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Kindergarten Telephony Project


Object: Kindergarten. Project developer: no data. Year of project release: 2011. Systems: Telephony

Project's Content

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Additional information


1 General instructions

2 External Telephony Networks

3 Diagram of telephone sewerage in the technical subpole

4 Structural diagram of the object connection to the telephone network

public use

Explanatory Note

This section of the project provides for equipping the facility with external telephony networks.

Telephony of a 135-seat preschool educational institution in the Novy microdistrict is carried out by laying communication lines in cable sewers.

The section "External communication systems" is developed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents:

- GOST 21.40688 * "Wired communication facilities. Schematic symbols on diagrams and plans ";

- VSN 6089 "Communication, alarm and dispatching devices of engineering equipment of residential and public buildings. Design Standards ";

- OSTN 60093 "Industry Construction and Technological Standards for Installation of Communication, Broadcasting and Television Facilities and Devices";

- GOST 46479. "Grounding for fixed wire communication installations, radio relay stations, radio broadcasting units of wire broadcasting and antennas of television collective reception systems";

- VSN 11693 "Instructions for the design of line-cable structures

communications ";

- PUE Edition 7 "Electrical Installation Rules" ";

- GOST 12.1.3081 "Electrical safety. Protective grounding, Busy. "

1 General Information

1.1 Design object

Object preschool educational institution for 135 places in the microdistrict "New."

1.2 Characteristics of the object

The 135-seat kindergarten building is designed according to an individual project and is a 2-story volume with semicircular windows and a turret.

2 Cable sewer

For telephone cable laying in accordance with Specification No. 1001/116 dated 04.10.2011. Svyazinform CJSC from the tie-in point (cable well No. 606 between houses No. 34 and 35 in the Novy microdistrict) to the entry into the kindergarten building provides for the arrangement of a single-hole cable sewer made of asbestos cement pipes with a diameter of 100 mm.

The cable sewer consists of the following sections:

- section from the tie-in point with length of 94m to the newly installed cable well KKS2 No. 1,

- section from cable well KKS2 No. 1 with length of 86 m to newly installed cable well KKS2 No. 2,

- section from cable well KKS2 No. 2 with a length of 29 m to the entry into the kindergarten building.

Cable sewer shall be laid in accordance with the diagram, refer to 01P/2011NSS, l.2. Section of cable sewer trench, refer to 01P/2011NSS, l.2. Trench depth 1100 mm, pipe laying depth 1000 mm. Cable sewage is introduced in the technical subpole of the building. Connection of pipes during cable sewer construction is performed by polyethylene couplings of MPT1 type.

For the laying of low-current wires and cables between the kindergarten and houseplate buildings, a two-hole cable sewer made of asbestos cement pipes with a diameter of 100 mm is provided. Cable sewer shall be laid in accordance with the diagram, refer to 01P/2011NSS, l.2. Section of cable sewer trench, refer to 01P/2011NSS, l.2. Trench depth 1100 mm, pipe laying depth 1000 mm. Cable sewage is introduced in the technical subpole of kindergarten and houseplate.

3 Telephony

Networks of installation of telephones are laid by TPPEP cable 10х2х0.5 from an insert point (cable well No. 606) before input to the building in the cable sewerage.

Then through input to the building TPPEP cable 10х2х0.5 is laid in PVC pipes with a diameter of 40 mm on the wall or a ceiling with fastening by collars of a technical underground of kindergarten before interfloor transition where it is brought to the first floor of the building. On the first floor of the kindergarten, the cable is laid along the wall in the box DKC 25 62 30 to the location of the mini-PBX installed in the explication room on the first floor (see plan K39JUR/10/2002101IOS 5.6, l.4 elev. 0.000, AB/1112 axes), where it is expanded to KRONE plinth. The KRONE plinth is mounted in KRT10 box installed at a distance of not less than 200 mm from the ceiling. From the plinth, the cable is crossed to the input lines of the mini-PBX.

In need of laying of internal phone lines to the building of a utility block TPPEP cable 10х2х0.5 is laid from a plinth of internal lines of mini-automatic telephone exchange on the designed cable sewerage see 01P/2011NSS, the l.2 to the building of a utility block where it is embroidered on a box of KPT10 and gets divorced further in an object to subscriber points (see the plan K39YuR/10/2002102IOS 5.1.6, l.3-5).

Cable penetrations with fire resistance rating not lower than fire resistance rating of crossed structures are provided at points of intersection of building structures with rated fire resistance rating by cables and wires.

4 Power supply and earthing

All equipment shall be grounded. Grounding shall be performed in accordance with PUE requirements.

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