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Heating of a residential 8-storey building

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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Coursework: Heating of 8-storey residential building in Karaganda: two drawings and explanatory note

Project's Content

icon 0.doc
icon 1.doc
icon 2.doc
icon 3.doc
icon 4.doc
icon 5.doc
icon Подбор котельных агрегатов.doc
icon Расчет поверхности нагрева отопительных приборов.doc
icon таблица гидравлического расчета второстепенного кольца.doc
icon таблица гидравлического расчета.doc
icon теплопотери 1 этажа.doc
icon теплопотери 2 этажа.doc
icon теплопотери 8 этажа.doc
icon Первая часть.doc
icon Прочти меня.txt
icon Чертежи-2шт.dwg

Additional information



Assignment to the Course Project

Source Data

Thermal design of the outer wall

Heat engineering calculation of attic floor

Water vapour condensation test

on the inner surface of the outer guard

Determination of water condensation probability

steam inside the outer fence

Determination of steam permeability resistance

of the enclosing structure on the condition of inadmissibility

moisture accumulation in it for the annual period

Calculation of steam permeability resistance of the outer wall

due to the restriction of moisture accumulation in it for the period from

negative ambient temperatures

Calculation of air permeability characteristic

external fence

Literature used

Assignment to the Course Project

"Heating of a residential building"

Source Data

Construction area:..................................................................................................................... Karaganda

Exterior Wall Design:

First (inner) layer............................................................................................. No. 73, δ1 = 0.015 m

Second (insulation) layer............................................................. №21

Third (outer) layer......................................... No. 74, δ3 = 0.02 m

Number of floors of the building: 8 Height of floors, m:.............................. 3.0

Building coverings - attic floor variant:.................. b (177)

First (inner) layer..................................................................................... No. 1, δ1 = 0.12 m

Second layer............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... No. 186, δ2 = 0.004 m

Third (insulation) layer............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. №177

Fourth (outer) layer..................................................................................................................... No. 71, δ4 = 0.03 m


The fuel and energy complex created in our country absorbs about 13 all investments in industry and construction, a significant part of material and energy resources.

The construction industry consumes a significant amount of fuel and energy resources. The construction and operation of buildings is very energy-intensive, fuel consumption for the heat supply of buildings accounts for about 40% of all produced fuel. The cost of fuel is constantly increasing, its transportation range increases.

In this regard, in the practice of designing building fences and microclimate air conditioning systems, an important role is played by the study of issues of construction thermophysics, the development of modern methods for calculating thermal moisture processes occurring in external fences of building structures, with the aim of developing energy-saving technologies in construction.

The purpose of this work is to study the techniques and sequence of engineering calculations of the thermal moisture characteristics of external fences of building structures on the basis of modern building codes and rules and other educational and reference literature.

Drawings content

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