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Heading operation calculation of UTD-20S1 engine

  • Added: 01.06.2017
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Course project on the subject "Energy installations of cars and tractors." Includes: * two sheets with diagrams: -indicator, -inertia graph, -interference graph of forces, -polar diagram of force of V-shaped engine UTD-20S1, -play of forces acting on the connecting rod neck, -polar diagram of load on the connecting rod neck, -diagrams of wear of the connecting rod neck of the engine; * explanatory note in which calculations are given. (Drawings were made in compass v14.1)

Project's Content

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I. Thermal calculation and construction of an indicator chart

1.1. Define the source data for the indicator chart

1.2. Building and analyzing an indicator chart

1.3 Indicator and effective engine performance

II. Dynamic engine calculation

2.1. Determination of forces acting along cylinder axis on piston pin

2.2. Determination of forces acting on the connecting rod neck

2.3. Analysis of results of KSM dynamics calculation and determination of flywheel moment of inertia


Table I. Information on piston-rod masses

sets of engines

Table 2. Specific weights of unbalanced parts

crankshaft without counterweights

Table 3. Value of quantities

at different values

List of literature used

Goals and objectives

1) The thermal calculation of the engine is used to determine the parameters of the working medium in the engine cylinder, as well as the estimated parameters of the working process, to evaluate power and economic indicators that allow assessing the power and fuel consumption.

2) The task of dynamic calculation is to determine the forces acting in the mechanisms for converting the energy of the working medium into the mechanical work of the engine.


• Inlet process

• Compression process

• Combustion process

• Expansion process

• Indicator chart

• Dynamic calculation


Thermal calculation is carried out in order to preliminary determine the indicator indicators of the working cycle and effective indicators of the designed engine. According to the given rated power and the results of thermal calculation, the working volume of cylinders is determined, dynamic calculation, strength calculation, calculation of engine systems, etc. Performance of thermal calculation at different initial data makes it possible to evaluate influence of various design and operational factors on engine operation, which together with results of experimental refinement of prototypes allows to develop rational design of engine.

Heat calculation is usually carried out for the rated power mode, and therefore the specified mode is called calculated. Traditionally, the external speed characteristic of the engine was calculated on the basis of the thermal calculation of the nominal mode using empirical dependencies, with satisfactory accuracy describing the patterns of changes in the power and economic parameters of the engine depending on the crankshaft speed. However, due to the tightening of requirements for traction - dynamic and economic performance of cars and tractors, promising turbo-piston engines with a gentle flow of the specific effective fuel consumption curve, as well as engines with a high coefficient of adaptability, are becoming increasingly common. In this regard, in order to form an external speed characteristic, it is necessary to perform multivariable thermal calculations at partial speed modes, which will allow obtaining preliminary information on the required nature of the change in pressurization parameters and, in particular, on the feasibility of using a supercharging air cooler.

The thermal calculation of the nominal mode of operation of the engine is described below, which allows during the course design to obtain calculated external speed characteristics that meet the requirements for both engine economy and adaptability coefficient.


In this course project, I learned to calculate the main engine indicators, thermal calculation, as well as dynamic calculation. To do this, I needed all the material passed in this semester, laboratory work and practical work also helped. As you know, the values ​ ​ are recorded or displayed somewhere, everything in my course project is the same. I depicted all the obtained values ​ ​ in the indicator diagram, for the construction of the polytrope I calculated formulas with the help of which I obtained ideal polytropes. They are needed to more accurately construct an indicator diagram in the process of compression and expansion, showing changes in pressure from volume.

In order to complete the summary table of dynamics calculations, we will need the forces Px, we find them by dividing the indicator diagram by the corresponding angles. We find them by the graphoanalytic method in the diagram of the forces of inertia. We add, we get a summary diagram. Then we need to find Rrez, it is also easy to find by the graphanalytic method, for this we will need the forces Pr, which we will find through the formula, for each angle and the total force of inertia, which we have already found. We build these diagrams and add up, we get Rrez.

Next, the graph of forces T, we find from the formula, we must remember that we find this for the right cylinder, then we shift it by 90 degrees, since the V-shaped engine with a 90-degree split, we get it for the left cylinder, we add them up and we get the total graph of forces T. The final here is the graph of forces R acting on the connecting rod neck. We find the values for plotting from the formula.

The next step is to construct a polar force diagram Rw. Here the values ​ ​ are all known to us, the main feature of the construction is mindfulness, since the location of the value is not standard, plus at our bottom, but minus at the top. To plot the forces Rsh acting on the connecting rod neck, we need to postpone the force Pc and from it measure the distances for each angle and carry these values. Next, we build a diagram of the crankpin wear according to the obtained values.

Drawings content

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