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Laying of 04 KV lines before entering the building


Laying of 0.4 sq line before entering the beauty salon building

Project's Content

icon Drawing1_cross_line.dwg
icon тимка_главный.dwg
icon ПЗ.doc

Additional information

General instructions for laying of 0.4 kV CU

This working documentation is based on:

- Specifications ext. No. MS081022284 dated 07.08.2008,

issued by Moscow City Electric Grid Company OJSC.

- PUE, CTEEP, customer tasks.

The project provides for:

1. Laying of cable lines 0.4kV in direction:

- 4 C 0.4 kV APvBbShp1 (4х150) L=210m.

from TP18460 to VRU beauty salon.

Cable laying is provided

In the ground at a depth of 0.7 m from the ground surface in IPA pipes with a diameter of 160mm to protect against mechanical damage during excavations.

Excavation work along existing cables and at intersections with other communications laid at a depth of 1.2 m should be carried out manually without the use of mechanisms.

Prior to commencement of works in order to accurately determine the location of the mentioned communications, pit shall be performed.

Construction and installation works shall be carried out by a specialized organization with strict compliance with the requirements of the PUE, "Rules for earthworks in Moscow and PTB under the technical supervision of the MHEC.

Drawings content

icon Drawing1_cross_line.dwg


icon тимка_главный.dwg
