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Gearbox with spindle

  • Added: 21.05.2018
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Course project. Gearbox assembly drawing with spindle. Specification. Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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1. Analysis of machined parts design, refinement of routing and operating technology of part manufacturing - representative (processing route and operation performed on the designed machine)

2. Definition of the main technical characteristics of the module

2.1. Main operating conditions of the machine

2.2. Characteristic combinations of process conditions

2.3. Determination of cut limits and maximum (design) effective power

2.4. Determination of design values of technical characteristics of the module

2.5. Analysis of technical characteristics of similar machine modules

2.6 Specification specification of the designed machine module

3. Defining Machine and Module Layouts

4. Definition of functional subsystems of the designed module and development of its structure

4.1 Main transitions and processing diagrams

4.2. Definition of functional subsystems

5. Development of kinematic diagram of the module

5.1 Determination of gearbox parameters

5.2 Determination of design loads

6. Design calculations of parts

6.1 Calculation of allowable contact stresses for gears

6.2 Preliminary calculation of shaft diameters

6.3 Gear Calculation

6.4 Drive Layout Selection

6.5 Shaft convolution diagram

7. Design Validation and Refinement

7.1 Check calculation of intermediate shaft

7.2 Check calculation of output shaft bearings

7.3 Check calculation of gears

7.3 Calculation of spindle assembly for stiffness


List of literature



In lathes, instead of a layout with a separate arrangement of the spindle and gearbox, they began to use a gearbox with a spindle. This situation is due to the fact that in this case the drive becomes more compact, the number of body parts decreases, the total error at the end of the spindle decreases, and it is easy to control and operate.

In this course design, the drive of the main movement of the multi-purpose machine, which is a gearbox with a spindle, is being developed. For this purpose, the design of the machined parts is analyzed, the manufacturing technology of the detail representative is specified, the main technical characteristics of the module, the machine layout, functional subsystems are determined and the structure of the module is developed. The module parts are calculated using computers, the module design is developed and the calculation and graphics part is executed.


During the course work, elements of the sketch and technical design of the module of the main movement of the machine with numerical program control were developed. The technological purpose of the machine, the main functional subsystems of the module and its structure, the layout of the machine and the module were determined, the kinematic diagram of the module was developed. This module is designed to process parts of the piston type, all main surfaces have been taken into account in the design, which may include parts of this type.

Drawings content

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