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heading structure of lifting machines (GPM crane)


heading crane per gpm. calculation is given in the note. general view, drum, drive. specifications all in full

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icon моя запискаа.docx
icon Спецификация к крану стреловому.spw
icon Спецификация к механизму поворота.spw
icon Спецификация к механизму подъёма.spw
icon Спецификация к раме.spw

Additional information



Calculation of lifting mechanism

1. Selection of rope and drum

2. Electric motor selection

3. Gearbox selection

4. Brake selection

5. Mechanism Layout

Calculation of column rotation mechanism

6. Calculation of counterweight and column

7. Calculation of bearings of support-rotary device

8. Calculation of rotation mechanism

9. Calculation of turning mechanism start-up process

10. Calculation of braking process

11. Calculation of open gear train

12. Layout of support-rotary device

13. Crane arrangement and operation principle

List of used literature

13. Crane arrangement and operation principle

The crane consists of the following main units and parts: frames, winches, supports, booms, columns, ties, hook suspension. To ensure stability of the crane, two channels are installed on the rear part of the rotary frame from below.

The base of the crane is a support frame. Made of rolled steel grade Art. 3 as per GOST 38057. All rolling steel intended for steel structure of frames is pre-cleaned from dirt and rust with scrapers and steel brushes and ruled on a sheet-correcting machine. Waviness after sheet metal editing is allowed to be within: 3 mm per pog. m. For sheets up to 15 mm thick and 2 mm per pod. m for sheets more than 15 mm thick.

Undulation is checked with a steel ruler 1 m long.

In the central part of the support frame there is a column in which a pivot is installed on rolling bearings. Pivoting frame is installed on upper end of pivot pin. The rotary frame is welded from steel channels and sheet steel. Cargo winch and turning mechanism are installed on rotary frame. Turning frame and boom are pivotally connected to each other by means of axle. The crane has three fixed boom departures. The boom is fixed by means of ties, which are attached to the boom by one end, and to the corresponding eyes welded to the frame by the other end.

The gear motor of the rotation mechanism serves to rotate the rotary part of the crane. The cargo winch is used for lifting (lowering) the load and is used for installation and removal of the crane, as well as for changing the boom departure.

Crane boom is made in the form of truss, which consists of two parts, root and end. On the side surface of the boom there are rings to which a cable is attached, which goes to the final switch. Boom root part consists of base, eyes, rod part and docking plates. Boom end part consists of docking plates, rod part and brackets. Load rope units are fitted on boom end part brackets.

Drawings content

icon 1 лист.cdw

1 лист.cdw

icon 2 Лист.cdw

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icon 5 лист.cdw

5 лист.cdw

icon Спецификация к крану стреловому.spw

Спецификация к крану стреловому.spw

icon Спецификация к механизму поворота.spw

Спецификация к механизму поворота.spw

icon Спецификация к механизму подъёма.spw

Спецификация к механизму подъёма.spw

icon Спецификация к раме.spw

Спецификация к раме.spw