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Industrial building ventilation - mechanical workshop


Exchange rate - drawing, note, calculations.

Project's Content

icon аэродинамика.xlsx
icon Вентиляция.dwg
icon записка.docx
icon таблицы.xlsx

Additional information


Climatic data of the construction area

Selection of design air parameters

Heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures

Thermal mode of rooms

Calculation of exhaust devices

Selection of exhaust ventilation equipment

Supply air distribution

Selection of plenum unit

Aerodynamic calculation of ventilation systems

Bibliographic list

Selection of exhaust ventilation equipment

Air removal from the room is provided by ARKTOS roof fans of TEPQ 5004 brand (2 pcs).

Supply air distribution

7.1 Selection of air exchange organization scheme

When choosing the air exchange organization scheme, the recommendations of the relevant SNiP were taken into account. The adopted scheme of organization of air exchange is mixing ventilation at supply air supply on the principle of "top - bottom," since this type of air exchange ensures uniform distribution of air parameters in the room volume.

Air is supplied through the air distributors of the domestic production company Arktos. Supply air is supplied to the serviced area of the shop premises by stacking jets through air distributors located in the upper area of the premises.

Drawings content

icon Вентиляция.dwg


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