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indoor sports hall steel structure

  • Added: 07.08.2020
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full set sports hall

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icon +Объектная смета 02-01 по спортив компл..xls
icon +Объектная смета 06-01 по спортив компл..xls
icon +Объектная смета 07-01 по спортив компл..xls
icon 02-01-01.doc
icon 02-01-03.doc
icon 02-01-06.doc
icon 04-01.doc
icon 07-01-01.doc
icon 07-01-03.doc
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icon Спортив компл. Сводная 31918 без оборуд.xls
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Additional information




Analysis of the existing state of environmental components in the area where the design object is located

Characteristics of the design object

Environmental impact assessment of the designed facility

4.1. Air pollution

4.2. Water consumption and drainage. Water basin pollution

4.3. Production and consumption waste

4.4. Protection and rational use of land. Improvement of the territory

4.5. Social consequences



1. Table of production and consumption wastes

2. Situational map-diagram of the construction site location area


The section "Environmental impact assessment" (EIA) was carried out for the working project "Sports center with a universal game hall in the village of Pokrovskoye, Neklinovsky district, Rostov region. Construction of a multifunctional (low-cost) sports hall "

The purpose of this work is to prepare and justify environmentally sound construction solutions. The EIA findings are the basis for the environmental justification of the proposed activity, and project decisions should be made taking into account the minimization of negative environmental impacts.

When developing the section, the requirements of regulatory documents are taken into account:

- Federal Environmental Protection Act No. 7FZ of 10.01.2002.

- "Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment of Intended Economic and Other Activities," approved by Order of the State Committee of Ecology of the Russian Federation No. 372 of 16.05.2000.

- Recommendations on environmental support of investment-building projects. Centrinvestproekt, 1998

- Construction Norms and Regulations 110195 Instruction about an order of development, coordination, a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions. M., State Enterprise "Centrinvestproekt" Gosstroy of Russia, 2000

- Manual on drawing up the section of the project (working project) "Environmental Protection" to SNiP 110195.

- Recommendations on the preparation and content of the draft standards of maximum permissible emissions into the atmosphere (MPA) for the enterprise. M., Goskompriroda, 1989.

- SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other facilities. M., Federal Center for Gossanepidnadzor of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 2007.

- Collection of specific indicators of generation of production and consumption wastes. M, 1999.

- SNiP 2.04.0385 Sewerage. External networks.

- Federal Waste Classification Catalogue (FCCF). Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 786 of 02.12.2002

- Additions to the Federal Waste Classification Catalogue. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 663 of 30.07.2003

- Rules for the development and application of standards for intractable losses and waste of materials in construction, RSD 8220296, Ministry of Construction of Russia, M., 1996

- Collection of standard standards for loss of material resources with construction (supplement to RSD 8220296).

- Reference manual on specific indicators of generation of critical types of production and consumption wastes. Research Center PURO Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia, 1996.

- Decree of the Mayor of Rostov-on-Don of 30.12.2003 No. 2800 "On the introduction of differentiated norms for the accumulation of TOP for garden associations (SOT), legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, standards for the formation of building waste during the current repair of buildings in Rostov-on-Don."

- Decree of the Mayor of Rostov-on-Don No. 1600 of 19.07.99 "On the introduction of standards for the accumulation of TOP (solid waste of consumption) for organizations, enterprises, institutions of all forms of ownership and entrepreneurial activity of Rostov-on-Don.

Analyzes the existing state of the environmental components in the area where the design object is located.

Site allotted for the construction of the facility: "Sports center with a universal game hall in the village of Pokrovskoye, Neklinovsky district, Rostov region. Construction of a multifunctional (low-cost) sports hall. "

Irrigated, watered or drained land, forest lands subject to special accounting, land contaminated with excess mineral fertilizers, radioactive substances, bacterial parasitic and other harmful components do not enter the construction zone of the facility.

The forecast of the development of man-made geological processes and the possibility of activating existing ones has not been recorded.

Characteristics of the design object.

The project provides for the construction of a multifunctional (low-cost) sports hall. In the north of the construction site, at a distance of 35 m, there is an existing brick building, at a distance of 65 m to the west - the hospital building, on the other sides - wasteland.

The project provides for the construction of a multifunctional (low-cost) sports hall with a construction volume of 8600 m3. The building has a rectangular configuration in plan with general dimensions in axes 18.50x42.0 m. The height of the structure is 11.0 m. The building is made of metal arches. The walls are three-layer, the outer layer is a painted profiled sheet. Internal layer of walls - PVC panels, between layers - insulation from mineplate with thickness of 100 mm.

In the built-in part of the gym building, locker rooms for girls and boys, coaching and shell are provided. The built-in part is separated from the main volume by a brick wall 120 mm thick, the building floor is precast reinforced concrete. Partitions of built-in part - frame type, from metal profiles with PVC panels facing

The main entrance to the building is oriented to the courtyard territory.

The floors in the building are made of linoleum (corridors), ceramic floor tiles (in bathrooms and wet rooms) mosaic "terrazzo," concrete, cement, wooden bar on lags (in the gym).

In the decoration of the premises are accepted: plaster, painting of gypsum board sheets, lining with glazed tiles (showers, bathrooms), painting with water-emulsion paints.

External decoration provides for the use of factory-painted profiled sheets, lining of the basement - plaster "under a fur coat."

The building area is 935.8 m2.

The surface area (turning platform, sidewalks) is 510 m2.

Storey - 1.

Heat supply of the designed facility is provided from the existing heating boiler house located at a distance of 35 m north of the construction site.

Assessment of the environmental impact of the designed facility.

Air pollution.

This section reflects the impact of the facility intended for construction on atmospheric air during its normal operation and during the construction period.

Possible sources of pollutant release, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics have been identified. Measures aimed at reducing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during the construction and operation of the facility are indicated.

Sources of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere during construction works at the site are temporary and cease to exist at the end of the work.

The sources of emissions to the atmosphere during the construction period will be:

- operation of engines of construction and automotive equipment;

- welding works;

- painting of utilities.

- sprinkling of soil and bulk materials (crushed stone and sand).

The calculation of the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere (UPRZA) was not carried out due to the short-term operation of sources of air pollution and the lack of the need to rationalize maximum permissible emissions .

Atmospheric air pollution during construction will occur due to the operation of mobile sources:

Kamaz 5110-15 units.

Automobile crane KS5743- 1 unit

Loader Belarus - 2 units

Excavator - 1 unit.

The time of operation of mobile equipment, load work and engine idling was taken for various types of construction equipment, based on their functional purpose and the estimated time of performance of production operations.

Emissions calculations were made in accordance with the following methodological documents:

- Methodological manual for calculating emissions from unorganized sources in the construction materials industry, Novorossiysk, Soyuzstromecology., 1989

- Procedure for calculations of emissions (emissions) of pollutants into the atmosphere during welding operations, St. Petersburg, 1997.

- Methodological Manual for Calculation, Rationing and Control of Air Emissions "NII Atmosphere, SP, 2005.


Based on the analysis of all environmental impacts (atmospheric air, surface and groundwater, soils, land use conditions and geological environment), it can be concluded that the operation of the design object will not worsen the existing environmental situation in the area where it is located, and therefore will not only not have a negative impact on social conditions and public health, but will lead to their improvement.

Drawings content

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