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Installation KTP-250/6/0.4 T-VV in the village of Musino on the street. Friendship for electricity supply st. Embankment


Design of 6/0.4kV KMTP installation in the village, outgoing VLI-0.4kV SIP4 4x95. Calculations SP31.110-2003

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Basis of Design

2. Health and safety and environmental protection

environment from contaminants

3. Process Part

4. Electrical safety

6. List of sources used

Basis of Design

The project was carried out on the basis of the technical conditions for power supply issued by the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Electric Networks of the Urban District of Salavat."

Project completed in accordance with the following regulatory documents

- GOST R 50571.1597 "Electrical equipment selection and installation"

- "Electrical Installation Rules" 7th Edition, 2009

-SP 311102003 "Design and installation of residential and public buildings"

2. Health, safety and environmental protection against pollution

The project was implemented in accordance with the current norms and the "Rules on Labor Protection and Safety," the implementation of which ensures the safety of construction and operation of power supply systems.

Labor protection is a system of legislative acts, socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic and therapeutic preventive measures and means to ensure the safety, health and efficiency of a person in the process of work.

Safety equipment is a set of tools and measures introduced into production in order to create healthy and safe working conditions.

Safe working conditions are working conditions under which the action on working harmful or hazardous industrial factors is excluded or the levels of their impact do not exceed the established standards.

Safety is the absence of an unacceptable risk associated with the possibility of damage.

Labor protection and safety during installation of the designed equipment is ensured by making all design decisions in strict accordance with the current regulatory documents, norms and rules ("PTE" and "PTB"), the requirements of which take into account the conditions of labor safety, prevention of industrial injuries, occupational diseases, fires, explosions. To ensure labor protection and safety, the project provides for the use of modern, technically advanced products; high degree of mechanization of construction works.

All construction and installation works shall be carried out in full compliance with PUE, PTA and HSE rules. The work should be carried out by specialized enterprises. Each deviation from the project during erection works shall be previously agreed with the project organization.

The used electrical equipment on the principle of operation are equipment that does not have a source of emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, therefore, air and environmental pollution during the operation of the equipment specified in the project does not occur.

3. Technological part

The project completed:

- installation of KMTP250/10/0.4kV in the village of Musino on Friendship street of residential buildings power supply along Naberezhnay.

- power supply of KMTP, is executed from a feed. No. 2 RP3. The unsealing point, according to the technical specifications, accepted support No. 36. KMTP has an air inlet. In RU0.4kV there is the main RPb600 and 3 knife switch of the departing RPS250 knife switches. It is also provided to install a starter in the KTPN and a photorelay for connecting the outdoor lighting line of the village.

-RLND110B/400U1 disconnector complete with RVO6kV arresters is installed on the existing support No. 36

- installation of additional support of PP30 type based on SV1103.5 L = 11m racks; replacement of the existing intermediate VL0.4kV support by an UA30 support. Double-chain supports VV0.4kV are adopted as double-rack, A-shaped supports of UA30 type based on posts SV1103.5 L = 11m; removal and installation with transfer of existing intermediate support,

- installation of complete transformer substation of KMTP250/10/0.4 type. In RU0.4kV also devices of protection against currents are provided about accuracy class electric power metering devices not lower than 1.0 to. z., overload, retension and device of protective shutdown;

-from existing support No. 36 to KMTP power supply is performed by steel-aluminium wire of grade 3-AS-50.

- outgoing 0.4kV main lines are made with wire of STIP-4 4x95 grade on existing supports. From KMTP to the support located at the intersection of Druzhdzhaya and Naberezhnaya str., power supply is performed on double-chain supports.

- branch and connection to the main line of building inputs is performed by PIP-2 wire through piercing clamps. The number and section of the input wires shall be determined according to the specification.

-grounding plan. The resistance of the grounding device shall not exceed 4 ohms at any time of the year. Neutral and transformer housing, 6K arresters, VLI supports, as well as all other metal parts that may be energized as a result of insulation damage are subject to grounding.

- before the start of excavation, clarify the location of existing underground communications. All works shall be coordinated with the owners of utility networks.

Vertical distance from VLI wires to the ground surface and street carriageway shall be not less than 5 m. When crossing the non-roadway of the streets with branches from the VLI to the entrances to the buildings of the PIS from the PIS to the sidewalks of the footpaths, it is allowed to reduce to 3.5 m. The distance from the PIS and isolated wires to the ground surface on the branches to the entrance should be at least 2.5 m.

5. Electrical safety

Electrical safety - a system of organizational and technical measures and means that ensure the protection of people from harmful and dangerous effects of electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic field and static electricity.

Electric shock of people and animals as a result of contact with current-carrying parts of electric installations under voltage is characterized by termination of respiratory and circulatory organs.

According to the current sanitary standards, no more than 0.05A is allowed to flow through a person's body.

The current-carrying parts of the electrical installation shall not be accessible for accidental contact, and the open and external conductive parts accessible to the touch shall not be energized, which poses a danger of electric shock both in normal operation of the electrical installation and in case of insulation damage.

For normal electric shock protection, the following direct contact protection measures shall be applied individually or in combination:

• main insulation of current-carrying parts ;

• fences and shells;

• out of reach;

To protect against electric shock in case of insulation damage, the following indirect touching protection measures are applied alone or in combination:

• protective grounding;

• automatic power-off;

Measures of protection against electric shock should be provided in the electrical installation or its part or applied to individual electric receivers and can be implemented during the manufacture of electrical equipment, either during the installation of the electrical installation, or in both cases. The use of two or more protective measures in the electrical installation should not have a mutual influence that reduces the efficiency of each of them.

All open conductive parts of electrical equipment which may be energized shall be grounded.

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