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Graduate work on mechanical engineering technology

  • Added: 30.08.2014
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Graduate work on engineering technology. Routings, models. Workpiece and part drawings. Milestones (explanatory note).

Project's Content

icon 0. Этикетка.doc
icon 1. Титульный.doc
icon 10. Содержание.docx
icon 2. Задание.doc
icon 3. Этап - 1.docx
icon 4. Этап - 2.docx
icon 5. Этап - 3.docx
icon 6. Этап - 4.docx
icon 7. Этап - 5.docx
icon 8. Этап - 6.docx
icon 9. Список литературы.docx
icon КЭ 005.xls
icon КЭ 010.xls
icon КЭ 020.xls
icon КЭ 025.xls
icon КЭ 030.xls
icon КЭ 035.xls
icon МК - 1.xls
icon МК - 2.xls
icon ОК 005.xls
icon ОК 010.xls
icon ОК 020.xls
icon ОК 025.xls
icon ОК 030.xls
icon ОК 035.xls
icon Масса-деталь.txt
icon Масса-заготовка.txt
icon ТМС - Заготовка.m3d
icon ТМС - Корпус.m3d
icon 005.jpg
icon 010.jpg
icon 020.jpg
icon 025.jpg
icon 030.jpg
icon 035.jpg
icon 400v_b.jpg
icon 6m13nc.gif
icon 6t12.jpg
icon OPC.jpg
icon Деталь.cdw
icon Заготовка.cdw
icon ЭК.cdw

Additional information


Job and Source Data

1. Analysis of source data

1.1. Part Description

1.2. Part Material

1.3. Part Processability Analysis

1.4. Production type and lot size

1.5. Typical group

2. Procurement Selection and Settlement

2.1. Select Procurement Type and Method

2.2. Calculation of total allowances

2.3. Billet Mass Calculation

2.4. Calculation of procurement cost

3. Preparation of processing route and selection of equipment

3.1. Select Processing Methods

3.2. Selection of process bases

3.3. Equipment selection

3.4. Processing route

4. Calculation of allowances and limit dimensions, selection of process equipment

4.1. Analytical calculation of allowances and limit dimensions

4.2. Selection of process equipment

5. Selecting a Cutting Tool and Calculating Cutting Modes

5.1. Selecting a Cutting Tool

5.2. Calculation of cutting modes

6. Selection of measuring instruments and calculation of time standards

6.1. Selection of measuring instruments

6.2. Calculation of time standards

List of literature

Job and Source Data


Design a single operational manufacturing process for this part.

Source data.

Part - Housing of balancing mechanism, drawing No. 9.

The annual production volume of the part is 9000 pcs.

Material - GOST 141285 SCh20.

Analysis of source data

1.1. Description of the part.

The part is a body of a balancing mechanism.

The balancing mechanism serves to balance the moment of tilting of the motors, reduce vibration and prevent the occurrence of resonance. The housing of the balancing mechanism is designed to accommodate shafts, fly masses, gear-weights and bearings.

The Executive Surfaces (ES) of a detail are the surfaces of openings of Ø60H7 serving as support of bearings and shafts. The main design and main process base (IC and OT) is the body plane, the base surface B, relative to which the positions of the main elements of the part are determined. Auxiliary design bases (VK) are axes of openings of Ø24H12 and Ø60H7 which define the provision of the details attached to the case.

1.5. Typical group.

The part belongs to the class "Body": it is not a body of revolution, has an internal cavity, a complex spatial shape and overall dimensions of the same order; there are precise holes in the body of the part; is used for arrangement of mechanism parts.

Procurement Selection and Settlement

2.1. Select the procurement type and method.

For cast iron parts of the "housing" class with a large-scale type of production, blanks are cast, obtained either by casting according to metal models or casting into a chill. Both methods have high performance and a good level of mechanization.

Casting into a chill provides higher dimensional accuracy and surface quality, as well as eliminates the use of earth in molding operations, but has a high labor input and cost of making a chill, the resistance of which when casting cast iron blanks is low.

Casting according to metal models provides sufficient dimensional accuracy and surface quality, as well as has a lower cost and labor input for making a metal mold.

Thus, it is more advantageous to obtain preforms by casting using metal models.

Selection of process equipment

At the first operation, the blank is installed in a coordinate angle with cylindrical clamps, basing takes place along three mutually perpendicular planes.

In other operations, the part is installed in a special accessory consisting of a mounting plane with short and short cut fingers, the clamp is carried out by clamps along the flange of the body. Basing takes place along the main plane and two holes perpendicular to it.

Selection of measuring instruments and calculation of time standards

6.1. Select measurement tools.

The control of linear and diametrical dimensions of the part will be carried out with the help of the rod cylinder ShTSh 0-400 GOST 16680.

Check of the main holes is carried out by gage-plugs with smooth gage-plug 8133-1104 Ø60 N7 PR GOST 1481269 and gage-plug 8133-1154 Ø60 N7 NOT GOST 1481369.

The fixing carving is controlled by a stopper carving 82613044 M10x1.5 PR/NE of GOST 1775672.

To control the shape and location errors, we use test bar BK350 GOST 2260177, indicator nutrometer NI 100 GOST 86882 and IR indicator GOST 57768.

Comparison samples according to GOST 937893 are used to determine surface roughness.

Drawings content

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