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Heating and ventilation project of a residential building in Vladivostok


Residential building heating and ventilation course design

Project's Content

icon 60 чертеж.dwg
icon 60.doc
icon 60.xlsx

Additional information

1. Source Data

Thickness of internal enclosures:

-capital walls: 400 mm;

- partition: 150 mm;

-story floors: 300 mm;

Climatic characteristics of the city and calculated parameters of outdoor air:

- City: Vladivostok;

-Humid operating conditions of building fences (as per SNiP II379 *): B;

-Computed ambient air temperature (as per SNiP 230199): text = 24 ° C;

- Heating period duration (according to SNiP 230199): zht = 196 days;

- Average air temperature of the heating period (according to SNiP 230199): tht = 3.9 ° C;

Variant of building layout, heating system and geographical orientation of the main facade of the building:

- Variant of the 1st floor plan: 1;

-Storey of the building: 4;

- Height of the floor (from floor to floor of the next floor): 2.8 m;

- Basement height (from basement floor to 1st floor): 1.9 m;

- Value of available pressure at the heating system inlet: 7000 Pa;

-The characteristics of the heating system:

Single tube;

With upper wiring;

Dead end;

- Orientation of the main facade: CB;

Design options for external enclosures:

- Outer wall: 1;

-Attic floor: 1;

- Overlaps above unheated basement: 1;

Characteristics of construction materials (ρ - density in a dry state, kg/m3; γ - thermal conductivity coefficient, W/( m· ° С)):

- The main constructive layer of an external wall - a slag brick and a stone on cement-but-sand solution, ρ = 1500 kg/m3, λ = 0.70 W / (m · °C);

- A heat-insulation layer of an external wall - mineral-cotton plates semifixed P125, ρ = 90 kg/m3, λ = 0.045 W / (m · °C);

- A heat-insulation layer of garret overlapping - mats mineral-cotton proshivny, ρ = 50 kg/m3, λ = 0.06 W / (m · °C);

- A heat-insulation layer of overlapping over the basement - polyurethane foam, ρ = 4570 kg/m3, λ = 0.028 W / (m · °C);

- A facing layer of an external wall - a brick silicate on tsementnopeschany solution, ρ = 1300 kg/m3, λ = 0.61 W / (m · °C);

Vapour insulation - pergamine (GOST 2697), a = 600 kg/m3, a = 0.17 W/( m· ° С);

- Coatings for floors - multi-layer linoleum polyvinyl chloride (GOST 14632),

ρ = 1600 kg/m3, λ = 0.33 W / (m · °C); plates wood-shaving (GOST 10632), ρ = 1000 kg/m3,

γ = 0.23 W/( m· ° С)

Other layers of external enclosures:

reinforced concrete, ρ = 2500 kg/m3, λ = 1.92 W / (m · °C); complex solution (sand, lime, cement) - a = 1700 kg/m3, a = 0.70 W/( m· ° С); lime sand

Drawings content

icon 60 чертеж.dwg

60 чертеж.dwg