivplale), non-creamy iogens, calic iogens, Pichid dioica aspen-shaped with spruce, oak, linden, raspberry-crushy pine conifers-acid-wide-equal with ferns and pike, in places with alder gray and ripples.
I.3.2 Hydrography and hydrology
Surface waters in the territory under consideration are represented by the Klyazma River - a tributary of the Oka River and the Vorya River, a tributary of the Klyazma River.
There is practically no hydrographic network on the projected area: it is represented by several surface watercourses by natural decreases, which show their activity only when snow melts and less often during atmospheric precipitation (showers). The shores of all watercourses are covered with forest and shrubs, some of them are buried. From other water bodies there is a closed non-current reservoir of artificial origin.
I.3.3 Geotechnical features of the territory and assessment of the territory according to construction conditions
The considered area is characterized by the average stability of the geological environment to engineering and economic impact (engineering and geological processes are not catastrophic) and is divided into about two parts according to the main factors determining the stability of the geological environment.
The designed area is favorable for development according to engineering and geological conditions. This area has a loamy composition of glacial deposits and a significant capacity of dense weakly permeable moraine loams - up to 50 m or more. The ubiquitous occurrence of cover loams on the moraine, the widespread development of the headland, is characteristic. At the same time, flooding and local waterlogging of territories can develop .
I.3.4 Climatic characteristics
The construction and climatic characteristics are carried out on the basis of the map of climatic zoning of the territory for construction (SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology"), reference materials (Scientific and applied handbook on the climate of the USSR, ser. 3, part 16, issue 8 "Moscow and the Moscow Region," L., Hydrometeoizdat, 1990; meteorological observation data, methodological guidelines).
The construction area belongs to the IIB climatic zone, the normal humidity zone.
Characteristic features of the temperature regime are:
1. in summer clear days, in case of anticyclonal weather, air overheating is observed (exceeding the upper limit of comfortable temperatures);
2. a prolonged cold period with a temperature below the comfort limit;
3. large daily amplitudes of air temperature in the spring - autumn - summer periods of the year, exceeding household thresholds of sensation, adversely affecting both human well-being and the buildings themselves.
The climatic characteristics of the territory development area are based on observations of the Mozhaisk weather station.
The construction area belongs to the temperate continental climate zone with characteristic invasions of Arctic and tropical air. It is distinguished by cold winters and moderately warm summers.
Design air temperature for heating and enclosing structures (C0):
- absolute maximum + 360
- absolute minimum 440
- average hottest month + 220.
- average coldest period 150.
Wind, its speed and direction have a great influence on the mixing of impurities in the atmosphere. The average monthly wind speed ranges from 2.0 m/s in summer to 3.2 m/s in winter. The average annual wind speed is 2.7 m/s. Wind speed 5% availability - 7 m/s.
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