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Heating and ventilation of the cottage


Thermal calculations, heat loss, ventilation.

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1 Thermal design of external enclosures

1.1 Heat engineering calculation of wall insulation layer thickness

1.2 Heat Engineering Calculation of Insulation Layer Thickness

1.3 Heat Engineering Calculation of Floor Insulation Layer Thickness

1.4 Thermal calculation of light openings

1.5 Thermal design of external doors

2 Heating

2.1 Calculation of heat loss through building enclosing structures

2.2 Hydraulic calculation of heating system

2.2.1 Hydraulic calculation of RCC

2.2.2 MCC hydraulic calculation

2.3 Calculation of the area of heating devices

2.3.1 Calculation of area of RCC heating devices

2.3.2 Calculation of area of MCC heating devices

3 Calculation of natural ventilation

4 Calculation of refrigerating power of air conditioner

5 Gas supply

4 UNIRS "Air humidity in the room and its influence on the air-heat mode of the room"

List of sources used

Source Data

The city of Ivanovo, which has the following climatic characteristics, is adopted as a building district:

Air temperature of the coldest five days, security 0.92:;

Duration of period with average daily air temperature not exceeding 8 ° С;

The average air temperature for a period with an average daily air temperature not exceeding 8 ° C.

Operation area - A.

Heat Engineering Calculation of External Enclosures

When designing external enclosures, their operating conditions are taken into account, determined not only by the load-bearing capacity of the structures, but also by the required resistance to heat transfer, air and steam permeability, as well as heat resistance.

In this course design, the design of fences is conditionally limited only to thermal design. The calculation consists in determining the thickness of the insulation layer of the wall structure, floor (floor) and coating, as well as light openings and external doors in accordance with SNiP 23022003.

List of sources used

SNiP 23022003. Thermal protection of buildings [Text]. - M.: Stroyizdat, 2004.

SNiP 2.08.0189. Residential buildings [Text]. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1989.

SNiP 230199. Construction climatology [Text]. - M.: Stroyizdat, 2000.

SNiP 41012003. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning [Text]. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1994.

SP 4110195. Design of heat points [Text]. - M.: Ministry of Construction of Russia, 1997.

Designer Reference Book. Ch.1. Heating [Text ]/ed. I.G. Staroverov et al. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1990.

Tikhomirov N.V. Heat engineering, heat and gas supply and ventilation [Text]: textbook for universities/N.V. Tikhomirov, E.S. Sergeenko.-5th ed. - M.: Bastet LLC, 2009.

Bakanova S.V. Heating and ventilation of a residential building [Text]: educational method. manual/S.V. Bakanova. - 2nd ed., Additional - Penza: PGUAS, 2009.36s.

Eremkin, A.I. Thermal regime of the building: textbook/A.I. Eremkin, T.I. Korolev. - Penza, 2009

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