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Hydraulic drive drawings


Course project. Hydraulic drive of working equipment of DZ-42G bulldozer (DT-75M). Two drawings, explanatory note

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. Initial data for hydraulic system calculation

1.2. Calculation of external load on output link of hydraulic drive

1.3. External load calculation at the output link

1.4. Justification of rated pressure level in hydraulic system

1.5. Operating fluid selection

2. Calculation and selection of hydraulic equipment

2.1. Calculation of power, supply of hydraulic pumps and their selection

2.2. Calculation and selection of hydraulic cylinders

2.3. Selection of guide and control hydraulic equipment

2.4. Select Filters

2.5. Piping Calculation and Selection

2.6. Calculation and selection of hydraulic tank capacity

3. Check calculation of hydraulic drive

3.1. Calculation of pressure losses in the hydraulic system

3.2. Calculation of actual value of hydraulic drive efficiency

3.3. Thermal calculation of hydraulic system


List of used literature


In this course design, the hydraulic drive of the working equipment of the bulldozer DZ42G (DT75M) was calculated.

Bulldozer - is a self-propelled earth-moving transport machine, designed mainly for cutting, planning, moving to a distance of 150 m. The bulldozer performs the following types of work: construction of embankments of railways and roads, cutting of slopes and filling of excavations, planning at front and rear travel, leveling materials, pushing scrapers in heavy ground conditions; immerse soil or material in motor vehicles and on conveyors by means of a rack or tray, leveling sites and filling trenches during the construction of oil and gas pipelines, erecting dams, dams and digs channels in milliature and hydraulic construction, perform preparatory work. Bulldozers can roll trees, crust stumps, cut shallows and shrubs in road construction and forestry.

Bulldozers are widely used in open-pit mining both for harvesting the vegetation layer of land and waste rock and for mining and transporting coal, etc.

In winter, bulldozers are used for snow clearing of roads and areas and snow holding in agriculture.

Bulldozer working cycle consists of soil digging, drawing prism formation, its transportation to stacking place, stop for gear shifting and dump lifting, machine reverse travel, stop for turning on forward stroke and lowering dump to working surface.

Bulldozer consists of basic tractor or tractor, in front of which working member - dump is hung in transverse plane.


Further development of the technical level of machines is impossible without the improvement of the hydraulic drive, which is currently an integral part of almost every trans-tailor or process machine.

The accumulated experience of hydraulic machine builders in the design and manufacture of hydraulic devices, the experience of operating existing hydraulic drives allows us to talk about ways to further improve both the element base and the hydraulic drive as a whole.

Firstly, it is the development of better pumps, hydraulic motors, hydraulic equipment in order to improve technical characteristics and increase their reliability.

Secondly, increasing the level of processability of hydraulic devices in order to reduce labor intensity, material intensity, energy intensity in manufacture, maintenance and repair.

Due to the creation of machines of high unit power, the loads on their working bodies increase, therefore, the output power of the hydraulic drive increases. One way to increase the power parameters of the drive is to develop hydraulic devices for higher values ​ ​ of the nominal pressure of the working fluid while maintaining the same fluid flow rates. At the same time, this circumstance requires the development of new seal structures, the use of progressive structural materials, the creation of new filter materials, etc.

One of the ways of mechanizing construction work in difficult-accessible places is the creation of small-sized and at the same time maneuverable and high-performance machines, in which the advantages of using a hydraulic drive are undeniable. In this regard, the development of compact and small-sized hydroelements is necessary. including for the purpose of automation of work operations.

An important task to improve hydraulic drive is the development of new grades of working fluids with the necessary quality characteristics.

Of course, the above list of ways to improve the hydraulic drive is not exhaustive, but it is certain that solving the above problems will significantly raise the quality level of machines equipped with hydraulic drives.

Drawings content

icon Схема.cdw


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