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GRES 880MW 220KV - diploma


Design GRES 880MW, 220Kv

Project's Content

icon Диплом ГРЭС введение.doc
icon Диплом ГРЭС заземление.docx
icon Диплом ГРЭС литра.doc
icon Диплом ГРЭС охрана труда.docx
icon Диплом ГРЭС разрез.cdw
icon Диплом ГРЭС релейка.docx
icon Диплом ГРЭС рз-схема.cdw
icon Диплом ГРЭС схема.cdw
icon Диплом ГРЭС Экономика.doc
icon Диплом ГРЭС электрическая часть.docx
icon Содержание.doc
icon Спецификация.doc
icon Титульный.doc

Additional information



Assignment No. 01 for the diploma project

Technical Design List (TP)


Selection of the main electrical diagram of the designed power plant

Selection of power plant main equipment

Calculation of the number of lines

Selecting switchgear diagrams

Feasibility Study

Selection of auxiliary power supply schemes and

auxiliary transformers

Calculation of short-circuit currents

Selection of electrical devices

Selection of current-carrying parts of control and indication panel

Selection of measuring transformers

Switchgear Design Selection and Descriptions

Calculation of relay protection of the specified element

Calculation of 220 kV OPC grounding device

Special question "Sources and circuits of operating current" presentation

Occupational safety. Fire protection

Calculation of TPP GRES 880 MW. Economic part

List of sources used

1 introduction

1.1 The topic of the GRES diploma project is 880 MW, developed on the basis of PUE, R&D, PTB documents.

1.2 In accordance with the issued assignment, this 880 MW GRES is being built in the Western Siberia region.

1.3 Western Siberia is a part of Siberia located between the Ural Mountains in the west and the Yenisei River channel in the east. The area of ​ ​ the region is 2.6 million km (15% of the territory of Russia). The population is 15 million people (10% of the population of Russia). The population density is 5.77 people. by 1 km.

1.4 Western Siberia is a territory stretching 2500 km from the Arctic Ocean to the uplands of the Kazakh shallow sediment and 1900 km from the mountains of the Urals to the Yenisei. About 80% of the area of ​ ​ Western Siberia is located within the West Siberian Plain, which consists of two flat bowl-shaped very swampy depressions, separated by Siberian Uvals elevated to 175-200 m. In the southeast, the West Siberian Plain, gradually rising, is replaced by the foothills of Altai, Salair, Kuznetsk Alatau and Mountain Shoria.

1.5 The most developed fields of industry are oil, gas, coal and forestry. In Western Siberia, more than 70% of all-Russian oil and gas production, about 30% of coal and 20% of wood are mined. There is a powerful oil and gas production complex. The area of ​ ​ oil and gas-bearing lands is about 2 million km.

1.6 The largest cities - Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Barnaul, Novokuznetsk, Tomsk, Kemerovo, Kurgan, Pavlodar, UstKamenogorsk, Surgut.

Drawings content

icon Диплом ГРЭС разрез.cdw

Диплом ГРЭС разрез.cdw

icon Диплом ГРЭС рз-схема.cdw

Диплом ГРЭС рз-схема.cdw

icon Диплом ГРЭС схема.cdw

Диплом ГРЭС схема.cdw

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