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Hotel Building Design - Drawings


Diploma project Hotel-type building. In package: graphic part, explanatory note, abstract, report, review

Project's Content

icon Введение.doc
icon Доклад.doc
icon Реферат.doc
icon Рецензия.DOC
icon Содержание.doc

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Section 1 Case Comparison

1.1. Options Description

1.2. Calculation of economic cost

1.1.1. First option

1.1.2. Second option

1.1.3. Third option

1.1.4. Fourth option

1.2. Design part

1.3. Cost of economic efficiency in 2003 prices

Section 2 Architectural and Construction Part

2.1. Source Data

2.2. Plot Plan, Vertical Layout

and landscaping

2.3. Space Planning Solution

2.4. Design Solutions

2.5. Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures

2.5.1. Heat Engineering Calculation of Wall Fence

2.5.2. Thermal calculation of the coating

2.6. Building Finishes

2.6.1. Interior decoration

2.6.2. Exterior decoration

2.7. Building engineering equipment

2.7.1 Heating and ventilation

2.7.2. Water supply and sewerage

2.8. Power supply, telephony and radialization

2.9. Fire Fighting Activities

Section 3 Design and Construction Part

3.1. Optimization of a typical floor panel according to the minimum cost criterion

3.1.1. Option Calculation of slab actual cost and labour intensity of the panel

3.1.2. Option Calculation of slab actual cost and labour intensity of the panel

3.1.3.Relations of costs and labor intensity according to the 1st and 2nd variant

3.2. Calculation of prefabricated tape foundation

Section 4 Foundations and Foundations

4.1. Assessment of engineering and geological conditions of the construction site

4.2. Normative values of physical and mechanical properties of soils

4.3. Determination of calculated values of physical and mechanical properties of soils

4.4. Determining the dimensions of the bottom of the tape foundation

4.4.1. Load collection

4.4.2. Defining Floor Dimensions for Section 1-

4.4.3. Defining Floor Dimensions for Section 2-

4.5. Base settlement calculation

Section 5 Routing for Joint Stone and Installation Works

5.1. Scope of Application

5.2. Compiling Labor Costing

5.3. Schedule work

5.4. Procedure and organization of works

5.4.1 Organization of wall masonry

5.4.2. Crane selection by technical parameters

5.5. Stonework Safety

Section 6 Organizational Part

6.1. Development of work execution schedule

6.1.1. Determination of construction duration

6.1.2. Bill of Quantities

6.1.3. Defining Labor Costs

6.2. Site Construction Plan Design

6.2.1. Need for mechanisms

6.2.2. Calculation of temporary buildings and structures for construction maintenance

6.2.3. Calculation of storage area and material and technical resources

6.2.4. Calculation of temporary power supply

6.2.5. Calculation of temporary water supply

Section 7 Economic part

7.1. Explanatory Note

7.2. Local estimate for civil works

7.3.Object estimate

7.4. Summary Estimate

7.3. Estimated cost of masonry costs for HESB

Section 8 Life Safety

8.1. Construction Site Organization

8.2. Loading and unloading works

8.3 Stone works

8.4. Installation works

8.5 Roofing works

8.6. Finishing works

8.7. Protection of land from the impact of the facility

List of literature

Project Description

The theme of the graduation project is "Hotel-type building in the village of Mountain Keys of Primorsky Krai."

The project contains all necessary questions and includes a graphic part - 10 sheets and an explanatory note, which consists of eight sections and contains 120 sheets, 12 figures, 44 tables.

The first section provides a comparison calculation of the options: four different types of insulation in the coating. The unit calculates the costs and labor costs of the variants.

The second section presents the issues of volumetric planning, structural solutions, special measures, engineering networks of the building, as well as heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures.

In the third section of the explanatory note, the typical floor panel was optimized according to the minimum cost criterion and the precast tape foundation was calculated.

The fourth section presents the calculation of the size determination of the bottom of the tape foundation and the calculation of the foundation for settlement.

The fifth section contains a process plan for the joint production of stone and installation works.

In the sixth section, questions on the organization of construction were developed, calculations of the need for temporary buildings, water supply, lighting were given.

The seventh section shows the calculation of the construction cost of this facility.

The eighth section contains safety requirements and recommendations to be followed during construction.

The graphic part contains indicators of comparison of options, plans, sections and facade of the building, general development plan, construction plan, process chart, work schedule.


Due to the rapid development of tourism and resort business in the Primorsky Territory, there is a need to build new resort facilities in the zone of the Shmakovka sanatorium, so I developed a project "Hotel-type building in the village of Gorny Klyuchi, Primorsky Krai."

This will improve the infrastructure of the resort of the sanatorium Shmakovka and will allow to provide new places for vacationers.

This will also provide the district with new jobs, acquire new taxes to the local budget, which, of course, should affect the well-being of the resident local population.

Text of the Report

Due to the development of tourism and resort business in Primorsky Krai and the need to provide services and accommodation at the level of world standards, there is a need to build new resort facilities in the zone of the Shmakovka sanatorium, so I presented the project "Hotel-type building in the village of Mountain Keys in Primorsky Krai." This facility will improve the infrastructure of the resort of Shmakovka, provide new jobs, increase tax revenues to the local budget, which, of course, will positively affect the well-being of the resident local population.

The construction of this facility, at the moment, is relevant in connection with the declining confidence in the Asian tourist services market .

The first section shows the optimal type of insulation according to the criterion of economic effect .

The hotel-type building is designed for construction in the village of "Mountain Keys" and is a 2-story diamond-shaped volume in plan, oriented by the main entrance to the north.

On the ground floor there is a lobby, living rooms, a lobby - a winter garden and adjacent to it 2 light rooms of a reception hall, a dining hall and a cinema room - a living room. The foyer - the winter garden by arcades is connected to the dining hall and the cinema - the living room in order to illuminate it with side light, in addition to this the lobby - the winter garden is illuminated from the ends and in the center with lanterns. Living room - cinema hall is intended for rest of residents, holding concerts, as well as for demonstration of wide-screen films. Reception hall is located in the center of the volume.

Adjacent to the winter garden is the billiard and technological rooms of the catering unit. On the south side of the volume there is a group of residential premises - 4 single rooms and rooms of maintenance personnel with an independent entrance.

From the lobby - winter garden, two stairs lead to the second floor, where there is a small hotel, communication rooms, a group of residential rooms - 2 two-room and 1 three-room. Two-room rooms are planned so that if necessary they can be occupied in room.

In addition to the 2 main stairs leading from the winter garden to the 2nd floor, the premises of the first and second floors are connected by an internal staircase illuminated through window openings. The same staircase leads to the basement, where there is a sauna with a pool, auxiliary and technological rooms.

In the third section of the explanatory note, the typical floor panel was optimized according to the minimum cost criterion and the precast tape foundation was calculated.

In the section of the foundation and foundations, the physical and mechanical properties of soils are determined, as well as the calculation of the ribbon foundation for sedimentation is presented.

In the fifth section of the explanatory note, a process plan for the joint production of stone and installation work was developed. The sheet contains a diagram of stone and installation works, a schedule of works and a diagram of coating slabs installation. Motor crane KS3561A was selected for the work.

The organizational part contains questions on the organization of construction, calculations of the need for temporary buildings, lighting, water supply are given, the construction plan of the facility and the work schedule have been developed.

In the economic part, estimated documentation for the construction of this facility was developed, the cost amounted to 38551.39 thousand rubles. Besides calculation of estimated cost of costs of a stone laying of walls and partitions for the State element estimate norms on construction works was made, cost was 11111.92 thousand rubles.

The Life Safety section contains the safety requirements and recommendations that must be observed during construction.

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