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Hot Rolled Pipe Shop - NPP, ABC

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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In the course project, space planning and design solutions were developed for the construction of the Hot Rolled Pipe Workshop in the city of Bryansk, consisting of two main buildings: a) production building) a separate building of the administrative building (ABK) There are all drawings and PP

Project's Content

icon plot.log
icon АБК.bak
icon АБК.dwg
icon записка.doc
icon Цех горячекатанных труб.bak
icon Цех горячекатанных труб.dwg

Additional information



1. Initial data for construction area

1.1 Purpose of the building and conditions of its operation

1.2 Place of construction. Climatic conditions

2. Description and justification of the space-planning solution of the production building

3. Description and substantiation of the structural solution of the production housing

4. Description and substantiation of the space-planning solution of the administrative and domestic building

5. Description and substantiation of the structural solution of the administrative and domestic building

6. Calculation of the area and equipment of the administrative building

7. Thermal calculation


9. List of used literature

1. Initial data for construction area.

1.1 Purpose of the building and conditions of its operation.

The course project has developed space-planning and structural solutions for the construction of the "Workshop for the production of hot-rolled pipes" in the city of Bryansk, consisting of two main buildings:

a) production building

b) a separate building of the administrative-domestic building (ABK)

The production housing is solved in 3 spans:

The building is one-story, heated. Operation mode of production premises is normal.

The production process is characterized by visual work of medium accuracy.

The building provides a bridge crane with a lifting capacity of 30/5 tons and overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 10 and 5 tons.

The dimensions of the cranes are indicated on sheet 1, 7 and 8 of the graphic part (plan of the production building, section of the production building).

In accordance with the purpose of the building and the type of production, cranes belong to the class in terms of carrying capacity and in terms of work intensity to the category of heavy mode of operation.

According to functional fire hazard, the industrial building belongs to class F5.

Structural fire hazard class of the building - C0

Fire hazard class of building structures - not lower than K0

Fire resistance rating of the building - I

The ABK room is located in a separate heated building with the transition at the level of the first floor to production workshops .

2. Description and substantiation of the structural solution of the production housing.

The structural system of the building is framed.

Static diagram - frame-connected. The frame of the building with a coating of flat elements consists of transverse frames formed by columns jammed in foundations and hinged to the columns by rafter trusses. In the longitudinal direction, the rigidity of the frame is provided by crane beams, a rigid coating disk, fencers, foundation beams, partially wall fences, as well as the device of special connections. Hard disk forms cover plates welded to rafter trusses or beams with subsequent grouting of seams. The pitch of the frames is equal to the pitch of the rafters, i.e. 6 m.

Vertical connections are arranged in the level of coating in extreme cells of temperature unit along longitudinal axes in places of supports of bearing structures of coating, horizontal ones - only within the limits of coatings. According to its design solution, the connections are cross, installed in the middle step of the temperature compartment.

The foundations for the columns are accepted as separate, monolithic, three-stage cup-type. The slab part of the foundation provides for 3 stages with a height of 0.3 m each. Depth of bottom laying is accepted below ground freezing level. Glass elevation (0.150). The total height of the foundation (including the height of the stages) is 2.4m. The dimensions of the foundations under the columns are presented in the specification.

Reinforced concrete foundation beams are provided to support the basement panels and waterproofing devices. Foundation beams resting on the foundation through tides (concrete columns) - foundation protection against frost heaving - cross section area 0.3x0.6 m, with cutting at elevation 0.45m. In accordance with the pitch of the extreme columns, the nominal length of all panels, with the exception of angular and simple, is taken 6 meters with a height of 1.2 and 1.8 meters. Panels for heated industrial building with column spacing of 6 meters we

berm - flat, three-layer reinforced concrete, crimping on both sides the inner layer of polystyrene foam. The center panel rests on the railway foundation beam along the layer of anti-capillary waterproofing from cement sand mortar.

A pavement is arranged on the ground surface along the foundation beams. Gaps between foundation beam and column are filled with concrete.

The project used unified reinforced concrete columns designed for single-story buildings with a grid of layout axes up to 12x36 m, crane-free and with support cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 50 tons. In the workshop with suspended cranes, rectangular columns with a height of 6.2 m and 8.0 m were used, in workshops with a bridge crane with a lifting capacity of 30/5- two-branch columns with a height of 17.45 m.

According to the position in the building, the columns are divided into extreme and medium. Wall fences adjoin extreme columns from outside. Extreme columns, in turn, are divided into the main ones, which accept loads from walls, cranes and coating structures, and fawl ones, which serve only for fastening walls. The main columns are installed at the ends of the building between the main columns. Columns are reinforced with welded or knitted frames and are formed from concrete of grade 200 with a rectangular section, grades 300400 - two-branch.

To connect to the foundation, the column is brought into a cup. The joint of the column with the foundation-key-shaft of the column is equipped with horizontal grooves - for communication with the grouting concrete (which allows us to talk about rigid pinching)

Steel crane beams are adopted in accordance with the lifting capacity of the bridge crane, the mode of its operation and the span. The dimensions are indicated in the specification. Attachment of the crane beam to the columns is hinged, through anchor bolts.

The crane beam is attached to the column console on anchor bolts passed through the support sheet, previously welded to the lower embedded plate, and to the column neck - by welding the vertical sheet to the embedded plates.

Rafters cover the span and, like rafters, directly support the roof flooring. According to the scheme of perceptions of external and distribution of internal forces in an industrial building, we use a raceless truss with a circular outline, its slope is 5%, it is provided by horns released from the upper belt in span B with a height of 3.5 m.

In the span of 12 m, unified reinforced concrete beams are used. The pitch of the rafters is 6 m (see specification).

The coating was decided according to a non-standard scheme - large-sized reinforced concrete ribbed slabs are laid according to the bearing structures of the coating. Slabs are made of reinforced concrete with dimensions given in the specification. Support of plates on bearing structures is carried out through steel embedded parts embedded at their corners. During installation, plates are welded in at least three points to rafters. End transverse ribs of plates are equipped with inlets providing stiffness of contour.

The building uses a pitched roof of four layers of ruberoid along an insulation from mineral wool plates. The conjugation of the roof with the wall is solved in the form of a parapet with parapet panels protruding above the roof.

The water flow is internal, organized, the number of funnels is accepted in accordance with the recommendations. In places where gutters are installed, the main water insulation carpet is reinforced by two layers of ruberoid glued over it.

Lanterns. The main elements of the canopy frame are steel structures in the form of lamp panels, end trusses-panels. Lamp panels with bindings suspended on them form a light front. Light openings are limited from above by binding channel, and from below by special bent profile of canopy side. The roof is similar in design to the low-slope roof of the entire building .

Window bindings. Panels of aluminum bindings joined by steel boxes with bandages and mullions of closed bent-welded profiles. Panel boxes with a nominal size of 6x1.2 (1.8) m for tape glazing are divided by mullions into 5 compartments.

Window panels rest on walls through fixing steel linings located under bindings and mullions. horizontal seams between panels are fixed by inserts from bent channels reinforced by diaphragms. In multi-level glazing, the window panels are attached directly to the main and frame columns. Fastening element consists of pin screwed by one end into washer fitted behind inner frame and by other end inserted into slot of angle welded to column.

According to the opening design, the gate is double-domed. The gate opening is framed by a prefabricated reinforced concrete frame. A wicket is arranged in one of the portal canvases. The canvases of the swing gate are hung on loops. Lower loops are equipped with spherical ball bearings self-aligning under the action of vertical load. upper loops are designed to perceive horizontal forces.

5. Description and substantiation of the constructive solution of the administrative and domestic building.

Structural system - skeleton when gridding columns 6x6 m and 6x3 m. All elements of the prefabricated framework (foundations, columns, girders, floor panels and coatings) are reinforced concrete.

The foundations for the columns are accepted as separate, monolithic, two-stage cup-type.

Elements of prefabricated columns with a height of two floors with a constant cross section of 300x300 mm. Coupling unit of crossbar with column "with hidden cantilever" and with rigid pinching. Girders of the taurus section with a height of 400 mm have shelves on which precast reinforced concrete floor panels and pavements-slabs are supported, connected, facade, row. All joints are made on welding of embedded steel parts with subsequent grouting of seams.

Floor - hollow railway plates with a height of 220 mm.

Stability of transverse frames of the frame is provided by rigid knot joints of all elements of the frame. The walls of the stairwell play the role of stiffening diaphragms.

The structural solution of stairs-prefabricated reinforced concrete marches with half-sites is supported by a girder within the floor.

Snap framing columns to layout axes-zero. External wall-bearing, three-layer 275 mm thick, single-row cutting. Wall plane is formed by interconnection of floor, basement, frieze and mullion panels and window blocks.

Coatings - desiccated with internal drains.

Partitions from gypsum concrete panels with a thickness of 100 mm, and in showers are made from water-resistant materials of glass blocks.

The roof is taken as roll, from a ruberoid coating slightly inclined combined. Roof slope is 0.03%.

Drawings content

icon АБК.dwg


icon Цех горячекатанных труб.dwg

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