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Gas supply to the village of Berdyash, Zilair district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

  • Added: 09.08.2014
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The presented diploma project considered the gas supply system of the village of Berdyash, Zilair district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The technological part of the diploma project gives a brief description of the gas supply object, hydraulic calculation of gas-limiting networks and calculation of the protective case when crossing the road.

Project's Content

icon 1 Технологич.часть.docx
icon 3 Безопасность и экологичность проекта.docx
icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.docx
icon задание готовое.doc
icon Задание не очень.doc
icon КПС.jpg
icon регулятор РДНК-400-.jpg
icon фильтр.jpg
icon Дом.bak
icon Дом.cdw
icon Профиль перехода Усмангали 1.cdw
icon Расчетная схема д.Усмангали.cdw
icon Схема ГРПШ.bak
icon Схема ГРПШ.cdw
icon Схема ПСК.bak
icon Схема ПСК.cdw
icon Схема ФСА 1.bak
icon Схема ФСА 1.cdw
icon Схема ФСА 1.jpg
icon Усмангали готово.bmp
icon Фильтр.bak
icon Фильтр.cdw
icon Чертеж РД400.bak
icon Чертеж РД400.cdw
icon Чертеж СТГ-1Д10.cdw
icon Список БЖД.docx
icon Правильный список.docx
icon Расчетная схема д.Бердяш.bak
icon Расчетная схема д.Бердяш.cdw
icon РЕФЕРАТ.doc
icon Дом.jpg
icon Расчетная схема д.Бердяш.jpg
icon Схема ГРПШ.cdw
icon Схема ГРПШ.jpg
icon Схема ПСК.jpg
icon Схема ФСА 1.jpg
icon Фильтр.jpg
icon Чертеж РД400.jpg
icon Чертеж СТГ-1Д10.jpg
icon СПИСОК использованных источников.docx
icon Список использованных источников.pdf
icon грп.vsd
icon дом.vsd
icon котел.vsd
icon ПСК.vsd
icon расчетная схема.vsd
icon регулятор.vsd
icon фильтр.vsd
icon экологичность проекта.docx

Additional information






1.1 Brief description of gas supply facility

1.2 Composition and physicochemical properties of the gas used

1.3 Selection of low pressure gas distribution network configuration

1.4 Hydraulic calculation of gas distribution networks

1.4.1 Gas consumption modes

1.4.2 Determination of estimated gas flow rates by network sections

1.4.3 Calculation of low pressure dead end branched gas network by method of optimal diameters

1.5 Calculation of internal house gas pipeline

1.6 Gas control point of Berdyash village of Zilair district

1.6.1 GRP designation and classification

1.6.2 Selection of GRPP type

1.6.3 Process diagram of GRPP, its structure and operation principle

1.6.4 Purpose of GRPP equipment, its design and operation

1.7 Construction of junctions of distribution gas pipelines

1.7.1 Methods of constructing passages under roads

1.8 Calculation of gas pipeline transition under the road by horizontal drilling method

1.8.1 Calculation of protective case


2.1 Selection and justification of section theme

2.2 Main tasks of automation of gas-using plants

2.3 Boiler Automation

2.4 Functional diagram of automation, its description

2.5 Automation Equipment Used

2.5.1 A signaling device toxic and STG1 combustible gases - 1D10 (O)

2.5.2 Safety and fire control device Signal-

2.5.3 Pressure switch sensor of DPP type

2.5.4. Pressure gauges of MP4-U type

2.5.5 Flare Control Unit


3.1 Occupational safety

3.1.1 Analysis of hazardous and harmful production factors

3.1.2 Engineering and organizational safety measures

3.1.3 Lighting and ventilation in the GRP room

3.2 Industrial Safety

3.2.1 Risk of emergencies

3.3 Environmental friendliness of the project


4.1 Economic justification for consumers of low-pressure gas pipeline construction



The share of natural gas in the fuel balance of Russia is 60%. Since natural gas is a highly efficient energy carrier, in the context of economic growth in the country, gasification can form the basis of the socio-economic development of the regions of Russia, ensure the improvement of working and living conditions of the population, as well as reduce environmental pollution .

The wide introduction of natural gas into the national economy as a technological and energy fuel, as well as raw materials for the chemical industry, is due not only to the high growth in gas production, but also to its technical and economic advantages over other fuels:

low cost;

high heat of combustion, which ensures expediency of its transportation through main gas pipelines for considerable distances;

complete combustion, facilitating the working conditions of personnel serving gas equipment and networks;

the absence of carbon monoxide in its composition, which is especially important in gas leaks arising from the gas supply to utility and household consumers;

high heat performance (more than 2000 ° C);

possibility to automate combustion processes and achieve high efficiency.

The use of gas fuel makes it possible to introduce efficient heat transfer methods, create economical and high-performance thermal units with smaller dimensions, cost and high efficiency, as well as improve product quality when used

natural gas as feedstock.

The main task in the use of natural gas is its rational consumption, that is, reducing the specific consumption by introducing economical technological processes in which the positive properties of gas are most fully realized.

In recent years, a program of gasification of rural settlements has been implemented in Bashkortostan and district systems have now been created to provide gas not only to urban, but also to rural consumers in a large area.

The presented project considered the gas supply system of the village of Berdyash, Zilair district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

In the technological part of the diploma project, a brief characteristic of the gas supply object is given, hydraulic calculation of gas distribution networks and calculation of the protective case when crossing the road is given. The following are considered in detail: process diagram of the cabinet gas control station (GRPP); purpose of GRPP equipment, its design and operation; construction of junctions of distribution gas pipelines. The issue of selecting the configuration of the low-pressure gas distribution network is also considered.

The section Measuring and Monitoring Equipment describes the functional diagram of the Vitoplex 300 boiler automation. The device and principle of operation of technical means of boiler house automation are considered .

The section "Safety and Environmental Friendliness of the Project" includes analysis of hazards and hazards during operation of the GRPP, industrial safety and environmental friendliness of the project during operation of the GRPP.

The economic part provides a comparative estimate of the feasibility of using natural gas as a fuel for heating, cooking and hot water.

1 process part

1.1 Brief description of gas supply facility

The designed low-pressure gas pipelines laid in the village of Berdyash and across the Berdyash River are located in the Zilair district of the Republic of Belarus. The gas distribution network of the village of Berdyash, Zilair district, is a distribution gas pipeline for supplying gas to consumers in residential buildings, public utilities, enterprises and other consumers.

The project provides for tie-in to the existing high-pressure gas pipeline P = 0.6 MPa, installation of a gas control station (GRP) to reduce the pressure to P = 0.003 MPa and the construction of above-ground and partially underground low-pressure gas pipelines to consumers - along the streets of Yerovchinskaya, Central, Shkolnaya, Kasmarskaya, Sosnovskaya, Baigulskaya and Kuznechnaya. Diameters of gas pipelines are determined by hydraulic calculation.

The territory is built up with individual residential buildings. The route of the designed gas pipeline crosses the Berdyash River and an unnamed stream, roads, underground engineering communications, air lines and communications.

According to physical and geographical conditions, the survey area is located within the Zilair plateau. The area is hilly, with a significant slope towards crossed rivers and streams.

The climate in the area of ​ ​ the alleged work is moderately cold, well moistened. The absolute maximum temperature in July is plus 38 ° С, the absolute minimum in January is minus 44 ° С. The average annual air temperature is plus 1.7 ° C.

The greatest depth of soil freezing is 149 cm. The prevailing wind direction in summer is northern, in winter it is southern.

Drawings content

icon Дом.cdw


icon Профиль перехода Усмангали 1.cdw

Профиль перехода Усмангали 1.cdw

icon Расчетная схема д.Усмангали.cdw

Расчетная схема д.Усмангали.cdw

icon Схема ГРПШ.cdw

Схема ГРПШ.cdw

icon Схема ПСК.cdw

Схема ПСК.cdw

icon Схема ФСА 1.cdw

Схема ФСА 1.cdw

icon Фильтр.cdw


icon Чертеж РД400.cdw

Чертеж РД400.cdw

icon Чертеж СТГ-1Д10.cdw

Чертеж СТГ-1Д10.cdw

icon Расчетная схема д.Бердяш.cdw

Расчетная схема д.Бердяш.cdw

icon Схема ГРПШ.cdw

Схема ГРПШ.cdw
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