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KP engineering surveys for design of KS-3 building

  • Added: 25.04.2018
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The work contains a set of information necessary for engineering surveys, procedure and scope of work, design of survey results.

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Additional information



Source Data

Terms of Reference

Survey Program

Defining the Scope of Engineering Surveys

Determination of the number of mine workings

Determination of drilling depth


Geotechnical section

List of literature


Source Data

The level of responsibility of the building - KS3;

The complexity category of the ISU is I;

The dimensions of the building in plan are 70x40 m;

The type of foundation is tape;

Foundation laying elevation (tip) - 2.500 m;

The load on the foundation is 500 kN/m.

Terms of Reference

Object name: Museum building

Location of the facility: Yekaterinburg, st. Marshal Zhukov

Customer (developer): Mayak Corporation

Design Phase: Engineering Project

Task Issuing Organization: Mayak Corporation

Information on availability of materials of earlier surveys:

There are materials of engineering and geological surveys, LLC "GeoCompani," att. 1;

Technical characteristics of the designed object

1) Design features:

The building is arceless, the main bearing structures are brick walls, reinforced concrete floors;

2) Dimensions of the building: in plan view 70x40 m, height - 6 m;

3) Estimated type of foundation: tape, depth of laying - -2.500m;

4) Load on the foundation (per linear meter): 500 kN/m;

5) Sensitivity to uneven precipitation: sensitive;

6) The presence of wet processes that can lead to humidification of soils of the base: absent;

7) Presence of cellars, pits: missing ;

8) Presence of dynamic loads on the soil: from the movement of urban transport;

9) Estimated soil load: 520 kPa;

Estimated area of the construction site, direction, length, start and end points of routes, utilities:

The area of ​ ​ the construction site is 0.007 km2, 100 m in the north-east direction, 70 m in the north-west;

Data on the impact of the designed facility on the natural environment, environmental management, measures for the protection and engineering protection of territories and structures:

The action for protection against flooding, protection against flooding, protection against a frosty pucheniye, from a naledeobrazovaniye does not belong to hazardous production facilities;

Design Phase: Technical Design;

Construction cost (million rubles): 90;

Cost of construction and construction works (million rubles): 70;

Year of construction start: 2018;

List of reporting materials: in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.11012013;

Order of reporting materials provision: in full with issue of intermediate results of engineering and geological surveys;

Requirements for accuracy of surveys of reliability or provision of design characteristics: in accordance with item 4.20 of SP47.13330.2016;

Special or additional requirements for the production of surveys or reporting materials: deadlines for the submission of reporting materials according to the schedule to the contract, materials to be provided on paper and electronic medium in the format of "pdf."

Survey Program

General Information

- Name and location of the object: Museum building, Yekaterinburg, st. Marshal Zhukov;

- Information about the customer (performer): Mayak Corporation, Russia, Yekaterinburg, ul. Radishcheva 2;

- Design Stage: Technical Design;

- Type of survey: geotechnical;

- Customer: Mayak Corporation;

- Identification information and characteristics of the object: the building is arceless, the main load-bearing structures are brick walls, reinforced concrete floors; dimensions of the building: in plan view 70x40 m, height - 6 m; estimated type of foundation: tape, depth of laying 2.500m; load on the foundation (per linear meter): 500 kN/m; there is no basement;

Objectives and

objectives of engineering surveys

The purpose of the surveys is to provide design and production organizations with information about the complex of natural conditions required to substantiate decisions on the construction of the facility .

It is necessary to obtain data on the geologolithological structure of the base and physical and mechanical properties of the soil .

Description of the degree of study of natural conditions based on materials of earlier surveys

Materials of surveys previously performed by "GeoCompani" were provided for use. The materials contain a lithological description of the base with a description of the main physical and mechanical characteristics of engineering and geological elements. The topographic plan of the construction site does not cover the area of the construction site and the designed building. The date of penetration was 11.06.2011. From the moment of conducting surveys on the territory, the construction of the building was not carried out, therefore, the period of validity of previously completed surveys has expired, the use of previously obtained data is unacceptable.

Justification for the expansion of the boundaries of the survey area

Limits of engineering surveys are defined and issued by the customer.

Substantiation of application of modern non-standardized technologies (methods)

When performing geotechnical surveys, standard technologies are used, since others are not necessary.

Measures to ensure the safety of working conditions

During the period prepared for field work, undertake the following activities:

medical examination of permanent employees;

medical examination of seasonal workers;

induction training for seasonal workers;

verification of safety knowledge in all employees of field units; providing field units with tools, workwear, footwear, communications;

preparation of vehicles for transportation of people, mandatory registration of an act of readiness for departure to the field.

In the field period:

inform local authorities about the place of work;

Provide on-the-job training to all employees;

Perform three-stage safety control;

strict observance of personal hygiene, sanitation;

special attention should be paid to the observance of safety rules when cutting clearances and viziers, crossing water barriers during the operation of motor vehicles for work in winter.

General rules and activities are regulated by SNiP III480 "Safety in construction."

Measures to protect the environment and eliminate its pollution and prevent damage during engineering surveys

Environmental protection measures are carried out in accordance with GOST - 76; GOST - 79; GOST - 90.

Requirements for organization and performance of survey works, quality control of works

Reliability and quality of engineering surveys are determined in accordance with the internal quality control system of the contractor (internal control), as well as technical control of engineering surveys by the developer or technical customer or by a natural or legal person (external control) attracted by them on the basis of the contract.

Employees of Geotop Engineering LLC allow the performers of engineering surveys to perform work. At the same time, they are checked for access to certain types of work that affect the safety of capital construction facilities, their technical equipment, the presence of appropriate personnel, the provision of regulatory and technical documentation, technical assignment and work program.

At the same time, at the request of the customer, an examination of the terms of reference and the program of work is carried out.

During engineering surveys compliance with survey technology, necessity and adequacy of survey volumes stipulated by the work program is monitored. Laboratory tests are being checked.

The materials of the technical report on technical (construction) control contain acts of field control and control of laboratory tests, photographic materials of confirmation of performed works, recording of detected violations and their elimination .

The successful passing of the state examination directly depends on the quality of reports on engineering surveys. In this regard, before conducting a state examination, customers are interested in conducting an internal examination of reports, which can also be carried out by the organization conducting external control .

A full cycle of technical control works is carried out: TA - program of work - admission of the contractor - field stage - laboratory studies - examination of the results of engineering surveys - support of the state examination.

List and composition of reporting materials, deadlines for their submission

Deadlines for submission of reporting materials according to the schedule to the contract, materials to be provided on paper and electronic medium in "pdf" format. Materials in accordance with GOST 21.3012014.

Substantiation of the need to carry out research work

R&D is not required because the designed object is not unique, but the complexity category of geotechnical conditions I (simple).

Metrological Support Information

For performance of works the set of geodetic equipment Sokkia SET530R verification certificate No. 0123001 is used .

Determining the Number of Samples

The scope of work on laboratory studies of soil properties is determined based on the number of layers and drilling depth in accordance with SP 1110597 "Engineering and geological surveys. Part 1. General Rules for Performance of Works. "

Based on the obtained engineering-geological section, samples are taken every 2 m, a series of samples of the disturbed and undisturbed structure. We obtain 5 samples in each of the wells.


When conducting engineering and geological surveys for the construction of this object in simple engineering and geological conditions (I), namely - 2 lithological layers of clay soils lying slightly obliquely, the absence of groundwater, it is allowed to use the following methods for drilling:

Dry column (drilling diameter 89219 m);

Hammer-rope driven ring face (drilling diameter 108325 m);

Striking-rope ring face (drilling diameter 89168 m);

Vibration using a vibrator or vibration hammer (drilling diameter 89168 m);

Screw rail (drilling diameter 146273 m);

Screw in-line (drilling diameter 108273 m).

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