Heading work - cylindrical gearbox
- Added: 23.02.2015
- Size: 704 KB
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Project's Content
1 лист(копия).cdw
2 лист.cdw
вал тихоходный ( 3 лист).cdw
зучатое колесо (3 лист).cdw
муфта (3 лист).cdw
Общий вид (5 лист) копия11.cdw
приводной вал (4 лист).cdw
Additional information
Contents1. Terms of Reference
2. Mechanism kinematic diagram
3. Electric motor selection
4. Determination of total gear ratio and its breakdown by stages
5. Determination of power, torque and speed for each shaft
6. Selection of materials and definition of permissible stresses for all gears and wheels
7. Design and check calculation of gears
8. Definition of diameters of all shafts
9. Check calculation of the most loaded shaft for fatigue strength and stiffness
10. Selection and check of rolling bearings by dynamic lifting capacity
11. Selection and calculation of key connections
12. Selection of lubricant and lubrication method for gears and bearings
13. List of literature used
1 лист(копия).cdw
2 лист.cdw
вал тихоходный ( 3 лист).cdw
зучатое колесо (3 лист).cdw
муфта (3 лист).cdw
Общий вид (5 лист) копия11.cdw
приводной вал (4 лист).cdw