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Hot water supply of a residential building - Heat supply

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Introduction. 3

1.   Description of the house system and equipment of the individual heating station, arrangement of equipment and fittings. 4

2.   Determination of estimated heat and hot water consumption. 8

3.   Calculation and construction of hourly and integral graphs of heat consumption. 12

4.   Hydraulic calculation of supply heat pipelines of the hot water supply system. 16

5.   Determination of heat loss of hot water supply pipelines. 22

6.   Hydraulic calculation of supply and circulation pipelines. 26

6.1    Determination of circulating water flow rates. 26

6.2    Adjustment of the hydraulic calculation of the supply heat pipes. 28

6.3    Hydraulic calculation of circulating heat pipelines. 29

7.   Selection of the main equipment of the thermal unit. 33

7.1 Selection of the battery tank. 33

7.2 Calculation of the water heater. 34

7.3 Selection of water meters and pumps. 38

8.   Specification. 40

Conclusion. 41

Sources  42

Project's Content

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1. Description of the house system and equipment of the individual heat station, arrangement of equipment and fittings

2. Determination of estimated heat and hot water flow rates

3. Calculation and construction of hourly and integral plots of heat consumption

4. Hydraulic calculation of hot water supply lines

5. Determination of heat losses of hot water pipelines

6. Hydraulic calculation of supply and circulation pipelines

6.1 Determination of water circulation rates

6.2 Adjustment of hydraulic calculation of supply heat lines

6.3 Hydraulic calculation of circulation heat lines

7. Selection of main equipment of heat assembly

7.1 Selection of accumulator tank

7.2 Calculation of water heater

7.3 Selection of water meter and pumps

8. Specification


List of sources used


Purpose of the course work:

In this course work, it was necessary to design a hot water supply system for a ten-story residential building.

On instructions, an open water supply system was set, which indicates that hot water is supplied directly from the heating network.

The system is double-tube with lower wiring, with a "classic" layout of risers and water separation units with towels on a circulation riser.


determination of estimated heat and hot water flow rates;

calculation and construction of hourly and integral plots of heat consumption;

hydraulic calculation of supply pipelines of the GVA system;

determination of heat losses of hot water supply pipelines;

hydraulic calculation of circulation and return pipelines, their correction;

selection of heat assembly equipment.

Description of the house system and equipment of the individual heat station, arrangement of equipment and fittings

This course project presents the design of a hot water supply system for an apartment building located in Bobruisk. On one floor there are 5 apartments: 2 one-room, 2 two-room and 1 three-room. The building provides for a technical underground. Floor height - 2.9 m.

Brief description of the building.

The design of heating systems in the course design is carried out for a ten-story residential building with a basement and attic.

The orientation of the main elevation of the building is north. Designed residential building.

The building is made using the following structures:

foundation: tape, prefabricated type - FL 10.30, FL 12.30 [19, Table 1], FBS 12.4.6 [18, Table 1];

slabs - reinforced concrete cast-in-situ slabs (ribbed);

walls: bearing and self-supporting - silicate brick (solid), 380mm thick;

partitions - ceramic brick, thickness 120 mm, 60 mm;

The dimensions of the window openings in the apartments are 810x1510 mm, 1360x1510, on the stairwell - 2960x830 mm. Dimensions of external doors - 2100x2100 mm.

Floor covering options: linoleum - in living rooms and a corridor, ceramic tiles in the bathroom.

Structural system - wall, structural scheme - cross.

Overall dimensions of the building in axes A-G are 16700 mm, in axes 1-5 - 26860 mm. Interstage communication - large-element stairs from platforms and marches of slab structure.

Residential area - 4861.22 m2;

The building construction volume is 9280.75 m3.

The most widespread, especially in cities, are centralized hot water systems. With heat supply from CHP, district or quarterly boiler houses, they are the most acceptable and economical. The main feature of centralized systems is the 24-hour continuous supply of hot water to consumers. Hot water preparation for hot water supply system needs is performed in CTP or CTP. From here, hot water is supplied to in-house hot water supply systems, consisting of dilution and prefabricated pipelines, water risers and in some systems of circulation risers.

Riser diagrams should be selected based on the structural features of the building, the layout of auxiliary rooms, the presence of a basement (attic).

For a ten-storey residential building with an open water supply system obtained by assignment, a two-pipe hot water supply system with a lower wiring is selected, with a "classic" layout diagram of risers and water collection units with towels on a circulation riser. Water from the water pipeline is heated in the heat exchanger with water from the heating network and supplied to the distribution pipeline located in the basement, and then to the water discharge risers. The remaining water is supplied through circulation risers with towels to the collection circulation pipeline and further to the circulation pump .

In order to remove air and lower water from the system, horizontal heat conductors are laid with a slope of at least 0.002. Pipelines of the hot water supply system, as a rule, are made of steel galvanized pipes, supply and circulation main heat pipelines are laid in the basement, fixed on brackets to load-bearing enclosing structures or by means of suspensions to the ceiling or floor. It is allowed to use non-galvanized steel pipes with a diameter of more than 150 mm.

In this course work, coils are used as towel dryers.

Horizontal distribution and prefabricated circulation pipelines shall be laid in basements or underground channels during lower routing. Pipes are placed on brackets on walls or attached on suspensions to the ceiling.

Hot water risers are laid in toilets and bathrooms, usually to the right of the cold water riser, and fixed to the walls with clamps. Apartment passages from risers to water separation devices are laid at a height of 200 mm from the floor.

When designing a hot water supply system, compensation for temperature extensions of pipes is provided. In places of passage through walls and overlaps, pipes are enclosed in steel sleeves with filling of gap between pipe and sleeve with sealing materials.

Depending on the layout, the following water collection valves are installed in the apartments: in the bathroom - a bath mixer and a washbasin mixer (or combined); in the kitchen - a mixer for washing (shells). Towels are installed in bathrooms.

It is recommended to place the heat point as close to the middle of the building as possible, this has a positive effect on the linkage of individual branches of the system in the hydraulic calculation of heat conductors and, ultimately, in the hydraulic mode of the system as a whole.

Installation of brass shutoff valves is provided in the thermal unit:

on branches from the main lines and on the common line from the heat source;

at the base of supply and circulation risers;

on branches of each apartment;

water heaters on cold and hot water pipelines.

In the thermal unit, it is also necessary to install check valves, to take into account the water flow, we install water meters and meters, to control the temperature and pressure of the coolant, we install thermometers and pressure gauges .

Calculations of heat assembly instruments are presented in paragraph 7 of the note, and their location on the graphic part sheet.

Source Data:

System type: open;

Number of floors: 10;

Hot water temperature tg, ° С: 60;

Cold water temperature tx, ° C: 5;

Head at Hv input, m: 210;

Number of buildings of the same type: 3;

Head in return pipeline Nv, m: 180.

Select and design a horizontal heating system.

A single-tube horizontal heating system with closed sections is designed in the building. As heating devices - aluminum radiators "Condor" A350. Water is used as coolant. Coolant temperature at the branch is 9570 ° С .

Main pipelines are laid in the wall on the stairwell and supply collectors on each of the floors. Supply pipe pipes - steel. Pipes coming out of headers - from sewn polyethylene. On each floor in the wall there is a distribution box in which the collector is located.

, Conclusion

An open hot water supply system for a ten-story residential building was selected and designed, and a quarterly supply system for 3 identical buildings was also calculated. Diameters of supply and circulation pipelines, heat losses by supply heat pipelines were determined, equipment of the heat unit was selected. Material and number of pipes have been defined.

The work contains one sheet A1 with drawings of an open hot water supply system with lower wiring and a "classic" scheme for connecting risers and water separation units, with towels on a circulation riser, as well as a note containing calculations and selection of elements of a hot water supply system and a warm unit.

Drawings content

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