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GSM warehouse with a capacity of 9200 m3 in the village of Saskylakh. Installation of tank V = 1000 m

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Course project. The text part of PPR for RVS-1000 installation in MS Word format, graphic part in Autocad format (slinging diagrams, list of load gripping devices, tank bottom installation, wall roll lifting, installation of coating boards, wall roll lifting) is presented.

Project's Content

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Additional information



1. General Data

2. Project Composition

3. Characteristics of construction conditions

4. Construction duration calculation and schedule

5. Justification of requirements for essential energy resources, water, construction machines, machinery, vehicles, temporary buildings and structures

6. Justification of staffing requirements

7. General Instructions

8. Instructions for Handling and Installation Works with Lifting Cranes

9. Guidelines for Storage of Main Building Materials

10. Construction Plan Solutions

11. Safety precautions

12. Diagram of operational quality control of pile foundations arrangement, scope of operations and means of control

13. Environmental protection measures during construction

14. Literature used

1. General data

This project was developed on the basis of the working documentation on the object code 05/2011, developed by Sprint LLC (Yakutsk 2011).

This section clarifies the technical solutions of the "Construction Organization Project" developed by Sprint LLC as the General Designer.

Key guidance documents:

SNiP 12012004 "Construction Organization."

MDS 1281.2007 "Methodological Recommendations for the Development and Design of the Construction Organization and Work Execution Project."

SNiP 12032001 Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements

GOST 12.1.00491 * SSBT Fire Safety. General requirements.

GOST 12.1.01378 SSBT Construction. Electrical safety. General requirements.

PPB 0586 Fire Safety Rules for Construction and Installation Works.

PPBO 12671 Fire Safety Rules for Welding and Other Fire Works.

Characteristics of construction conditions

- Climatic subdistrict of IA construction.

- Design outside air temperature of the coldest five days

security 0.92 - minus 53 ° С.

- Design snow load - 180 kgf/m2 (SNiP 2.01.0785 *).

- Standard wind load for the II wind area 38 kgf/m2.

Geomorphologically, the territory of the region is part of a vast denudation plain located in the north of the Central Siberian plateau. To a large extent, the features of the geomorphological appearance of the investigated area are determined by its geological structure and the position of the region in the field of distribution of permafrost .

Within the area, the following genetic types of relief are distinguished:

structural-denudation, denudation-accumulative, erosion-accumulative. Within the area under study

the surfaces created by river accumulation are developed throughout the watercourses and are largely related to their size and shape of the valleys.

The relief of planar flushing combines the surfaces of the hollow inclined deluvial proluvial plumes and the bottoms of temporary watercourses, as well as the most placed lower parts of their valleys. The surfaces of the relief are complicated by frost cracks and polygonal soils .

The nudity of the territory is bad. Separate outcrops of native rocks are found in coastal cliffs along the valleys of the Ebeley, Billy, Mayat, Anabar, Kychkin, Dogoy, Fedor, Uja, Chymar and their large tributaries. Rare outcrops, mainly in the form of erosion remains, are noted in the upper parts of the slopes of the valleys and on watersheds.

Hydrography. The river network of the district is represented by the Anabar River and its largest tributaries - the Ebeley, Billyakh, Mayat, Kychkin, Fedor, Uja rivers, as well as the river. Dogoy (tributary of the Popigay River) and the river. Chymara (tributary of the Uja River) have in turn a dense network of branching tributaries. The nature of the rivers is flat. The strips are characterized by a calm current with a speed of up to 0.40.6 m/s, a depth of up to 3-5 m, a width of up to 500 m (Anabar River). All rivers of the region are characterized by the presence of a large number of rifts. On the crossroads, the channels narrow to 10 m, the flow rate increases to 2.0 m/s, the depth in the low water decreases to 0.3 m. The water regime of the rivers is unstable and depends largely on the amount of precipitation. The highest water level is noted during the spring flood (June) and during rains coinciding with the maximum thaw of frozen rocks (usually the second half of August). The lowest water level is set in July or before ice breaking.

In winter, tributaries of the Anabar River on rifts freeze to the bottom, and runoff through them stops. The thickness of the ice ranges from 0.8 to 1.5 m, rarely up to 2.0 m. River opening occurs in late May - early June, ice drift lasts ~ 7 days, and ice composition is established in late September - early October. All rivers in the area of ​ ​ work are not navigable.

General Instructions

All construction and installation works shall be performed In accordance with SNiP 12032001 Occupational safety In construction. Part 1. General requirements

All work on the construction site should be started after the complete completion of work on the transfer and demolition of buildings and structures, air communications located on the construction site.

Before starting work, it is necessary to plan the site, divert surface water, shield with a continuous blind fence, hang the gate, and perform work on the construction of temporary roads.

Signs of passageways and passageways should be installed on the territory of the construction site.

Construction materials and structures are delivered by road. Unloading of vehicles from temporary road, from mobile platforms.

Storage of building materials and structures shall be performed in the crane area according to the diagrams attached to the construction plan. Benches with slinging diagrams, table of weights of loads in cold season shall be installed in domestic premises.

It is forbidden to supply cargo to door and window openings.

The entrance and exit of workers to the building during installation is carried out through doorways provided with temporary protective visors.

Warning and indication signs, safety signs, posters and safety instructions shall be displayed in all construction areas where it is required according to the working conditions, equipment, machines and mechanisms.

Shield the crane paths. Install the crane power supply cabinet from the outside of the crane track behind the fence.

In the dark, the construction site should be illuminated with floodlights on the mast, and the installation platforms with floor floodlights.

Install the power and lighting network, refer to PCE. Pay special attention to grounding of electrical installations. Re-grounding of neutral on site shall not exceed 10 cm.

In electrical installations up to 1000 in with a blind grounded neutral of the transformer, the metal connection of the housings of all electrical equipment with the grounded neutral of the axis is mandatory. Temporary switchboards shall be locked.

The welding units shall be installed in the places specified by the foreman or foreman.

At simultaneous operation of several tower cranes located on parallel tracks, the distance between the extreme points of loaded loads shall be at least 5 m.

Work on lifting and moving the cargo with two cranes should be carried out under the guidance of the foreman or foreman.

Adjustment of the construction plan at the construction site is made and approved by the chief engineer of the SMF with mandatory approval with the ERP group.

Instructions for Handling and Installation Works with Lifting Cranes

1. Rafters, persons at least 18 years old, who have completed the training course and certification of the commission are appointed for binding and hooking of loads and their movement using a crane. A certified slingshot is issued a certificate signed by the chairman of the commission and a production instruction.

2. If the responsibility of the slingshot is assigned to the installers, they must be pre-trained and have a slingshot certificate.

3. Knowledge testing of slingers is carried out at least once every 12 months.

4. Prior to commencement of works, the slinger shall:

- check the condition of the working site, the site should be flat, cleared of construction debris, and in winter from snow and ice;

- check serviceability of lifting devices and make sure that there are marks, inscriptions or tags with number, test date and load capacity designation, -

- check hooks, hook race of the valve and make sure. That they are serviceable and freely rotate in the nest;

- get a list of the most common loads with the weight and diagram of the correct slinging, if they are not posted on the work site;

- taking into account sub-paragraphs 15, after that the slingshot shall receive instruction on the rules of cargo movement in this area and on storage dimensions.

5. When servicing the crane, the slingshot shall be guided by the following instructions:

- When servicing the crane, the slingshot must be guided by this instruction, while the slingshot must remember that he is fully responsible for accidents of persons, damage that occurred due to an incorrect signal to the crane operator or incorrect slinging of displaced goods;

- perform slinging of railway and concrete articles for loops provided for this purpose, besides it is necessary to check reliability of loops, -

- slinging of rarely lifted loads, to which slinging scheme is developed, be performed under direct supervision of the person responsible for cargo movement by crane, -

- lift loose materials in special packagings, at that the load must be below the level of container side not less than 100 mm, -

- When bundling goods with stick ropes, the latter must be superimposed without units on the main array, while the bundling of goods must be carried out so that the possibility of falling out of the cargo or its part is excluded and a stable position during movement is ensured, for these reasons logs, boards, fittings and long-sized similar materials are bound in at least 2 places;

- chuck ropes, chains must be superimposed without assemblies and loops, and liners that protect against damage should be laid under sharp parts of the load;

- it is not allowed to find unauthorized persons at the place of works on lifting and moving of cargo by crane;

- before lifting the load, lifting devices - ropes must be in the 6 strictly Vertical position above the load, it is not allowed to drag the load at oblique tension of the ropes;

- Every time it is necessary to lift, lower or move the load, the slingshot must personally send a signal to the crane operator, before sending a signal about lifting the load, the slingshot must make sure that the load is safely captured by slings, is not held by anything and cannot catch on anything during lifting;

- before lifting the cargo with boom cranes with changing lifting capacity Depending on the crane boom departure, the slingshot must make sure that the boom Departure installed corresponds to the weight of the load being lifted, the slingshot must know the crane lifting capacity at certain boom flights;

- make sure that there are no people near the cargo, and when moving by boom cranes make sure that there are no people near the non-rotating part of the crane or in the zone of possible boom drop;

- make sure that there are no loose parts or tools on the load that can fall when the load is moved or during lifting;

- make sure that there are no people between the crane and the load, between the load and the wall and the stack, after doing this and performing the above points, the rafter must issue a command to lift the load, before moving the load, he must first raise it to a height of 200300 mm and check the uniformity of tension of the slings, as well as the reliability of the sling;

- during the horizontal movement of the load, the rafter must ensure that the load is raised not less than 500 mm higher than the objects encountered not in the way, but above the forests - more than 1 m;

- to accompany cargo and to watch that under cargo there were no people (cargo can be not accompanied if cargo and a way. on which it moves, Visible from one place);

6. Before lowering the load, the slingshot must first inspect the place where the load should be lowered and make sure that the dimensions between the load and the wall, stack or road will be observed, the load cannot slide or overturn, while strong gaskets must be pre-laid at the unloading site, so that the chuck ropes or chains can be easily and without damage removed from under the load.

7. The stroper has the right to remove slings from the load or hook of the crane only when the load is reliably installed in place and fixed.

8. If During Operation the rafter notices a faulty crane or crane track, he shall immediately notify the crane operator and the person responsible for cargo handling.

9. Lifting and movement of small-piece cargoes shall be carried out in special packagings, and the possibility of individual cargoes falling off shall be excluded. Lifting of bricks on pallets without fencing is allowed when loading and unloading to the ground from the car, as well as if people are removed from the cargo transfer area.

10. The Strooper may be located near the load during its lifting or lowering, if the load is at a height of not more than 1 m from the level of the platform on which the Strooper is located.

11. During crane operation, the rafter shall not:

- start work without receiving instruction from the person responsible for safe movement of goods by cranes before starting work;

- use worn out defective, without marks or tags slings and other load-grabbing devices and packaging;

- performance of works on slinging and hooking of loads during rain, thunderstorms, heavy snowfall, as well as during strong wind over 6 points and during ice;

- engage the load on the crane hook, the weight of which exceeds the crane lifting capacity, the load of unknown weight, the load filled with ground, put to the ground, poured with concrete;

- hold hands, correct by hammer, scrap and so on chalky ropes with which the load to be lifted is tied;

- to be under the load lifted or moved, as well as on the load lifted or moved, and during operation of boom cranes in the area of possible boom drop;

- perform loading and unloading from the vehicle if the driver is in the cab, if there are people in the car body;

- pull off the load during lifting, moving or lowering of the load;

- work on a poorly lit or trapped site;

- cargo supply to window openings and balcony without special receiving platforms or special devices;

- operation at disabled or faulty safety devices and brakes;

- release of slings, ropes and chains clamped by the load-carrying machine;

- lifting of cargo In unstable position or cargo suspended from one horn of two hook;

- lifting of railway products weighing more than 500 kg, which do not have markings and instructions on actual Weight;

- performs operations with cranes at a distance closer than 30 m from the extreme wire of power transmission line or Air electric network with voltage greater than 36.8 without work permit;

- install boom cranes on freshly filled soil;

- lift the load, to which the slinging diagram is not developed.

12. When storing construction materials, the following conditions shall be observed:

- all stored materials must be stored according to the construction plan;

- passages of at least 1 m shall be provided between stacks on the site;

- do not tie (rest) railway or other products and building materials to fences, to the wall of the building and to other temporary and capital structures. When laying and disassembling stacks with a height of more than 1.8 m, it is necessary to use portable inventory sites or ladders to switch from one stack to another;

- brick should be placed in a cage with a height of not more than 25 rows, and on rib - more than 13 rows;

- store wall panels in cassettes, pyramids, and partition panels In cassettes vertically;

- floor slabs should be laid in stacks not more than 2 m high, and gaskets should be placed between them, and under the lining stack;

- large wall blocks should be stored only in vertical position, and other blocks should be stacked;

- lumber must be stacked, with ordinary stacking no more than half the stacking height, and with cage laying no more than half the width of the stacking, -

- fine metal shall be laid in racks not more than 1.5 m high, -

- glass should be stored in boxes and stored only in 1 row;

The slinger must remember that when stacking railway products and other materials of the lining and gasket must be located in the same vertical plane, and their thickness should be slightly larger than the height of the mounting loops in the products. Indiscriminate storage of materials, articles is prohibited, it is forbidden to lay materials and articles on snow and ice.

10. Decisions of the construction plan.

Before starting work, it is necessary to plan the site, remove surface Waters, protect with a continuous blind fence. The construction site should be protected according to the design decision, the gates should be hung, access roads with an entry device should be laid, internal roads should be equipped. The passage on intra-island roads must be circular or through, i.e. without dead ends, which ensures the safety of traffic.

Warning signs shall be installed on the construction site at entry and exit. In accordance with GOST 124.02676 "Entry," "Caution, crane works!," "Entrance (passage) is prohibited!," And when leaving: "Exit," "Caution, pedestrians!."

Keep the installed warning signs until the end of construction.

The speed of vehicles should be limited by signs "Not more than 10 km/h," and under especially constrained conditions "5 km/h." The width of the roadway with one-sided movement is 3.5-4.5 m, the minimum radius of rounding is 10 m, and with the movement of panelists at least 12 m.

Storage of building materials and structures shall be performed in the crane area. Materials, products, structures should be placed on verified and tamped sites protected from surface water, the storage area is indicated by inscriptions, plates with the name and brand of the products are installed at the places of storage. Width of passages between stacks of materials and structures shall be not less than 1 m.

The vehicles shall be unloaded from a temporary road or from a special loading and unloading site. Benches with slinging diagrams, Cargo weight table In cold season to be installed in domestic premises.

When organizing a construction site, it is necessary to establish areas dangerous to people. Areas of potential operating production factors should be protected by signal barriers that meet the requirements of GOST 2340778. The boundary of the hazardous area near the places of cargo movement by cranes is 7 m at maximum height of cargo lifting up to 20 m inclusive, 5 m near the building under construction from its External parameter, at maximum height of cargo lifting up to maintenance m the boundary of the hazardous area is 10 m, and near the building under construction from its external parameter is 7 m.

In the dark, the construction site is illuminated with floodlights on the mast, and the installation platforms with floor floodlights.

In all construction areas where it is required according to GOST: equipment, machines, mechanisms must have warning signs and safety signs.

On the construction plan, indicate the locations of domestic premises, a pro-slave room, a toilet, a solution unit and open warehouses. Domestic premises, pro-slave and closed tool warehouse are located outside the hazardous area, if possible near the entrance to the construction site with the greatest approach to workplaces.

According to fire safety standards, a stand with a set of primary fire extinguishing equipment is installed in a prominent place at the object under construction.

The construction plan reflects: explication of temporary buildings and

structures, warehouses, vertical and horizontal connections of the crane to the building under construction (section), technical characteristics of the crane, table of maximum weight of products and structures, symbols, general instructions on the construction site organization and safety. In winter, provide the facility with a mobile warm toilet.

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