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Heating of a residential three-storey building in Volgorada

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Full course project on the topic "Heating of a residential building"

Project's Content

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Task to perform the project. 3 Introduction 4 1. Selection of design parameters of external and internal air

2. Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures

3. Calculation of heat losses of the building

4. Defining the Surface of Heating Appliances

5. Heating System Design

6. Hydraulic calculation of heating system


List of literature used

Project Execution Task

Project Input:

3-storey building is located in Volgograd,

typical floor plan (M 1:200),

coolant water with parameters,;

single-tube heating system with upper wiring, with associated coolant movement, metal-plastic

content of the calculation and explanatory note;

list of graphic material;

a list of the literature used;

date of issue and date of completion of the completed project by the student.


We select the necessary values ​ ​ of external and internal air parameters for the given city of Volgograd, using SP 131.13330.2012 "Construction climatology" and SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises."

To determine the total power per heating system, it is necessary to find heat losses for each room. The definition of heat losses of the building consists in the thermal calculation of each individual room, for which it is necessary to determine heat losses through enclosing structures (external fences), heat losses for ventilation and ambient air infiltration, as well as household heat emissions.

The next action is to select the gasket of the supply and return lines, risers, as well as the grade of the heating device.

In the course design, the surface area of ​ ​ heating devices and the number of sections in them were calculated depending on the thermal losses of the room .

Hydraulic calculation of water heating systems - in determining the diameters of pipes supplying to each heating device the required amount of coolant under the influence of design circulation pressure, at known thermal loads of sections and lengths of these sections.

The purpose of the course project is to design a heating system for a three-story residential building, substantiate the design and operational parameters of a given heating system with the development of drawings and specifications.

As a result of the design, the following were developed: plans and diagrams of the heating system, the heat loss of the building was determined, the heating system was designed, the grade of heating devices and their area were selected, a specification of heating equipment and materials was drawn up.

Heating System Design

According to the assignment, the heating system is double-tube with upper wiring, with the associated movement of the coolant, metal plastic.

With upper wiring, the supply line is laid in the attic, at a distance of about 1... 1.5 m from the outer walls. This is necessary for easier access during installation and repair of the system. In addition, this arrangement allows linear elongations to be compensated when the temperature rises. Reverse main line is laid under ceiling of unheated basement room. In a two-tube heating system, hot water is supplied to each device with the same temperature (t1 = 950C). First of all, the risers should be located in the corners of the external walls of the rooms. This is necessary to heat the corners where there is the greatest risk of damp. The remaining risers are placed so that heating devices, if possible, are located on both sides of the risers (for example, when heating adjacent rooms of the same apartment).

Staircases in a residential building must have separate risers (single-tube, flowing).

Bimetallic radiator of RBS500 grade is selected as the heating device.

Radiator consists of several sections connected to each other by means of nipples having right and left threads. The section consists of a steel embedded element and an aluminum alloy ribbing made by injection molding. Embedded element is made of hermetically welded steel pipes, vertical and horizontal. A unique feature of the design of the SantekhpromBM bimetallic radiator is the complete absence of contact of the coolant with aluminum alloy, since the coolant (water) passes inside steel pipes. This provides high corrosion resistance and radiator durability. Heating of air in the room is carried out due to convection (heating of air passing from bottom to top between aluminum fins) and direct radiation of the hot outer surface of the radiator.


In this course project, a twin-tube water heating system with upper wiring for a three-story residential building was designed. The design and operational parameters of the central water heating system are also justified.

Plans for a typical floor, basement and attic and an axonometric diagram of the heating system were developed, the diameters of pipelines and surface areas of heating devices, as well as the number of sections in them were determined.

The design characteristics of the central heating system of the building were obtained, such as:

- heating system thermal load Qc = 79118 W;

- coolant parameters: tg = 95, to = 75;

- design hot water flow rate in heating system Gc = 3.399 t/h;

- settlement pressure losses in a heating system ΣРн = 11.2795 kPa.

Drawings content

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