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Heating of a 9-storey residential building in Kirov

  • Added: 11.11.2015
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Construction area - Kirov Humidity area - B [1, attachment 2] Outdoor humidity - (87%) [2, Appendix 2] The temperature of the coldest five days is (-33 ° C) [2, Appendix 2] The average temperature of the coldest month is (-14.2 ° C) [2, Appendix 2] Mean temperature of the heating period - (-5.8 ° C) [2, Appendix 2] Duration of the heating period - (231 days) [2, att. 2] Direction of north wind - (SZ 3.9 m/s) [2, att. 2] Dimensions of building structures: window openings (triple glazing in wooden separate-twin bindings) - 1.5 '1.5 m; balcony door - 2 '0.8 m; double front door with vestibule - 2 '1.6 m. Internal air temperature: Living room - (+ 20 ° С) [3, Annex 4] Kitchen - (+ 18 ° С) [3, Annex 4] Private bathroom - (+ 25 ° С) [3, Annex 4] Individual toilet - (+ 18 ° С) [3, Annex 4] Staircase - (+ 16 ° С) [3, Annex 4] Heat transfer factors: design External wall - (0.287 W/m2 ° С) Attic floor - (0.200 W/m2 ° С) Floor above the basement - (0.216 W/m2 ° С) Building entrance door - (2.0 W/m2 ° С) [1 Ap.6 *] Windows and balcony doors - (1.81 W/m2 ° С): 1 pril.6 Windows (sponge rubber) - (0.26 m2h/kg) [1, Appendix 10] Outer wall - (19620 m2 × h × Pa/kg) [1, Appendix 9] Temperature in heat networks: supply line - (150 ° С) reverse line - (70 ° С) Temperature in heating system: supply line - (105 ° С) reverse line - (70 ° С)

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Additional information


Design Input

Calculation of heating plant capacity

Heating System Selection and Design Solutions

Hydraulic calculation of heating system

Heat engineering calculation of pipes and heating devices

Calculation of main and auxiliary equipment of individual heat station

Selection of elevator

Selection of mud maker

List of literature

Equipment Specification

Design Input

Construction area - Kirov

Humidity area - B [1, attachment 2]

Outdoor humidity - (87%) [2, attachment 2]

Temperature of the coldest five-day period - (33 ° С) [2, annex 2]

The average temperature of the coldest month is (14.2 ° C) [2, annex 2]

Average temperature of heating period - (5.8 ° С) [2, annex 2]

Heating period duration - (231 days) [2, annex 2]

Direction of north wind - (SZ 3.9 m/s) [2, attachment 2]

Dimensions of building structures: window openings (triple glazing in wooden separate-paired bindings) - 1.5 × 1.5 m; balcony door - 2 × 0.8 m; the front door is double with a tambour - 2 × 1.6 m.

Internal air temperature:

Living room - (+ 20 ° С) [3, attachment 4]

Kitchen - (+ 18 ° C) [3, attachment 4]

Private bathroom - (+ 25 ° C) [3, attachment 4]

Individual toilet - (+ 18 ° С) [3, attachment 4]

Stairwell - (+ 16 ° С) [3, Annex 4]

Heat transfer coefficients of building structures (course design "Heat engineering calculation of enclosing structures":

Outer wall - (0.287 W/m2 ° С)

Attic floor - (0.200 W/m2 ° С)

Ceilings above basement - (0.216 W/m2 ° С)

Building entrance door - (2.0 W/m2 ° С) [1 attachment 6 *]

Windows and balcony doors - (1.81 W/m2 ° С) [1 attachment 6 *]

Air permeability resistance:

Windows (sponge rubber) - (0.26 m2h/kg) [1, attachment 10]

Outer wall - (19620 m2⋅ch⋅Pa/kg) [1, attachment 9]

Temperature in heat networks:

supply line - (150 ° С)

reverse line - (70 ° С)

Heating system temperature:

supply line - (105 ° С)

reverse line - (70 ° С)

Heating System Selection and Design Solutions

Single-tube heating system with upper wiring, with dead end water movement Heating devices - cast-iron sectional radiators of the brand M140A with an offset closing section. Individual control of heat removal of heating devices is carried out by a double control valve. Two convectors of KV205.665-600 grade are installed on the stairwell.

The scheme of connection to thermal networks is dependent, using a water jet elevator. Constant pressure and flow rate are maintained by URRD2 regulator. Thermal counter TEM05M1 is installed for measurement, indication and recording of coolant parameters (temperature, pressure, flow rate).

Slope of supply and return lines 0.003. Wedge valves with retractable spindle of cast iron grades 30ch6br are installed for disconnection of each circulating ring and fully facade separately. For individual disconnection of risers, shut-off coupling cast-iron valves of 15ch8k grade are installed. On risers, for removal of coolant (basement) and air (attic) there installed are cork through cone gland valves. To remove air from the heating system, a flowing vertical air collector. Pipelines in the attic and in the basement are isolated by mineral wool with subsequent application of a protective layer of toli. The distance between the movable supports during the installation of the supply and return pipelines is 4 m.

Drawings content

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